Memories Part 2

1373 Words
Jackson “Why is my Dad in your memories?” Greer asked Kora in disbelief. The sparks that appeared in her hands growing, twisting and turning into balls of lightening that sparked. Oblivious to them, lost in her own world of pain I drew her back to me. Feeling her seek comfort in my arms I wished everyone would leave. It was like her mind had shut down but her body refused to comply. The balls of lighting in her hands diminished as I pulled her into my shoulder. The words of the memory replaying in my head. “She is my mate, you knew this might happen.” “But why did it have to be her, why my best friend?” “I’m sorry” “F***** stop it Iris.” It broke my heart to see her reaching out into thin air to her Dad. The memory faded and I saw Kora staring at Greer in disbelief. “What.. what did you say?” Kora moved towards her and I cradled Greer closer, raising my hand to stop her in her tracks. Evan reached for her, glaring at me as she flinched from my hand. Right now I didn’t care, my sole priority the girl in my arms. It didn’t take a genius to work out if the wolf in those memories was Greer’s father Jason then they were sisters. The look of recognition on Ashton’s face confirmed it for me. I couldn’t stand everyone’s shocked looks staring at her. I resisted the urge to pick her up and run out by gently ushering her out of the room. I didn’t know where I was going, but once I got out of the room Greer seemed to snap out of her trance. She pushed me away and ran. I went to follow but I felt a warm hand in my wrist. Snatching my hand away from Thea I knew what that meant. “Don’t I need to go with her.” I told Thea. “Let me Jackson, imagine what she is dealing with now. I promise I’ll link you.” I didn’t want leave her, but I understood what Thea was saying. This wasn’t about me, she wasn’t running from me. I went back to my office. Kora, Ara and Evan had left. Luke was sat on my desk with Felicity in my chair, Ashton stood behind her his hands on her shoulder. She went to stand but I waved her off. Iris was pacing the room. “Thea has found her, you should have let me go.” She told me while glaring at Oliver. “Thea can do the calming thing, did you see what was in her hands?” Oliver obviously had been worried Greer wouldn’t be able to control her powers. I was surprised Luke let Thea go, now I could see his eyes darting to the door, clearly desperate to run after them. “I did. Jackson do you want to explain what’s going on.” Iris was still pacing. “It’s her birthday. We are mates.” Now I looked at Ashton. “You met her father, was that him.” Ashton nodded. “Well this is a s*** storm in a teacup. We …s.*** we need to go.” Pulling free from Oliver she raced outside. Luke, Oliver and I were hot on her heels, quickly catching her. Thea hadn’t linked me so I used my nose to guide us, her honey scent coming from the lake. “Jackson I need you, she is too strong.” Thea linked me. I didn’t reply as I could see them up ahead, standing by the lake. Greer was staring out over the water, surrounded by a glowing light, her hair charged statically, flowing out behind her. Lightening charges flew from her hands and without warning she screamed sending bolts of lightening cracking into the sky. Luke was upon Thea immediately. His hands running over her assessing her for injuries. “She didn’t hurt me but I can’t get close.” Thea shouted over the crackling of the electricity around her. Greer was staring out over the water, her eyes unfocused, devoid of emotion, like she was channeling it all into her hands and throwing to the sky. Her lightning bolts flashed through the sky crashing to the ground around us forcing everyone to cower. Iris produced a bubble and it worked its way towards Greer, her sparks cracking of it as it started to enclose her. She tilted her head like she saw the silver film approaching. Opening the palm of her hand we watched as sparks merged into bolts and flew in circles until they formed a ball. So mesmerised by the beautiful creation in her hand she didn’t notice the bubble engulf her. With a flick of her wrist she threw her ball at the bubble. The shock wave that was produced sent everyone flying. Iris got a shield up in time to keep her and Oliver on their feet. I was thrown a little way but the instance I hit the ground I was back on my feet, ignoring the jarring pain in my body as I raced to her side. Registering her surprise as I took her hand, the sparks zapped at our contact. Slowly her eyes gained focus and she looked down at her palm and then around in horror at the charred landscape around us. “What did I do?” She whispered more to herself than me. “It’s going to be okay Greer let us help you.” Nodding blindly she let me lead her away from the waters edge. Thea and Luke had picked themselves up and Thea reached for Greer but Luke went to stop her. “It’s alright Luke, let her.” I told him. Greer already felt calmer now. She placed her hand around Greer’s wrist. “Relax Greer, you need to rest.” She went to protest and I felt her legs start to weaken. Greer’s panicked eyes met mine. My heart started to race as I saw her want to trust me. “It’s okay, I got you.” I scooped her up as her eyes started to close. Placing a kiss on her temple as I cradled her to my chest. Back in my office with Greer resting on the sofa I sat on the floor beside her, gently stroking the strands of hair that had fallen over her face. How could I have been so blind to my feeling for her. Why was the guilt of having a new mate not hitting and why did everything feel stronger and more intense with her. “We still need to go to Black Diamond. Luke can you plan out attack. We can’t take Felicity, so we will need to get our hands on plans of the pack so we can work out where she is.” Iris was in military mode, Oliver knew to simply follow her orders right now, only intervening when her plans bordered on dangerous, which as he was as reckless as her was really suicidal. She looked at Greer. “Seen as Kora’s father is dead, we aren’t any closer to unbinding this wolf. I wonder if it’s worth sending them to Crimson Pack to see what they can uncover.” “That’s unlikely to be fruitful didn’t Greer said that witches had been banished. Which deepens the mystery why the alpha had a secret child with a witch.” Thea replied. “A witch that was best friends with his mate. Which clearly Greer knew nothing about.” I remained sat on the floor. “I assume you are accepting her ?” Thea linked me. “Of course. Why?” “Well you weren’t receptive to the idea of a mate. I felt her feelings. She is waiting for you to change your mind…and what she has just found out has floored her. The one person she did trust was lying to her her whole life.” I knew what she was trying to say without saying it. She had no idea what state of mind Greer would be in when she woke up.
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