Book 1 3. Dame Un Beso

646 Words
The loud music reached my ears the moment we stepped out of the car, a few feet away from Ethan’s house. Claire, whom I had helped dress, was already in there somewhere. I, on the other hand, just arrived. It had taken Kyle a lot of spoken persuasion, and some puppy dog eyes too, to get me to come. And he had to bribe me to get me to put one of my scarce curve-hugging dresses. Yes, I take bribes. Don’t judge. Nobody can resist chocolate-flavored cheesecake. Here comes nothing, I thought as I stepped into Ethan’s house for the first time in my life. I was making my debut in the party lifestyle –so to speak. To say I was nervous would be the understatement of the year. Our late entrance didn’t go unnoticed to say the least. I wiped my clammy hands on my stretchy black dress as I made my way inside, receiving glares from the girls, for being Kyle‘s date no doubt. God, this was such a bad idea, I thought anxiously, while stealing a glance at my wrist watch, already wishing I was out of there. It was at that precise moment that Kyle decided to hook his arm with mine, and bring my body closer to his. “You look beautiful, Belle,” he tried to reassure me by shouting over the music. I rolled my eyes at him, somewhat annoyed by his constant compliments which I knew not to be true. Sure, I cleaned up… okay. But I was most definitely not beautiful. Who would want to date the fatass of the school? Although my upper body was okay, I was a size 14 jeans wise. I didn’t have the most desired figure, that was for sure. And you know what the sad thing about all this was? Even when I had slimmed down two years ago by starving myself and doing crazy exercises, I had not managed to lose my big hips. Sure I had gone from a size 14 to a size 12, but the weight loss was even more obvious in my waist and boobs area. Out of frustration, I ate my way back to my size 14. Shaking my head to dismiss the depressing thought, I realized one of my favorite songs had just started playing. This is a night to remember, It’s burning hot in December, You make me surrender… I sang along while moving my body left and right a little bit. Kyle soon enough grinned at me, and dragged me to the living room which was basically the dance floor. He tilted his head to the side in a clear let’s-dance gesture, and I couldn’t help but follow him. As long as I avoided making eye contact with the girls who were glaring at me, partying was not so bad. I was having fun, I realized as I kept singing along. Dame un beso, And I’ll give you a thousand more… “Will you?” Kyle shouted over the music, and I frowned, perplexed, at him. “Give me a thousand kisses if I gave you one?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. I blushed and shrugged, “Maybe.” Everything happened too fast. One second, Kyle was leaning forward, his intent clear and evident to all, even to oblivious little me –and I was anticipating the kiss like a mad woman seeing as it would be my first. The next, a hand grabbed my arm and I was ripped out of his gentle hold, only to collide face first with a hard chest. I looked up, startled and angry, into the eyes of the one who had dared ruin this moment for me, and was met with Ethan’s enraged chocolate brown eyes. What got his pants in a twist? I thought angrily as I glared at him.
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