
1153 Words
Jackson The nanny had quit, again. Adding Iris’s boys had only escalated the trouble our pups got into. Mum and luna Clara were the only one who could handle all four. They would just have to help until I found another new one. Mum had linked me that she needed a date for the ceremony as she would start planning today. I would have put it of but I knew the rules. Greer would have her ceremony and take the title but she wasn’t officially staying luna until I marked her. Which I had 12 months to do. Unless she met her mate, in which she was to be released immediately if she wished. This rule the council set as a choice. Her uncle chose to include it in her contact, which he didn’t need to. It showed some level of care for her, when everything else in that pack had not. It hadn’t escaped my notice that the only person that seemed sad to see her leave was the other girl, if you believed her tears. The young alpha wasn’t happy she was leaving but I didn’t trust his feelings for her as genuine. I needed to stop thinking about her and her feelings. All we needed to do was coexist in peace. I was sure once I made her realise I hadn’t been the one responsible for murder of her father, she might lose some of her prickliness and it might be easier to get along. That was as until I walked into Mum’s office and found her looking breathtakingly beautiful in a cream dress. As I stared at her in awe memories floods back as I recognised the dress as Scarlett’s. All at once the scene replayed in my mind of her luna ceremony. Momentarily blindsided by the happy emotions I felt at the time I refocussed my eyes on the scene in front of me. Pain and anger at the cruel twist of fate that brought me here ripped at my heart. Rage filled me that she dare wear her dress. Did she think she could merely replace her. Flying across the room I ripped the dress from her body, her scream of fright echoing in my ears. She fell across the room, cowering in her now nakedness, blood soaking her shoulder and then started to flow from a cut on her head as she crashed into the corner of a table. I could see the fear in her eyes as she tried to shield her body from my view. As my rage towards her instantly lessened I was dozed in shame. I instinctively reached to help her, apologies about to spill from my lips when the air cracked between us and she roiled from my hand. Pinning herself against the wall. “Thea come to Mums office now.” “I’m just dealing with Ara. I’m meeting Greer there soon.” “Now Thea.” I ordered. I needed to leave this room but I couldn’t leave her in this state. I averted my eyes from the damage I had inflicted. I saw a box in the middle of the room where she had been standing. She must have been on it, probably why she fell so hard. If I had though I saw hatred in her eyes before it was nothing to what I could see now. Fear has been replaced with burning loathing now I was further from her proximity. In all honestly I couldn’t blame her, now I was calmer I realised she likely had no idea what she has done to encur my treatment of her right now. I couldn’t bring myself to explain right though the raw emotion too much for me to process. Thea rushed in straight away. Surveying the scene. “What happened?” As she took in a naked Greer cowering in the corner. “Heal her.” I demanded and Thea moved towards her. “No,” she shook her head, looking like she wanted to stand but remembered her nakedness. “Don’t touch me.” “Greer, it won’t hurt. I can make it better.” She shook her head. “I’ll heal, pass my clothes.” She looked pleadingly at Thea. “Jackson, get out you can explain this later.” She linked me. Then her eyes fell onto the dress lying on the floor in shreds. Her eyes widening in recognition. “Oh goddness I’m sorry I forgot I put that dress there. This is all my fault.” She pushed Greer’s clothes towards her and I turned to leave the room. “It’s not your fault your brother is a brute. Now I can see where the rumours come from. I should have know, there is rarely smoke without fire.” She spat, knowing fine well I would hear on my way out. I heard Ara call for me as I staked down the hall. I turned to see her tear streaked face. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her as well. “What’s wrong.” “Turns out I don’t have a wolf. I don’t know why I was so excited I’m happy being a witch.” “Well then, it’s no loss to you is it ?” It didn’t explain her tears. “I jus thought it might help you, you know if I turned out to be your mate. You wouldn’t need to worry about the chosen luna.” I rubbed my forehead in frustration I didn’t want to think about Greer, shame flooded my bones when I did. “I’ve told you before Ara. I don’t want or need a mate. You didn’t need to worry about it. I have to go, I’m needed at the training fields” I linked Patrick to meet there but first I need to burn of some frustration before I sparred with him. I didn’t trust myself in this state not to inflict too much damage to my friend.” I knew Onyx was annoyed with me. Seething actually and I blocked him out which would annoy him more. I needed to go for a run, probably in human form first as punishment because I didn’t know what he would do if I let him out. As I ran the realisation that my rage had been so intense was it was linked with my guilt. My first thought had not been of Scarlett but of how beautiful Greer looked and it was like a sucker punch to the gut. Thea was trying to link me, but I blocked her out for now. She was more powerful at linking than me so if she really wanted to she could break down my block. She obviously hadn’t told Iris what I had done yet as I had no chance of stopping Iris getting into my head. Then I would get an a proper earful.
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