Chapter 11: Pushy People

2009 Words
Millie's P.O.V. **************************************** After I walked out of my bedroom, Leo didn't press me more about my ominous warning. Good. He'll find out today. Lila told me that the guys and her usually all go to school separately even though they live nearby. Apparently, the rest of them live in the same gated community. She asked me if I wanted a ride, but I declined. The last thing they all need is to walk into school on their first day with me. Still, I tried to remain positive. So what if a few more people attend classes and ignore me? No biggie. I will just continue the year as I have the last two weeks. I looked at myself in the mirror in my bathroom. I'm wearing a black flowy skirt that goes down to just above my knee, it's also high-waisted. I put on a white tank top, and a small pink cardigan over it. Then I slipped on my sandals and grabbed my backpack. When I got downstairs, Caleb was already gone. Apparently, he had an early practice and one of the guys picked him up early for it. Mom, Dad, and I all made small talk while we ate breakfast, and then I was on my way to school. I walked through the doors and was thankfully ignored. Then I made it to my locker and thanked god that there was no message today. I grabbed my things and headed to my first class. Mr. Douglas greeted me politely when I entered and I took my seat. I was the first one there, like normal. Mr. Douglas told me he would be right back and exited the room. "Don't even think that I'm going to sit by you today." Milinda's nasally voice echoed when she came in. I looked at her, and then around myself. "If you're talking to me, then good. I don't want you anywhere near me." I said. Milinda rolled her eyes at me, and took her normal seat at the back. Rolling my eyes right back at her, I turned to my notebook. I was doodling in my notebook waiting for the bell to ring when a loud voice rang through the classroom. "Millie! Hey!" My eyes snapped up to see Lila coming into the classroom. She excitedly made her way to the empty seat next to me. I looked around to see all the kids staring at her with wide eyes. "I'm so glad we have at least one class together, girl!" She told me. "Uhm, Lila, maybe you should pick a different seat." I told her as I watched the kids start to whisper to each other. Lila is too sweet to become the next pariah like me. "You don't want me to sit with you?" She asked sadly. "No, no, it's not that." I rushed out. "Then what is it? Is this someone else's seat?" She asked. "No, it's just that no one wants to sit next to the fat wh.ore." Milinda spoke up. I cringed when Lila looked back at her, and then at me. "Who is that?" She whispered to me. "Milinda, for someone who told me you wouldn't be sitting next to me today, you sure seem interested in my conversations." I stated with annoyance. "I'm just trying to save the new girl from a friendship with you," Milinda said. "Trust us, new girl. Millie is a boyfriend stealer." Here we go. The first hour hasn't even started yet, and things are already coming out. I avoided Lila's gaze until I heard something I was expecting at all; Lila's laughter. Lila was nearly doubled over as bubbles of laughter left her lips. "Gross." She said as she started catching her breath. Oh great, she thinks I'm gross. "The only guy I'm interested in is your brother," Lila said, making me freeze. "Eww." I said with a disgusted look. "I thought you were just being nice to him." Lila shook her head while she continued to giggle. "No way, your brother is hot. He's huge for only 15. And he's soooooo nice." I held my hand up to stop her. "Okay, stop." I begged. "Awh come on." Lila said as she pushed me with her elbow. "I know my brother is into you." My face went red. "Now that is gross," Milinda said, and the rest of the class snickered. My face fell. I can't even have one friend. Don't think that the irony of mine and Milinda's conversation last Friday is lost on me. She literally told me how she had started dating James, her best friend's boyfriend. Somehow, things are always my fault though. "I think it's cute. Not many catch Leo's eye. I'm glad it was you instead of someone like her." Lila said as she pointed a thumb behind her at Milinda. I couldn't help the snort that came from me. "I'd have to listen to that annoying whiny voice all the time," Lila said and then shuddered. "No, thank you." "What was that new girl?" Milinda asked angrily. Just as Lila turned around to face her, Mr. Douglas walked in and began class. Thankfully, Lila didn't say anything else. Mr. Douglas introduced Lila to the class and Milinda made some snarky comment. Lila seemed completely unaffected by it though. Which is weird. I don't know one teenage girl that would handle it the way Lila is. When class was over, I rushed to my next class. Lila had called out to me, but I ignored her. It's probably best if I distance myself. I'd hate for Milinda to start writing things on Lila's locker next. She doesn't deserve that just because she was nice to me. When I reached the class, Mrs. Gibbson wasn't there. I took my normal seat, and pulled out my book. The class started to fill up, and then I felt a presence next to me. I chose to ignore it. I'm not sure who it is, but I do not care. "Hey there feisty momma. I was hoping to have a class with you." Came the voice of the person sitting next to me. Oh no. "The noodle," I mumbled, and then looked up at him. There sitting next to me is Atlas Norris. All morning, all I'd heard were things about him and three others. And it's only my second hour. The girls in my first hour whispered about them all, and how hot they were. I even saw a few guys check Lila out. As long as they stayed away from me, they would be popular. So, why are they all there every time I turn around? "Do I have to prove to you that there is nothing noodle-like about me?" He asked with a co.cky lopsided grin. I opened my mouth to say something snarky when the girl at the table next to us spoke up. "You can show me anytime." She said to him in a flirtatious tone. I rolled my eyes, and turned back to my book. "Hey, I asked you a question," Atlas said. I looked up to glare at him. "Did you miss the part where the pretty brunette volunteered as tribute?" I asked. Atlas let out a deep laugh that shocked me. Jesus he's loud. And what is so fu.cking funny? "I'm more into blondes," he said, and then leaned in. "Dirty blondes." "Oh you poor, poor, hot guy," Said the brunette. "Trust me when I tell you that you don't want Millie Holmebrooke." She said as she glared at me. And to think I complimented her. Atlas, however, lost all playfulness in his expression. He turned to the girl and looked her up and down. Then he scooted his stool closer to me until we were both on my side of the desk. "What the" I whispered. "Trust me when I tell you, that I very, very much want Millie Holmebrooke," Atlas stated loud enough for the whole classroom to hear. "Oh my god." I breathed out as my face went red. "No, I'm Atlas." He said as he turned back to me, patting his broad chest. "Why would you say some dumb like that?" I whisper-yelled at him. "Do you not understand what that statement is going to do for your reputation?" "I have a reputation?" He asked me, confused. I blinked at him. "You're a football star. And hot. Of course, you have a reputation," I said. "You think I'm hot?" He asked, smirking. "Wow." I said incredulously. Atlas opened his mouth to say something else, but the bell rang. Thankfully, he went silent after that. Although, I could feel his eyes on me the whole hour. Never in my life have I been so distracted in biology. This is my favorite subject, and I fought to pay attention for the entire class. Every time I inched away from Atlas, he inched closer to me. I think that he thinks this is funny, but I am not amused. Halfway through the class, Atlas started to doodle on my notebook. I let him. I had no fight in me. He would win anyway. I mean look at him. When the bell rang to dismiss us, I practically bolted out of there. "Millie wait!" Atlas called after me, but I ignored him. Unfortunately, he has much longer legs, and had no problem catching up with me. Atlas grabbed my bicep, and pulled me to a stop. I turned to face him with wide eyes. Atlas blinked at me for a moment before shaking his head. "Okay, don't look at me like that." He told me. I frowned. "Look at you like what?" I asked. "Like that," he said, and gestured to my face. "With those big innocent green eyes." Atlas leaned in closer to me. I shrunk back to find nothing but wall. He put his forearm on the wall, and leaned even closer. "Or do look at me like that. But..." He trailed off as he looked me up and down. "I will find an empty classroom to drag you into." He said lowly so only I could hear. My eyes went wide and my face heated. "W-what?" I stuttered out. "That look right there." He said, and then sucked in his bottom lip. "Millie, Millie, Millie." He got even closer, and I gulped. "Have lunch with me." "You want to have lunch with me?" I asked. Atlas nodded. "There are a lot of things I want to do with you, Millie, but lunch could be a start." He said with a co.cky grin. "I... I have to go." I said, and then ducked under his arm to book it to my next class. What the hell is going on? Why are these people so insistent on being in my life? Is it because of our parents? Maybe I should tell them all that they don't have to pretend to like me. I won't tell our parents anything. I'm not a snitch. I entered into my calculus class and took my normal seat. Then I pulled my book and homework out and tried to go over my work. Thankfully, I got sucked into it, and all thoughts of hot guys and new friends left my brain. "Number 18 is still wrong, and you never finished this question." Came a voice right next to my ear. I jumped, and let out a yelp, causing everyone to turn to me. My face heated, and I glared at Oliver. I should have known he would be in this class. Since 'math is his thing' and all. Oliver is sitting in the seat behind me. He's leaning forward to look over my shoulder. He pushed his glasses up, and then turned his head to smile at me. We're only inches apart. I shook my head, and pushed his face away. "None of you understand personal space," I mumbled. "None of us?" Oliver asked, but I ignored him. "Didn't know you met Milo yet." Who the hell is Milo?
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