Chapter 5

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Andy dressed in only his batman boxers stood in his room, his earphones plugged in his ears. I was trying so hard not laugh. I covered my mouth with both hands my stomach cramping from laughing so hard. I never knew he could move like this. "All my single ladies, all my single ladies put your hands up!" He sang shaking his butt before slapping his hands onto his thighs. Adrain and I had both walked out our rooms confused by the loud singing. Realizing it was coming from Andy's room we slowly walked toward his door and nearly fell to the floor at the sight before us. "Just woke up doing my own little thing!" He yelled his eyes closed. I was choking with laughter as he bent down and placed his hands on his knees popping his butt now. Oh lord I couldn't breath. Tears pressed at my eyes as I was unable to stop the wheezing that was now my laugh. I looked over to see Adrain with his phone out videoing the whole thing. "All my single ladies all my single ladies put your hands up!" He sang throwing his hands in the air rolling his hips. Holy crap he could move those hips. Now I ask you, have you ever seen a grown man booty dance without crying from laughter. Yeah it’s pretty much impossible. Especially when he had no idea we were watching him. I was on the floor by now tears pouring down my face. He was in his own little world of Beyonce. Heck I didn't even know he liked Beyonce. He spun around and froze; his face the prefect picture of shock as he stared at us. At this point I'm doing that silent laugh and slapping my leg unable to stop my shoulders from shaking. "Can't.....breath!" I gasped between laughter my side hurting painfully now. "Oh this is so going on f******k,twitter, everywhere!" Adrain yelled before running out the room, Andy quickly running after him. But of course Adrain was a lot faster and made it too his room slamming the door before Andy could catch him. "I swear to god I'll kick your ass dog boy!" Andy screamed banging on the door. I could hear Adrain's laughter even from here. Suddenly my phone beep and I pulled it out to see Adrain had uploaded a video on f******k. As I hit play I went into another fit of laughter as Andy shook his butt in the video, singing loudly. Andy stalked past me his cheeks flaming red with embarrassment. He slammed his door shut as I continued to lie on the floor laughing my butt off. What a way to start off a Monday. After an hour of convincing Andy to come out his room we finally headed down toward the shop were I'd been working for the past month. I actually loved working there and decided I would quit dancing for good. I also quit my job at the ice cream shop seeing as I made more money working at Andy's shop anyways. Andy hadn't said a single word in the car and I decided I would get Adrain to delete the video, though the damage was already done. Andy had made it very clear he was not talking to Adrain for a while and surprising Andy was even more stubborn than me. Andy was really quiet for the rest of the day and I started to feel even more guilty though it was Adrain's fault. When I bent down to pick something up I waited for Andy's usual perv comment but......nothing. Okay something was seriously wrong. " alright?" I asked walking behind the counter where he was absently wiping imaginary dirt away. "Huh.....oh yeah fine Em I love being humiliated on the Internet," he sneered sarcastically. "Come on Andy it was a joke. I don't think he thought it would bother you this much," I said touching his arm. "Well it did okay! Now people think I'm an i***t!" "No they won't if they know you then they probably think you were just joking around like usual," I soothed. "Whatever," he huffed. "I'll make him delete if that makes you feel any better," I said weakly He sighed but gave me a small smile "Thanks, but can you answer one question for me?" I smiled and nodded. "How turned on were you when you watched me?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows. I busted out laughing and pushed him playfully. Ding! We both looked up to see a group of guys walked in all of them muscled and well......pretty freaking hot. Well hello there I thought touching my hair. I think my jaw actually dropped a little, but I quickly composed myself and gave a friendly smile. They all gave me a once over and seemed satisfied with what they saw. One caught my eye though. He was the tallest of the group and had dark brown hair that hung in his eyes just like the way Eric’s hair hung in his eyes. Wait no I couldn't think about Eric! A full month had passed and I hadn't seen him. Which was a good thing, something I had to repeat to my heart and wolf daily. Focusing my attention back on the brown haired guy I watched as he and his friends looked over some boards. I could tell they really weren't here to buy just look around. I jumped as Andy's phone ringed making him scowl. "Hello," he muttered. His face grew darker and he glared at nothing. "NO I will not do a private dance for you!" he nearly yelled into the phone. I slapped a hand over my mouth to silent my laughter. He glared at me and covered the phone "Shut up! Go do your job," he muttered motioning to the guys. Biting my lip to keep from laughing I quickly moved out of Andy's hitting zone and walked over to the drool worthy men. "Hey you need any help?" I asked smiling suddenly grateful I was wearing my favorite white denim skirt and my blue spaghetti top. I pushed my dark, long hair over my shoulder watching as all their eyes zeroed in on my chest. Really? Were all men the same? Ha stupid question. Well.....ok not counting gay guys. I crossed my chest and raised an eyebrow. All four of them looked up sheepishly. Yeah I knew god had 'gifted' me in the chest department. I was very aware of it during gym class while we ran the track. Just to let you sucks. It feels like I have to pin the freaking things down. There always in the way of everything! "Uhh no were just name’s Cameron" the brown haired god smiled. Okay maybe I was exaggerating a little on the god part, but this guy was HOT! “Not as hot as Eric,” My wolf whispered in the back of my head. “Shut up!” I told it sternly. Yes I was reduced to talking to myself. "And this is Rj, Liam, and Mike," Cameron informed me. I smiled easily "Nice to meet you my name is Katy." They all smiled and repeated it at the same time. It was kind of creepy. Suddenly the bell ringed again as the door was pushed open. A burst of wind pushed the guys scent toward me making my eyes widen. "Holy s**t your wolves!" I exclaimed before realizing what I had said. I slapped a hand over my mouth and blushed looking behind them to see if the new customers had heard me. I spotted two older girls who were in a deep conversation and didn't appear to be freaked out. I breathed a sigh of relief. Great going Em almost freaked out some humans, because I really needed the added stress of a council meeting on my shoulders. I jumped startled as the guys all suddenly closed in on me. But I didn't feel threatened just amused as they inhale my scent probably committing it to memory. "So we got a little pup here do we," Cameron grinned suddenly leaning forward his nose running up my neck. I shivered but quickly leaned away my face heating. He chuckled and winked at me. "Damn it." One of the guys muttered sounding disappointed. "What?" I asked. "He just called dibs on you. I wanted dibs!" He whined glaring at Cameron. I laughed and shook my head "I am a person you know. You can't just claim me like a prize." "Beg to differ you’re a pretty good looking prize." Cameron winked. I rolled my eyes. "Everything okay here?" Andy said suddenly appearing his arm wrapping around my shoulders pulling me slightly behind him. "Yeah were fine," Rj said while Cameron narrowed his eyes as Andy's arm around me. I shoved Andy's arms off me muttering “Beyoncé” under my breath were his human ears were still able to hear. He snapped his head toward me sharply, his eyes narrowed. I stared back the silent challenge declared. Of course I won. He sucked his teeth and sighed deeply. "Fine." Turning sharply he stalked toward the girls. I smirked. "Uh what was that about?" Cameron asked raising an eyebrow. "Nothing, just asserting dominance." I smiled at him. "So when do you get off?" Cameron asked. "Why?" I asked suspiciously. "Because the guys and I were heading down to the beach later for a bonfire. Bunch of people are going to be there and I wondered if you wanted to go with me?" I felt a little unsure I mean I'd become extremely paranoid to who was around me and where I went. I really didn't want another run in with Eric. But.....maybe Cameron could help me forget about my sick desires. Yeah maybe. "Sure sounds like fun." I smiled brightly making him smile in return. "My shift ends at seven." I told him hoping that wasn't going to be a problem. He smiled easily "Perfect see you then Katy." The rest of the guys gave their goodbyes and were out the door. As the bell dinged it hit me. I had a date. Well not an official one but this still counted right? Yeah it differently did.
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