Chapter 5: Take Your Chance

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Charles left the mall dejectedly. He sat on the bus heading to Little World and looked at the traffic and crowds outside the bus through the window. The occasional strong car light was too stimulating to make him have the urge to cry.   Charles's plan in the mall was unsuccessful. On his way to the target sofa, a phone call suddenly interrupted him. Charles picked up the phone and frowned when he saw the name flashing on the screen. Monkey Julius. This is Dylan’s call.   What’s wrong with this b***h? Why did she always come into his plan? Charles couldn’t help to curse her.   When he arrived at Little World, Charles immediately found Jim, Mark, and Robert sitting beside him.   After seeing Mark, the framed hatred that Charles had forgotten immediately came to his heart. If it weren’t for Mark, he would not have torn off Monkey Julius” skirt, nor be threatened by Monkey Julius as an informant, and the most important thing was that he would not be homeless as he was now.   It’s all Mark’s fault.   "Charles, come on, come on, sit down, everyone is here but you," Jim enthusiastically invited Charles to sit down.   Charles sat down slowly, smiling as if he had a ten-layer mask on his face. He thought he gave Mark a menacing look, but it was a pity that Mark didn’t even see him in his eyes. Mark just took a sip of beer in silence.   "How’s going this time?" Jim asked.   “Couldn’t be worse. At least It’s better than before. I don’t have to pay any fine. I mean, the police officers have no evidence to prove that I stole anything. As for molesting women, it’s simply a misunderstanding. You see, I was released after they figured out everything."   Jim nodded, "You see? MadNine was right. He suggested you guys not carry any stolen goods. As long as the things are not with you, even if you get caught, you can find an excuse to get rid of the police.   Mark would definitely not let go of this flattering opportunity, "Of course, it will be so i***t to ignore the suggestion given by an experienced expert like MadNine."   With that said, Mark took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for Jim before lighting one for himself. After doing all those things, he put the cigarette back in his pocket, as if he didn’t see Charles and Robert at all.   In Charles’s eyes, Mark was a typical villain. There were always two cigarettes of different grades in his pocket. His ability to recognize and communicate with different people in different ways has been tempered thousands of times. Charles had a reason to suspect that he even practiced this communication skill in his dreams.   Jim couldn’t be happier for what Mark just said, “Yes, as long as you work hard, MadNine will always be here to support us. Notes, cars, and houses, sooner or later, you will get everything you are dreaming for.”   Charles also nodded. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Dylan called to explain his task. "Jim, when will you take us to meet MadNine?"   Mark rolled his eyes to Charles without concealment, saying sarcastically, " I don’t mean to think of myself as your life mentor, but listen to me, young people should be more patient. I’ve been following the gang for almost a year and still haven’t got a chance to meet MadNine yet." After saying this, Jim seemed to be afraid of suppressing those young people’s passion, he continued, "Of course it is not without exception. If you make some achievements, MadNine will take the initiative to arrange the meeting, after all, he cherishes every talented people. You can ask Robert if you don’t believe what I just said. MadNine had invited him to dinner at his second month in the gang, didn’t you, Robert?"   Robert grinned, tacitly acquiescing.   Robert came from the southern part of the country. He was a shote man in his early twenties this year, silent but handsome. Charles believed that no one would doubt him even if he said he was still a high school student.   Robert has always been a mystery to Charles and Mark, blocked behind a curtain. They didn’t know his background, not a bit.   When Jim took them to the bus station looking for the target, Robert was always one of them, but he had only been watching them in secret. Before, Charles thought that Robert was a newbie in the industry, and he needed to learn more skills through observation. But what Jim said today clearly proved that he had guessed wrong before.   Being a thief in a gang was not an easy thing to deal with, as there was a rather stick rule in the gang compared with thieves working alone. For example, there were at least two roles in the station shoplifting team, one role was responsible for looking for targets and getting the goods, while the other role was responsible for selling them to the dark market.   Compared with theft in public areas, there were more rules for burglary, and the division of labor was more detailed. There would be specific roles for searching for the target, opening the door, stealing indoor, and selling stolen goods.   Charles guessed that Robert should be part of the burglary team, but Charles couldn’t determine which role he was.   Mark obviously didn’t know how to control his curiosity. He asked directly, "Hey, Robert, tell me what you do."   Robert smiled silently. Instead of answering Mark’s question, Charles turned to Jim, as if he needed Jim’s approval for what he could talk out.   Jim was quite frank, "Robert is responsible for the lock. He is a technician. No matter what the lock is or how difficult it is to open, he can definitely open it within ten seconds."   Charles knew that Jim wouldn’t introduce Robert to him and Mark for nothing. He directly stated his guess. "Big Jim, forgive me if I ask too much. Are we gonna change our ways of working? We’ll change from theft team to burglary team, won’t we?"   Jim wasn’t angry at Charles” speculation. He patted Charles on the shoulder and praised, "Smart! I know I was right to have you on the team."   Mark gloomily agreed, "Yeah, of course. After all, he graduated from college. But, Charles, I always have a question that I would love to get an answer from you. Tell me, as a college student, why do you want to be a thief? Or what are you planning? Are you sent by someone or some organization? Uh?”   "You son of b***h! How dare you slander me in this way?" Charles stood up at once, patting the table bitterly as if he has been an unbearable insult. But no matter how loud he roared, Charles couldn’t deny his guilty conscience.   He even regretted why he didn’t knock Mark with a beer bottle to show his sincerity. Well, Charles was not a qualified informant, at least he had no idea how to handle this situation perfectly.   Damn the policewoman, why did she have to select him as an informant? Mark’s words undoubtedly revealed the deepest secret at Charles’s heart.   "What do you want to do? Do you want to hit me? Come on, bro. You know, I’m just kidding, you don’t have to act like you’re guilty. Or did I happen to find the truth?”   Charles didn’t expect Mark to openly fire at him in front of him, "How dare you say this me? You have no idea what I’ve been through at the police station in the past few days. Do you I am the one who wants to stay there? Tell me, Mark, how could I be targeted by the police if you didn’t push me on purpose last time? Tell me, this’s not over if you can’t give me a good explanation, eh, Mark?”   Seeing that it was escalating from a quarrel to a fight, Jim stood out to stop them, "Calm down, calm down. Now that we’re in the same team, we should support each other but not set up our friends, don’t you hear me?”   Mark still kept talking, "If I were to say it, he must be an undercover agent. Otherwise, how could it be possible for a common thief to enter the police station more than six times in six months? I think he must have taken this chance to send intelligence to someone in there."   When Charles heard this, his cold sweat broke out immediately. If Jim wasn’t there, he even wanted to strangle Mark immediately. Charles had no idea what he could face if there’s anyone taking these words seriously. The negative impact was immeasurable. "Shut up!" Jim finally got angry. He stopped Mark from continuing to speak, then turned to comfort Charles, "Charles, don’t mind, you know Mark, he always talks like eating a ton of s**t. But well…" Jim changed his tone, "If you are caught again, I’m afraid to say that I got to advise you to leave."   Charles’ face flushed immediately because of shame. After all, going to the police station too frequently was not a glorious thing.   Jim patted Charles on the shoulder once again, "Well, don’t blame me that I won’t give you a chance. There is a big mission tomorrow. Robert will open the lock. How about you enter the room to search valuable staff?"   Seeing Mark was about to express his dissatisfaction, Jim immediately raised his hand to stop him, "If you fail or have any problem this time, I can’t hide it for you in front of MadNine. You have no choice but to leave the team later."   "Don’t worry, Big Jim, I’m definitely not embarrassing you," Charles made his promise.   When he just became a thief, Charles himself had committed two burglaries, leaving him an impression that the risk was too high compared with stealing in public.   But now Charles had no room to step back. On the one hand, he had no money to support his living, on the other hand, Dylan was still waiting for his internal information. If he was kicked out, that was to say, he had no value for Dylan anymore, then the high probability that waited for him was several years of imprisonment.   Looking at the smirk on Mark’s face, Charles suddenly felt so sorry for himself. He truly regretted stepping this way for the first time. At the same time, the resentment towards his dead father became even heavier.   The dinner tonight lasted until twelve o’clock in the evening.   “Charles, I will send you the address via SMS. Keep our rule in mind! Don’t forget to delete the text messages after you keep everything in mind. Also! Remember be there on time,” Jim repeated the rules again.   After Charles expressed his gratitude to Jim, he hurriedly left Little World. On the one hand, he had no reason to stay there after collecting all the necessary information. On the other hand, it was because when he was going to the toilet, he took a chance to get a wallet from the next table. If he didn’t do this, he would have to sleep on the street tonight.   Watching Charles’ drifting away, Mark took out the cigarette and lit for Jim first as usual, and then asked Robert if he would love to have one.   Seeing Robert shook his head, Mark took the cigarette back. After lighting the cigarette, he asked Jim again, "Big Jim, why didn't you let me do this? You know how important the first business is."   Jim took a deep breath, "Do you really want to join this time? For what? For death?”   Mark was taken aback for a moment, then whispered with a smirk, "Big Jim, so you mean..."   Jim raised his eyebrows at Mark and then glanced at Robert next to him. Mark immediately understood what Jim meant.   Sometimes you needed to learn to shut up when there was an outsider presenting.   Mark pushed Jim's shoulders as if they were good buddies, "Let’s go, Big Jim, let's find a bar to start our night!”    
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