Book 1 1. Doll-Perfect

349 Words
I used to have a crush on this guy named Ethan Young back when I first start high school. But when my mom married my stepdad and he and his daughter, Claire, moved in with us, my stepsister made it very clear to the entire female population of the school that Ethan was hers –entirely and irrevocably hers. I accepted it and moved on because, let's face it, a popular like him will never give a loser like me the time of the day, and because I was a little bit of a pushover too. "What should I wear today Annabelle?" Claire asked me in her soft voice as she did every day, snapping me out of my musings. I looked at her stack of clothes, and then pointed a bored finger at a beautiful white sleeveless sundress, and she immediately agreed, liking my choice. "You know for someone with such great taste in clothes, you sure don't dress like it," she observed calmly. I don't have the great body that goes with it, I thought bitterly but refrained from voicing out my inner musings. I know Claire. She didn't say that to hurt me. She was just pointing out the obvious. Keeping my thoughts to myself, I just shrugged in response. As we were heading out of the door, she told me in a dreamy tone, "Tomorrow is Ethan's eighteenth birthday. I'll be counting on you to make me look stunning." "We'll have to go shopping this afternoon after school then," I told her calmly, making her c**k an eyebrow at me in puzzlement. "Because I believe you wore all your dresses in front of him already," I explained. In two years of relationships, there sure had been enough parties for her to exhaust both her wardrobe and me. And yes, it may be weird that I keep track of what she wears to parties, but let's just just that I enjoy dressing her up and then taking pictures of her... almost as if I had my own living breathing doll. And yes, everyone, she looked doll-perfect.
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