Chapter 10: In My Space

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Millie's P.O.V. ******************************************** I walked back to the main area to find a new girl who had joined us. She looked exactly like the boy that was in the hallway, but with long black curly hair. Same deep green eyes though. The girl has on a summer dress just like me, but hers is white with pink flowers, and looks much more expensive. She beamed at me once I came into the room. "There you are, Millie," Mom said. "Sorry, I was looking at the art, and before I knew it, I was down the hall." I said with a small laugh. "That's alright dear, feel free to treat this like it's your home." Sarah told me. I smiled at her. "Thank you," I said. "So you're Millie." The girl said as she came up to me, and grabbed my hands in hers. "Oh my god you are soooooo pretty. I love your hair and your dress!" "Uhm, thank you." I said a little awkwardly. "Millie, this is my daughter Lila. She is just like her mother. Eccentric." Mr. Whitlock said. Lila beamed at me. I couldn't help but return her smile. She seemed warm and nice. "Mom, can I show Millie around, and take her to my room?" Lila asked. "Sure. Stop by your brothers' room, and introduce them. Then tell him to get his out here before I come and get him." Mrs. Whitlock said. Lila grabbed my arm, and dragged me down the hall I was just in. She stopped at the door I saw the boy disappear behind, and turned to me. Am I nervous? Why am I feeling nervous? "If you want to, we can totally just go to my room. My brother is annoying and grumpy." She told me. I opened my mouth to say something when the door swung open. The black-haired boy stood in the doorway expressionless. His eyes flickered between the two of us before he pushed between us and walked down the hallway. I watched him walk away. Damn, even with the black V-neck shirt on, he looks muscly. "Leo is an a.sshole." Lila mumbled to me. So, his name is Leo. "It's okay." I shrugged. When we entered Lila's bedroom, I almost gasped. It's huge, like way huge. The walls are a lilac purple and there is artwork all over the place. This room is probably twice the size of my own. Lila plopped down on her bed, which was in the middle of the room. "Have a seat girl." She told me. I sat down on Lila's bed across from her and gave her a polite smile. This is awkward. I'm making it awkward. The last time I was in another girls' room it was Vanessa. Lila is sweet but... She won't ever be my friend. Not with all the rumors flying around school. "So, you're the famous Millie." She said after a moment. I furrowed my brow. "Famous?" I asked. "Oh yeah." She said, giggling. "You are all Atlas and Oliver talked about after the game last night." My face heated. "Oh, I don't know why. It's not like I was nice to either of them." I grumbled as I folded my arms across my chest. Lila let out a loud laugh. "That." She said. "That right there, is why." "They like mean girls?" I asked, confused. "They like a challenge is what they like." She told me. I shook my head. "I don't want to be a challenge. Trust me, I'm not worth it." I said half-heartedly. Lila frowned at me. "What do you mean by that? Most girls throw themselves at the guys," she asked. I shrugged as a response. "Well, what about you? How come you're not with one of them? I heard that you guys have all been friends for, like, ever." I said. "Ewwwww," Lila drawled out. "All of them are like brothers to me." "Makes sense." I said, laughing with her. "So, tell me about school. Who's the hottest guy? What are the teachers like? Who should I watch out for? Tell me everything." Lila said excitedly. My face fell and I looked away from her. "Uhm, I'm not sure who the hottest guy is. If I have to go based off what the other girls say, it's James Melrose." Then my eyes snapped to hers. "Stay away from him though. He's a player. He has a girlfriend right now, but he isn't a faithful guy." "Do you know that from personal experience?" She asked softly. Again, I looked away from her. "The teachers are all lovely, unless you have AP Calculus. The teacher isn't bad, he's just boring, and the class is hard." I told her as I ignored her question. Lila grabbed my hand and I turned my head back to her. "Listen Millie, our families are going to be spending a lot of time together, which means we will be seeing a lot of each other. I really like you so far. You're not like other girls I've met, which is great. If you want to tell me about school, you can. It'll stay between the two of us," she said. I sighed. "I'm sure you'll hear about it when you start Monday." I told her. "Hear rumors or the truth?" She asked. Her question surprised me. No one had ever bothered to ask me if the rumors were true or not. All of them just believed the rumors. Not one other person cared enough to ask me except my brother. "Would you really believe me if I told you?" I asked her. "I have no reason to not believe you." She said. "You have no reason to believe me," I countered. "True. But I like you a lot and two of my best friends are practically in love with you already. Our parents are also best friends. I have no choice but to trust you," Lila said with a proud smile. Just when I was about to respond, the intercom dinged. "Dinner is ready you two." Sarah's voice floated through. Lila looked at me. I stood up and headed for the door. I paused with my hand on the doorknob. When I turned my head, Lila was still sitting on her bed. She gave me a small smile. "I'm really sorry Lila. You seem really nice. Maybe we could be friends, but I just don't trust you back," I said, and then walked out the door. By the time I had gotten back to the dining room, Lila was right behind me. She tried to stop me a few times, but I ignored her. I have already made a fool of myself by saying all of that, but she'll know in time, I'm sure. Then she would join in with the rest of the school and ignore me. Or maybe she would bully me too. Everyone was seated at the table with food across the whole area. It was all chinese take out. I couldn't help but giggle when I saw it. "When you kept saying 'dinner will be done soon' I thought it was in the oven or something, not on its way here." I teased as I took my seat next to my brother. Before I could sit down, Caleb pushed me away. I gave him a 'what the is your problem' look. He ignored me, and smiled at Lila. "Lila, I saved you a seat." He said with a bright smile. My jaw dropped, and I looked up at Lila, who was trying to hide her amusement behind her hand. "Thank you, Caleb." She said as she walked over to us, and took the seat I had just tried to sit on. I shook my head. "Don't worry Millie, you can sit next to Leo," Sarah told me. I looked across the table to see Leo staring down at his phone, bored. He pulled out the chair with his foot, but didn't acknowledge me in the slightest. I rolled my eyes, and stomped over to the seat. "I'm eating your fortune cookie for that." I told my little brother. "Worth it." He replied while he winked at Lila. "Unbelievable," I grumbled. "Sitting next to me is that bad, huh?" Leo teased lowly. Goddamn, that voice. "So Millie, what classes do you have?" Lila asked me from across the table. *************************************************** The next day, I woke up to my alarm going off. We didn't get home from the Whitlock's until after midnight last night. Honestly, I had a lot of fun. Lila is someone I could really see myself being friends with, but unfortunately, I held her at arms length. Lila didn't press me more about school, and instead we talked about other things. Caleb tried to flirt with her several times. I gagged a lot, but Lila seemed to enjoy the attention. Leo had followed us around for the night, but remained pretty quiet. He's definitely the brooding type, total opposite of his twin. All in all, I didn't get my hopes up. I enjoyed my night, but I'm sure things will change Monday at school. I flung the blankets off of me, and decided to get ready for brunch with Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Whitlock and Lila will be joining us today. Mom and Sarah talked all night about how their other friends should join us next week, and we can start making this a real girl's brunch. Lila giggled, and told me how excited about the idea she was. I was a little afraid honestly. What if I really do enjoy it and then all their kids secretly hate me and I have to stop going? I shook the thoughts from my head. I'll deal with it when and if it happens. Right now I need to get ready. An hour later and I was dressed in black jean shorts that had the sun and moon in white print on the butt pockets. I matched it with a plain black cropped T-shirt. My long hair is up in a high pony, but not as well done as most girls. I put on my favorite plain black choker, and then grabbed my phone before heading down the stairs. When I got to the kitchen, I could hear voices. I looked up to see the Whitlock's already here. Even the men.. My eyes connected with Leo's deep green ones. His eyes trailed down my body and back up. He gave me a pleased smirk that had my face heating up. "Holy Millie, you look hot!" Lila said. "Language Lila!" Sarah scolded her daughter. "Sorry Momma." She said softly, making me smile. I do the same to my mother. Lila stood up, walked over to me, and engulfed me in a big hug. I awkwardly hugged her back, and then she let me go. "Show me your room?" Lila asked. "I can show you my room," Caleb offered. I narrowed my eyes at him, but before I could say anything, Sarah spoke up. "Why don't all of you go for a little tour, and then we can leave," She said, dismissing us. Caleb beamed, and then walked over to Lila. He grabbed her hand, and wrapped it around his arm like they are some royal couple or some Lila giggled as Caleb began to lead her up the stairs. "You shouldn't roll your eyes, ya know." Leo whispered in my ear, making me jump. "You should come with a warning bell, ya know." I countered. Leo chuckled, and the sound was deep, just like his damn voice. "What fun would it be if you knew I was coming?" He asked. I'm not sure if Leo actually wanted an answer, so I didn't give him one. Caleb walked us to his bedroom. I was surprised to see it decently cleaned. He stepped in, dragging Lila with him. "Well, this is it," he said, and then looked at Leo and me. "You two have seen enough." Then he kicked the door shut with his foot, making my jaw drop. "What a traitor," I mumbled. "What makes him a traitor?" Leo asked. "He just left me out here with you." I said, gesturing to him. If Leo was offended, he didn't show it. Instead, he chuckled at me. I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms. "Didn't I warn you about rolling eyes?" He asked with a teasing tone. "Warn me?" I asked with a raised brow. Leo took a step closer to me. "That's right. Keep rolling your eyes, and you'll get punished." He told me. What the does that mean? Punished how? And for what? Rolling my eyes? "Punished my ass." I mumbled as I pushed him back. Is it getting hot in here? "Exactly." He said. What? What does that mean? "I believe you're supposed to be taking me on a tour. Let's see your room." "But…" I trailed off as I looked at my brother's door. "Trust me, I don't think they're going to come out for a while. Lila doesn't get a lot of... positive male attention," Leo told me. I turned my head to him. "What does that mean?" I asked, feeling angry. "Not my story to tell. But I can say that your brother is super into her. Even with the two-year age difference, she's into it." Leo told me. "Two? I thought you guys were 18," I said. "We will be in a couple of months. Caleb said he'd be 16 in a couple of weeks," Leo said. That's true. "So, you're room?" Leo suggested. I sighed, and walked across the hall to my room. Opening the door, I walked in and stood to the side. Leo walked right in like he owns the place, and kicked my door shut. I frowned at him. "Treat my things with respect or we're going to have issues bro." I said as I scowled at him. Leo turned to me, and raised his brow. "Bro?" He asked. I shrugged, and Leo chuckled. Leo took his time scanning my room. I watched as he walked around, and touched my things. It feels slightly invasive. The only other guy I've had here was James, and he never seemed this interested in what was in my room. I was starting to feel embarrassed. Does Leo not like my room? Wait, what do I care? "Your room is cute. Pretty fitting for you." He said as he turned to me with a smirk. "Uhm... thanks." I said, and then plopped on my bed. "How long do you think Caleb and Lila are going to be?" Leo shrugged, and then plopped on my bed next to me. He leaned back, and propped his legs up as if he was going to take a nap. I pushed his feet off, but he put them back up. "What did I say about respecting my things?" I scolded him. "I believe you said 'we're gonna have an issue bro'." He said with a big smirk. "Listen Leo, I wasn't joking when I said that. Get your fu.cking dirty ass shoes off of my nice clean bed." I stated angrily. "Done." He replied without missing a beat, and then kicked his shoes off. "Your bed is super comfy. I could get used to it." My face heated. What the hell does that mean? He isn't going to be getting used to anything in this room. "Okay, whatever that means." I said, sounding annoyed. Leo propped himself up on his elbow and looked up at me. "It means that I plan to spend more time in this bed in the near future." He told me. My jaw dropped. "You sure are bold, aren't you?" I said with an eye roll. Leo sat all the way up, and grabbed me by my chin. The contact shocked me, and I froze. Leo brought my face close to his, and he narrowed his eyes at me. I should feel scared. I should be screaming or telling him to let me go. So why do I feel excited? "Roll your eyes at me again, princess, and I will make other parts of your body red." He said lowly, then he traced my bottom lip with his thumb. "And I am much bolder than you even suspect." Then Leo leaned in. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Is he going to kiss me? He's leaning in pretty close. I can feel his hot breath on my lips. He's so close. Am I really going to let this happen? No, I'm not. I raised my hand between us, and put my palm flat against Leo's lips. Then I pushed his face away from me. Leo chuckled, and dropped his hand from my chin. I pulled my hand back, and stared at him. "Don't do that again." I tried to sound stern, but my voice came out weak. "Why not? I was enjoying it." Leo said. "Because I don't want to be disappointed when you start ignoring me on Monday," I blurted out. Leo narrowed his eyes at me. "What's that mean?" He asked. "Kids! Come on!" Came my mom's voice. I shot up to my feet, and went to the door. I turned around to look at Leo with my hand on the doorknob. He's putting his shoes on while watching me. "You'll find out Monday, I'm sure."
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