Chapter 6

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"You call me if something happens right?" Adrain asked scowling. Yes over the month we'd gotten a lot closer. He still kept a lot of things to himself like his past and his family, but he joked around with me now and acted like another older brother to me. Surprisingly he was a lot more protective then Andy which was......over bearing at times. But.......I loved him like another brother. "Yes I promise." I smiled. He sighed not happy that I was going to a bonfire with a guy I'd just met. I knew if he didn't have to work he'd go with me to supervise. The bell dinged and I smiled as Cameron's scent washed over me. Adrain growled and glared at me "You didn't tell me he was a wolf!" He snapped accusingly. I shrugged. suddenly nervous. This was like the moment where the father judged the boyfriend deeming if he was worthy or not. Crap I'd never been nervous like this. Cameron and the guys walked in dressed in cut off jeans and t -shirts. They paused slightly when they spotted Adrain and smelt his scent. Cameron was the first one to approach us. "Hey Katy ready to go?" He smiled his eyes never leaving Adrain. "Yeah uh in a minute this is my roommate Adrain, who has now declared himself my big brother," I laughed uneasy. Cameron stuck out his head "Nice to meet you man." Adrain just glared at him. I kicked Adrain's leg, frowning at him. Adrain rolled his eyes and grudgingly shook Cameron's hand. "Hurt her and I'll hunt you down. Understood pup?" He snarled. Cameron tensed, but nodded his face still relaxed. "Alright, now that that’s done let’s get out of here." I rushed grabbing Cameron's arm pulling him out the door the guys following us chuckling. "Pssh you think he's joking? Adrain can be one scary guy," I told them as we now walked toward the beach. "He's an alpha, I don't doubt it." Mike snickered. My eyes widen "Wait Adrain's an Alpha?" They all nodded "Yeah reeks of it though I guess he's a loner by the scent," Rj spoke. Well you learn something new every day I guess. I wondered why he never told me. I shrugged it off. When we reached the bonfire the sky had already started to darken. People danced as music filled the air. I didn't expect so many people, but then I'd never been to one of these things either. I felt nervous and awkward; not sure how to act. I didn't know these people. Now if Andy and Adrain had been here I might have been alright. "Hey want a drink?" Cameron asked me as the other guys trailed off toward a group of girls dressed in skirts and bikini tops. "Uh sure." I smiled hoping my nerves didn't show through. "Be right back." He smiled before quickly walking off. Great now I was feeling completely awkward. I crossed my arms and looked around hoping nobody would notice me. "Hey there," I jumped as deep voice whispered in my ear. Instantly I know I didn't like this guy. He reeked of beer and looked sleazy. He had blond hair and would have been cute if not for the crooked nose and the bruise that colored his cheek. 'Uh hey," I muttered edging away. "Care for a dance pretty lady." He grinned like a cat ready to eat the mouse. "Sorry her dance slots are all filled," Cameron’s voice was hard and sharp. The guy instantly backed up raising his hands. "Alright alright I know when I'm not wanted." I watched as he slinked off heading for more prey. I shivered in disgust. "Here's your drink hope you like Pepsi." He smiled shifting nervously. I smiled glad I wasn't the only one nervous. "It’s fine," I told him chuckling as he sighed in relief. "So uh, you want to go walk on the beach?" He asked stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Sure." I hid my pleased smile as he grabbed my free hand and led us down the beach. I sighed as the warm water lapped at our feet as we walked across the wet sand. "So what brought you to my beautiful city?" He smiled. I shrugged knowing I couldn't tell him the real reason. "Needed a change was all." He nodded like he understood. "Yeah, wish I could do that. Hey maybe I will you never know, right?" I nodded in agreement. "So I was wondering you must have been from a pack right?" he asked I nodded "Yeah the Silver Back Pack." He grinned. "My cousin mated into the pack last summer, says there almost as good as fighters as our men." I snickered. There was only one pack better then the Silver Backs’ and that was the Blood Moon Pack, but I heard they moved a while back. "And what pack are you in?" He smirked at me stating proudly "The Blood Moon Pack." I really should have seen that coming. "So that’s why I'm suddenly meeting all these wolves," I laughed. He laughed with me threading his fingers through mine making my heart stutter. His hands felt so warm and nice making my skin tingle. I'd never really had a boyfriend and all of this felt so new and exciting. I mean here I was actually holding hands with a amasong hot guy who was nice. I could proabbly hold his hand forever. 'His hands arent as nice a Eric’s hands would feel. No one can compare.' 'Shut up!' I screamed at her. I had just forgotten about my brother to be once again reminded. "Hey I have a crazy idea," he said breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him expectantly. "Why don't you join my pack?! I could talk to my Alpha I'm sure he'd love you!" I stopped walking and stared at him like he was insane. I couldn't just join the Blood Moon Pack! "Hey don't give me that look," he chuckled "Well your insane. I'm pretty sure your Alpha would not accept me so easily just because you asked, besides....maybe I like being a loner." He gave me a knowing look. "Do you?" I sighed heavily "No," I admitted truthfully. I missed having pack mates who were like extended family. I missed the sense of community. I missed the friendship. But there was no way the strongest pack in America would just accept me with open arms. "Well then you can come with me tomorrow to a party were having and I'd introduce you to my Alpha," he smiled seeming extremely happy. I felt a smile tug at my lips too. Even though I knew his Alpha would never accept me. "So what’s your favorite color?" He asked slightly swinging our joined hands. "Ummm lime green," I grinned "Yours?" "Blue" And that’s how we spent our night. I learned lot about Cameron and found out he was really sweet and caring even if he could act like arrogant jerk at times. We joked and played around. And at the end of the night when he brought me to the apartment he leaned forward slowly and laid a soft kiss on my cheek making me blush. Not once had I thought of Eric during my time with Cameron. Maybe it was a sign. Maybe I didn't like Eric like I thought............
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