The dress

1223 Words
Greer I woke the next morning having slept better than I thought I would. I lay in bed for a moment releasing I hadn’t made a plan last night. I thought sleep would evade me and I would have hours to digest everything but the moment I closed my eyes I must have fallen asleep. I really wanted a shower, but seen as I had survived the night next door to my father’s murderer and decided not to risk being here any longer. As I didn’t know where my actual room was and I was hungry again I fixed my hair best I could and headed down for breakfast, hoping I didn’t meet many wolves. Luna rose was in the kitchen to my relief. She took in my unchanged clothes but offered me a good morning and gestured I sit. We exchanged pleasantries while I ate breakfast but before I could leave Thea appeared. She looked apprehensive before brightly wishing me good morning and enquiring after my sleep. “I need to ask you something, a favour perhaps Greer if you don’t mind. Ara, the witch you met yesterday is Kora’s sister and well Iris and I can’t sense a wolf within her, but she asked if you could check, seen as you found Kora’s. I felt your fear of them yesterday but you seemed okay with Kora later so I understand if you don’t want to but if you wouldn’t mind it would be helpful.” It sounded silly that my fear of these witches was ebbing, I think it was because one of these two as one had a wolf and they were both so accepted here. I was slowly starting to doubt some of the things I was lead to believe. However I wasn’t ready to face the implications yet. I needed to gather more information. “Okay. I’ll try… but I don’t know if I’ll be any help. I’m just a normal wolf.” “That’s what you think Greer. I think you are special.” Zorina whispered. I did like her pep talks. “Great let’s go now.” “Once you are done Greer, could you come to my office. I need to see your dress for the luna ceremony so I can start to plan.” Luna rose called across the kitchen. “I hope you don’t mind. I think Jackson would prefer this to be low key, so we will probably have a small ceremony. My ceremony… I didn’t think I would get one unless he chose me to be his luna. My surprise must have shown. “I hope you don’t mind? They did get you a dress?” Maybe they did, it could be in my bag. My heart sank at the thought. I could pretend it had been left behind in our haste to leave yesterday if there wasn’t one in my bag. so I nodded and followed Thea out the door. Ara and Kora were sat in an office waiting. I didn’t want to get too close to Ara but I didn’t want her to think I didn’t like her. It wasn’t her fault I had an irrational fear of witches. She jumped up and came closer and I had to resist the urge to back away. I didn’t know how to search for a wolf. “Does she have one ?” “No.” My wolf replied. “Sure?” “Yes.” She huffed. This was now a bit awkward. I could see the excitement leaving her eyes with my silence. “Sorry Ara I think you are a witch not a wolf.” I said finally. I was unprepared for her to reaction. Tears escaped her eyes and she let her sister lead her to a small sofa where she sat sobbing. I felt awkward now so I looked at Thea for permission to leave. She followed me out. “Do you want me to show you to your room. Coral told me you got lost yesterday. We should leave them for a bit.” Looking at Kora and Ara she led me back to my real room. “I can take your dress to Mum if you want to shower and change.” I opened my bag unsure if I wanted there to be a dress there or not. They had at least actually packed my clothes. There was a couple of summer dresses but nothing formal enough for a luna ceremony. Thea was so silent I forgot she was there. “They didn’t send you a dress.” Thea exclaimed. I was too embarrassed to reply. Evidence of how much I was cared about by my family laid bare for her to see. I considered a lie to cover up for them but Thea clapped her hands. “Excellent we will have to go shopping. I love shopping. Oh my god you might be even better to style than Iris.” I cringed with embarrassment again. “I can’t go shopping, I don’t have any money to buy a dress.” “Don’t be ridiculous Jackson is rich, he will buy it.” I shook my head. I didn’t want to have to ask him for anything if I could help it. She paused for a moment, deciding not to argue with me. “There is a closest next to my room. It’s full of old ball gown and dresses such like. Have a look through that and take anything you want. Meet me in Mums office and we can alter them to for you. Sound okay?” I smiled properly for the first time. She really was so kind. I wondered if I could almost pretend I brought a dress to her Mum and hide my shame. I thanked Zorina for telling to trust her. “Told you so. But I think you should let the alpha buy us a new dress.” “Not happening, I might have to pay in blood.” The closet Thea spoke of was full of dresses. While all were beautiful, some looked too formal for a quiet ceremony and I remembered pale colours were appropriate. Selecting a couple of beautiful dresses that looked like they might fit I went straight to the luna’s office. Finding no one else had arrived yet I decided I may as well try some on. The first was a pale yellow colour. As I put it on I found it gaping at the chest area, and generally a little too big for my slight curves. It could be adjusted but I decided to try another. A lovely cream dress caught my attention. Shimming into it my bra was showing so I removed it. The dress was too long, maybe a little tight across my chest but it hugged my figure nicely. I found a little box to stand on. I hopped onto it, it would be easy to take a little of the length now. The door to the office opened, and Jackson barged in. “Mother we need a another new nanny, this one has…” He stopped as soon as his eyes clapped onto me. Tension crackled the air and fury descended upon him. “What the f*** are you wearing ?” He roared as he flew towards me.
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