Book 1 2. Kyle

565 Words
I have to admit, I kind of envied the attention Claire got, especially from one very handsome Ethan Young. The attention I got, on the other hand, was not that sweet –I got called names in hushed tones when people thought I was out of earshot. Said names varied from fat, fatass to cow, and anything in between. To be honest, however, it wasn't as bad as some other people got it. The nerd of the school got shoved against her own locker, and pranks are an everyday occurrence for her. I could thank Claire for making it easier on me. Thanks to her boldly admitting she was my stepsister and sticking up for me, classmates respected me more through high school, and some tried to get to know me too. Therefore, as I stepped into Old Mounts High, I was neither apprehensive nor scared for I just knew there were people who had my back. One of them was Kyle. He was a natural popular, a heartthrob, a cute dimple-blessed jock with blonde hair and green eyes. People often wondered how I, a fat loser, was on good terms with one of the popular bunch. I, too, had been kind of intrigued by it in the beginning of our friendship. But after he openly hung out with me at lunch a few times, earning a few glares and spiteful remarks from his mates, and still sticking with me, I realized that he was in for the long run –friendly speaking. "Hey you," he greeted once he saw me, near my locker. Seeing as his locker wasn't anywhere near mine, that meant he had come especially to talk to me. Upon realizing that, I felt my heart flutter in my chest. Be still, my heart, I thought. I beamed at him and greeted him back with a good morning. He hooked his arm with mine and we were soon on our way to first period which we shared. "Will you do me the honor of being my date for tomorrow evening milady?" He asked in a mock aristocratic tone. Calling me a lady was thing for him. Hell, he even called me beautiful on too many occasions. He said I was beautiful inside out. Sadly enough, I had a hard time believing him. My heart beat loudly in my chest, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to hold back a smile. "Why, it would be an honor," I told him in much the same tone. We laughed freely at my poorly imitated British accent. When we sobered up, I couldn't help but ask the one question that was burning my lips, "Where will be going?" "To Ethan's party," he told me in a duh-tone. Need I be reminded of this damned party at each and every turn? "Haha, very funny," I drawled, fixing him with a mock glare. "You almost had me there." "I'm very serious." He said. "You know I don't do parties," I shook my head at him. "Oh come on!" He exclaimed, running his fingers through his short messy hair. "You're a senior only once. Live a little." "But..." I'm living just fine, I wanted to tell him, only to be cut off by him saying, "No buts, no ifs. Think about it, Belle, okay?" "Okay," I mumbled shyly. How could I resist his boyish charm?
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