Chapter 4: Informant

1954 Words
Charles realized that everything he saw was real after more than ten seconds.   Butch immediately jumped into his mind.   Charles remembered that Butch has mentioned that Vision allowed people to see what was about to happen in advance, which coincided with the scene that just happened.   Could all of this be true?   Charles didn’t know what he was thinking or what to think of, he was shocked and happy. What was shocked was that he had acquired this ability inexplicably, and he was so happy that he would know in advance if he could steal something without getting caught.   But the thing was…how to activate this ability?   Charles tried to recall what Butch has taught him during the lecture. Unfortunately, he didn’t find anything in his memory as he never expected this to be true. He couldn’t help regretting his unconcern. He would treat Butch’s class as a college entrance examination if he knew this. After trying for a while, Charles only remembered Butch mentioned something like “let go of distraction.”   Was it possible to see what could happen in the future if there are no distracting thoughts in the mind?   It’s so easy if it’s true!   Charles was still so surprised by his superpowers, while Dylan returned to the interrogation room. She was shocked to see Charles’s happy face. What happened in such a short period of time? She couldn’t hate Charles more when she thought of Jared’s report.   This group of thieves was getting more and more rampant. There were four burglaries in downtown yesterday, and they were all from the same gang. If she were right, they must be coming from the gang of Charles.   "Have you made your decision?" Dylan asked with a cold face.   "I agree with your offer," Charles answered without hesitation. With this ability, Charles even felt that he could replace MadNine and command all the thieves.   Dylan was a little surprised to see Charles agreeing so readily, after all he was so distressed to hear this offer, as if he had had s**t. Did something happen that she didn’t know when she was not in the interrogation room?   "Do you know what you are doing?"   "Of course. When can I go out?" Charles asked impatiently.   Dylan stared at Charles for three full minutes, then finally talked again, "You can go out early tomorrow morning. But I hope you can keep in mind that only you and I know about the informant."   Back in the guard room, Charles laid on the hard bed, happy as if he had won the 5 million lottery ticket. He wanted to put himself into a state of "no distractions" and experience that kind of superpower again. But his mind was full of bills, houses, cars, girls… He felt that if he went out, these things that he didn’t even dream of before would fly towards him directly. He even wondered if this ability could help him become president.   Charles fell asleep with a big smile. In his dream, he was lying on a golden mountain, holding gold in one hand and diamonds the size of a goose egg in the other, and there were heavy jewels hanging around his neck. Just as he was rolling on the ground happily, Charles woke up by the door knock. It’s time to leave.   At dawn, as Dylan said, Charles walked out of the detention center. He stood at the door, took a deep breath, and couldn’t hold his urge to shout out, “I’m out! I’m free!”   “But before the word "I" got out, his mouth was filled with wind immediately, mixed with fine dust and sand.   “Oh, right, her phone number!” Charles immediately took out his phone to save the phone number of the detective but paused while writing the name. Was it too obvious to save the name directly? Wouldn’t it be equivalent to directly admitting that he was an informant if he was caught? After thoughtful thinking, Charles input three words instead of her real name while couldn’t help laughing.   "Monkey Julius."   Today was Charles” first day as an informant.   Charles called as he walked. He did not try to find the number or name in the phone book, but directly dialed the call using the dial pad. Obviously, he was quite familiar with the number or the owner of the number. After the phone was connected and rang three times, Charles directly hung up and received a text message two minutes later.   See you at the old place at eight o’clock in the evening.       The old place was Little World, where Charles and the other members gathered.   Charles deleted the text messages like he always did, then took a taxi back to his home at Rawene.   Rawene was a small village in the city and where Charles rent a house. Although the money came quite quickly for a thief, he didn’t have enough savings. The main reason was that he got into the cell too many times in the past six months. Every time it’s MadNine, who Charles had never met, paid him out…with Charles’s saving.   Charles was arrested up to seven times and has spent more than 40,00 bucks on this. He had no choice but to rent a shabby place like this.   Back at the residence, Charles took out the key to open the door, but no matter how hard he tried to turn the key he still couldn’t open the door.   Upon closer inspection, Charles thought he knew the reason.   The lock was changed.      Charles suddenly remembered that the landlady had said that if the rent could not be paid in time, she would let him move immediately, and the worst thing was this conversation only happened last month.   Thinking of this conversation, Charles began to calculate the date. He stayed in the detention center for five days, which meant two days late in paying the rent.   Only two days? The landlord changed all the locks because of two days delay?   Charles called to make an appointment with the landlady, and the landlady was very cold when they met. "Tell me, how many times do you pay the rent on time? Zero! I managed more than 30 households in this neighborhood. If they are all like you, why don’t I give up all rents and turned to charity?”   "Sorry, sorry, I know it’s my fault. I just came back from a business trip, how about I pay the rent now? "   Saying this, Charles hurriedly took out his pocket and started to count the bills and changes in there.   The rent was $260 per month, but Charles only found no more than $56 after searching all over his body.   Seeing this, the landlady’s face became even colder, "I’m afraid you have to find another place to stay."   Charles couldn’t be more embarrassed standing in front of her, as if he was naked. He wanted to ask the landlord to keep him for two more days, but he just could ask seeing the landlady’s ruthless face.   He changed his mind. He was no longer the Charles like before. After having superpowers, he believed that earning money would be as easy as eating or sleeping. He even began to imagine that he would book the presidential suite of a five-star hotel and throw parties there every night.   This was a big advantage of being a thief. As long as you were skilled enough, the money in the pedestrian’s pocket could be easily yours.   Charles couldn’t more confident, even more confident than the Olympic champion. He felt that with his ability to predict the future, he didn’t have to worry about money anymore.   The landlady was even more confident than him, after all, she was the one who had 30 houses in her hands. The landlady pressed for a step, "I have packed up all staff for you, right behind the door." Saying that, she pointed to the door behind.   "Never mind. You can sell or throw them away. Do whatever you want."   Charles left the village with his head upright and soon arrived at the city center. Walking on the bustling street, Charles finally made his decision. He was gonna try to activate the Vision in the biggest shopping mall in the city.   In fact, according to the rules set by MadNine, members of the gang were not allowed to move alone, if they were caught for breaking the rule, what’s waiting for them could be the worst punishment in the gang.   Even though he knew the risks he faced were great, Charles had no choice. After all, $50 can’t support him in completing his basic necessities.   The shopping malls on weekends were full of people of all ages, and it seemed that there was no more space to bear one more person.   Charles found a target as soon as he arrived in the clothing area. That was a bald man in his early fifties. This was not the point. The point was that there was a girl in her twenties beside him.   Charles had no idea what the girl said, but he saw the bald man was grinning as if he had picked up five million dollars.   This must be the typical Sugar Daddy, Charles thought to himself.   Sugar Daddy was in a floral shirt and jeans with a handbag under his arm. After paying for six female skirts, he put the wallet on his butt pocket.   This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Charles knew he could walk over and get this wallet out by pretending to bump him.   However, Charles did not move but stood aside trying to empty his brain to activate the mysterious unknown ability.   But soon, Charles realized that things were not that simple. Because the more he wanted to empty his brain, the more he couldn’t control himself, having all kinds of messy things in his brain.   Charles, calm down. Thinking of this, he slowly closed his eyes and constantly adjusted his breathing.   Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, Charles, you can do it, Charles.    However, no matter how hard he worked, he still failed, since there was nothing but blank keeping him from activating the superpower.   Charles opened his eyes in disappointment, but what happened next made him even more disappointed, because the Sugar Daddy and his fashionable girl had already disappeared.   Charles spent the entire afternoon in the shopping mall trying to find a way to activate Vision. But no matter how he tried, it always ended in failure.   After he failed for the hundredth time, Charles found that it was only 10 minutes before eight o’clock.   It’s already too late to entangle with the so-called superpower. Charles knew he got to hurry, otherwise, he wouldn’t even have a place to sleep tonight.   The opportunity showed again.   Charles found a middle-aged woman with a bag on her shoulders. It looked like she has chosen the clothes she wanted to try because Charles found her walking to the fitting room and left her bag on the sofa in the lounge area.   Great!   After checking the surroundings from the periphery, Charles walked over to the target sofa in the most casual way he could do.
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