Chapter 12: Slap!

1979 Words
Millie's P.O.V. ************************************* Calculus was hard to focus on. Oliver bugged me for a little bit by playing with my hair or tracing patterns with the back of his pencil on my back. I kept squirming and swatting his arm away, but when I got in trouble for being disrespectful to the class, I had to let it go. Honestly, after I relaxed, it felt kind of good. I could feel him twirl my hair around his fingers. If we were in a different setting, I would think it's almost sensual, but I'm pretty sure he's purposely trying to rile me up. Oliver was also right about my homework. Number 18 was still wrong, and I was in such a rush to finish the last question that I got that one wrong too. Calculus is hard. How am I ever going to pass this class? I don't have any extra activities on my college resume. I need all these AP classes. I was so tied up in the homework we were just given that I forgot to check the time. The bell rang signaling lunchtime, and I was scrambling to gather my things., I was supposed to book it out of here to avoid Oliver just like I had been doing with his friends. "If you keep rushing you're going to trip Millie." Oliver said, causing me to drop everything in my hands. I looked up to glare at him. Oliver actually looked sorry. He bent down, and started gathering my things. I got down, and started to as well. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you drop everything." He said to me. I ignored him. "Let me make it up to you by walking you to your locker. I'll carry all of your things." He offered. "No." I stated, and then snatched my things from him. "Why not?" He asked. I gave Oliver an incredulous look. "Why are all of you so pushy?" I asked. "It's.... frustrating, and I don't understand it." Then I turned to walk away. "Millie, wait." Oliver called after me. Maybe I just have to be a downright bi.tch to make these people go away. I don't trust them, but they don't deserve to be picked on just for being nice to me. And that will happen if they don't stop. "Hey, you're new, right?" A girl said, interrupting what Oliver was just about to say. She's in our calculus class. She looked him up and down, and gave him a sweet smile. "Do you need any help catching up on anything?" She asked him. "No, thanks." He rushed out, and then looked at me. "Millie has already offered to help me." I should have just kept going. The girl looked at me with disgust. "Millie Holmebrooke? Ha!" She said. "Trust me, Millie is used goods, well... if you can even call what she had goods. Trust me when I say you can do better, much better." And that's my cue. I turned around, and headed to my locker. Honestly, I can't bare the look Oliver would inevitably give me. For the first time in a really long time, people my age were being kind to me. I've been trying to push them all away, but I can't help but be sad about the whole situation. They'll hear the rumors, probably believe them like everyone else, and join in on the 'hate-on-Millie' crowd. If not, then they would get bullied too. I'm not really sure what bullying looks like for guys, and so far it seems that these ones could probably handle themselves, but Lila... I would feel way too guilty if people started to leave her messages on her locker or threw trash on her. All just for being my friend... I can't let that happen. When I got to my locker I breathed out a sigh of relief that no one had left me another message. Caleb wasn't waiting for me like usual, and I was wondering if I should just go to the library. I wish I could just fit in my locker, and stay there for the whole lunch period. I was mumbling to myself as I shoved my things into my locker when someone came up behind me. "Oh darn, I thought you would be gone by now." Milinda's nasally voice floated to my ears. I turned around to see her openly holding a white can of spray paint. Of course, she can carry that around without anyone wondering 'hey, do you think she's the one writing all over Millie's locker?'. I had to roll my eyes. No one in the school cares. "Don't worry Milinda. I'm leaving now, so feel free." I said, and then slammed my locker shut. Milinda scoffed. "It's no fun when you don't care. What happened to the little cry baby from last year?" She asked. "I grew up." I said with a tight smile. I tried to push past Milinda, but she stepped in front of me so that I couldn't pass. "Maybe we should just go back to kicking your then." She said. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Then do it. I don't care anymore," I said. Milinda smirked at me. She opened her mouth to say something, but then we heard footsteps coming from down the hall. I held her gaze, wondering if she would still do something. I'm sure if it isn't a teacher she will, and I'm sure the student won't bat an eye. The steps got closer. Milinda's smirk came back. Guess it's a student. "Since you want to be like that, Millie, then fine." She said. I heard the sound of the slap before I felt it. Memories of all the split lips I had received last year came flooding back. My head is turned to the side, and I can already taste the blood. Tears filled my eyes, but I blinked them back. Milinda has the hardest slap out of the whole cheer team. I wiped my lip as I turned back to her, and chuckled. "Seems you're losing your touch, Milinda. Usually I bleed more." I said, and then pushed past her. Milinda grabbed me by my hair, and yanked me back. "You don't get to say some like that to me, and then run away you bi.tch." She said. I turned around, and pushed her off of me. Milinda fell on her butt, and glared up at me. The hallway was empty. I have no idea who the person was or where they went. "You stupid!" Milinda shrieked. Before this could escalate further, I ran. Just like the coward I am. I ran to the library where Ted was. Before he could notice me, I went into the family bathroom that is inside the library. It locks, so I can clean myself up without Milinda coming for me. I looked at myself in the mirror, and more tears filled my eyes. All the memories from doing this last year came rushing back. Looking in the mirror, cleaning myself up, crying like a baby, and hiding. I promised myself I wouldn't hide this year, but I allowed myself a few minutes of crying. Then I picked myself up, washed my face, and dabbed my lip until it stopped bleeding. I squared my shoulders, and lifted my chin. I'm not sure if I look fierce, but I definitely don't feel that way. Fake it til you make though, right? When I stepped out of the bathroom, the library was still empty, except for Ted. "Millie, you aren't eating lunch?" Ted asked as I passed him. I shook my head. "Not hungry, and I really need to work on this history assignment," I told him. It wasn't a total lie. The assignment isn't due until Friday, but I haven't started yet. So, I'll just do that while I hide away in the library. I'll give myself today. That's it, just this one hour to hide away. Then I have to go back out there, and face my bullies. As I sit down, part of me starts to wonder about the footsteps I heard. Who was it? What student was it that ignored the altercation? Maybe they stayed and watched? Maybe they ran for help? Doubt it. My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see a text from my little brother. Caleb: Where are you? Me: Had some work to catch up on. Caleb: Are you in the library? I gulped. Should I lie? I really don't want Caleb to see my lip. I mean... He'll see it later, but at home, where I can calm him down. Here? Oh, he will definitely do something. Me: Nope. Caleb: You're lying. Shit. Me: I'm fine Caleb, enjoy your lunch. Caleb: Lila wants to see you. My heart panged. What just happened is even more of a reason to push them all away. I couldn't stand seeing Milinda or anyone else treat Lila this way. What if the boys get bullied just as bad or worse? What if it's nothing but fights and everyone blames me in the end? I can't do it. I can't do the guilt. They deserve normal high school lives, not this show. Me: Tell her I don't want to see her. Caleb's reply was instant. Caleb: I'm not telling her that because it's rude and not true. I sighed. Me: I just want to be alone, Caleb. Then I put my phone on silent. Today is proving to be hard. I guess I should have expected it. After all, I stopped giving in and whining about all the bullying. Of course, they would step up their game. Why are teenagers so cruel? No one came into the library looking for me, and I was thankful for that. Ted also continued his own work, and left me to myself. Finally, some peace and quiet. I did work on my history paper, and was almost finished with it by the time the bell rang letting us know lunch was over. Gathering my things, I trudged back to my locker. Now there is a message. It says 'Watch Your Back'. Milinda should really get better at name-calling. All she does is call me fat, ugly, or some slur resembling I grabbed my history book, and slammed my locker shut. People were looking at me and whispering, but I kept my head high as I ignored them all. That's right, I don't care. When I made it into the classroom, I took my normal seat, and pulled my paper out. All I have to do is finish writing the last few paragraphs, then I have to type it up. I would definitely be done before Friday. Good, if I play my cards right I won't have any homework over the weekend. Although, I guess that depends on calculus. "You must be Millie." Came a male voice from behind me. That's weird. No one sits behind me. Or beside me for that matter. I'm like the plague. I turned around to face an extremely hot guy, like way hot. He has light brown hair that is tied behind his head in a man-bun. He has the deepest blue eyes that seem to hold me in a trance. The mischievous smile he's wearing is se.xy as all hell. My eyes trailed down his body to see him in a bright blue T-shirt, and a pair of khaki shorts. His skin is tanned like he's lived in California his whole life, and he has muscles. Not as many as Leo or Atlas, more like Oliver. Wait! Why am I even looking at them? Shaking my head, I settled on frowning at the guy. "Sorry, Millie isn't in today." I said sarcastically. "Please don't try again."
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