Chapter 9: Twins

1267 Words
Millie's P.O.V. ************************************** The four of us walked up the stone steps of the house. Dad had cleared his throat and raised his hand to knock. Before he could knock, the door swung open, shocking all of us. There stood a man about an inch taller than Dad. He has black hair that is styled nicely and fittingly for his age. His honey-colored eyes sparkled as he stared at my father. The man reeks of power, he's even wearing an expensive-looking suit. His smile widened as he took us all in. "David!" The man practically shouted as he embraced my dad. "Adam!" Dad shouted back as they hugged each other. "It's been too long my friend!" Adam said. "Much too long." Dad agreed as they released each other. "Come in, come in." Adam gestured for us to come in as he stood to the side. "Introduce me to your family, Davy." Caleb and I looked at each other. Davy? I mouthed to my brother, who only shrugged at me. Dad chuckled. "This is my darling wife Betty." He said, and Mom rolled her eyes. "Betty, my dear, you are looking even finer than the last time I saw you," Adam said. Ew. "You've met?" Dad asked, causing Adam and Mom to laugh. "He was too drunk at our wedding, apparently," Mom said to Adam. "Oh, that's right," Dad said. "Anyway," he continued as he wrapped an arm around me. "This is my firstborn, Ameilia, she prefers Millie though." "Hi." I said with a tight smile. "Millie, it's a pleasure to meet you," Adam said with a bright smile. Then Dad released me, and slapped a hand on Caleb's shoulder. "This is my second born Caleb." He said proudly. "Ahh, the football star," Adam said as he held his hand out to Caleb. "Even a firm handshake, that's great." Adam complimented. I rolled my eyes at Caleb's smirk. "Dear, are your friends here?" A woman called. Then a woman came from around the corner with a bright smile on her face. The woman is stunning. She has curly brown hair, and bright green eyes. Her figure is to die for. She has on a silk blue blouse, and black dress pants. "Sarah!" Mom said excitedly when she saw the women. "Betty!" Sarah replied with just as much enthusiasm. The two women threw their arms around each other. Once again, Caleb and I shared a look. We had no idea that our parents had a life before. They are pretty much stay at home people. Sure, they have a couple of friends like Mrs. Miller who we have brunch with every day, but nothing like this. "Oh my, this must be your children!" Sarah said as she let go of our mom, and came over to inspect us. "Wow Davy, this one looks like your replica but female, and much prettier." She said, and then winked at me. Dad chuckled. "This is Millie, my pride and joy." He said, earning a glare from Caleb. I smirked, and stuck my tongue out at my brother. "Millie, what a pretty name. It's so nice to meet you dear." She said, and then hugged me. "Although, I did meet you once, but you were only a couple of weeks old." "Thank you. It's very nice to meet you too, sorry I don't remember the first time," I said, with a small laugh. Sarah chuckled with me. "That is quite alright dear, we can be good friends now." She told me, and then moved on to my brother. "Wow, a perfect mix of your parents I see." Then she threw her arms around Caleb, shocking him. He awkwardly hugged her back. I snorted, enjoying this all completely. Caleb glared at me. "Sorry, I'm a hugger." Sarah said to him. "Uhm, it's okay." Caleb replied. I'm sorry, is that a blush I see on my little brother's face? "Well, come on in, dinner isn't done yet, but we have drinks," Sarah said. "Ooou, drinks." I said with a teasing voice. "Nonalcoholic drinks for the kids." Sarah said with a laugh. I sighed heavily, earning laughs from the adults. We followed the couple down a long hallway. When we came out, there was a huge living room to the left, and a large dining room to the right. Sarah walked over to the table, and then turned around to hand my mother a glass of wine. Then Sarah walked over to a small white box that is attached to the pretty gray wall. "You two get your asses down here, we have company." She said sweetly. "Be right down Mom." Came a female voice. Holy they have an intercom? And I thought we were rich. Apparently, not as rich as these people. Holy cow. The decor in here looks more expensive than our house. Mr. Whitlock must make a lot of money as a lawyer. I wonder if Mrs. Whitlock has a profession that pays just as well. I had wandered away from the crowd to another hallway. The artwork here is just stunning, absolutely stunning. I hadn't realized how far I had wandered off until I heard a deep voice come from behind me. "Lost?" My blood ran cold. I turned around to face a boy about my age. I gulped as I took in his appearance. His messy black curls look sexy sitting on his head, and slightly over his deep green eyes. There is a silver hoop through his bottom lip on the left side. He's tall, probably 6'3, and full of muscles. How do I know that? Because he's shirtless. My face heated as my eyes traveled down his toned body. I can see his V with how low hanging black jeans are. Why would he come out dressed like this? "I, uh, I..." I stuttered out like an i***t. The boy raised a brow at me, and I cleared my throat. "I was just looking at the artwork. There's a lot of it," I said. The boy gave me a nod and then started walking towards me. My body froze in place as he got closer. He stopped only inches away from me. His face is expressionless as he stares down at me. Then he steps to the side, and looks at the painting behind me. "Don't see what's so pleasing about it," he said gruffly. I frowned. "What are you talking about? It's beautiful." I argued as I turned around to look at the abstract art. "All the colors and wildness of it... It's stunning." I said. "There is definitely something stunning in this hallway," he said lowly. Goddamn, he has to have the deepest voice I have ever heard. I looked up to find him staring down at me. My face heated under his intense gaze. Wow, he has such pretty eyes. I can't look away from him. He took a step closer to me, so there was almost no distance between us. Then he dipped his head down to my ear, and my heart rate spiked. What's he doing? "I'd much rather stare at you going all red like you are now, then stare at these boring paintings." He whispered in my ear. Then he pulled back with a smirk. "The main area is that way." He pointed behind him. "I have to put a shirt on before I formally meet you." Then he walked away and disappeared behind one of the many doors. What the hell just happened? Was he flirting with me? No way. This has to be a parallel universe. Yup, that's it.
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