Chapter 6: Betray

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Charles was lying on the bed, staring at the sun shining outside the window in a daze. Although his stomach screamed like a drum, he was still staying on the bed as if he didn't feel hunger at all. Thinking about everything that happened in the past, whether the superpower he gained or becoming an informant for the police, Charles felt that there was no sense of reality. Especially the wallet stolen last night, there was only $32 in it.   Charles did some mathematic last night. $32 he stolen last night plus the money he already had and then minus the cost of the transportation and hotel yesterday, now he had only $24 left.   My God, what can I do with $24? Charles almost cried out.   Seeing the money in his hand, Charles couldn't help but sigh. Why was the fate of the thief so different? Why was he a hapless thief?   Checking the time, Charles had to get up two hours earlier than the time Jim told him in the message. He received a text message from Jim last night, which provided the target address and time.   Charles left the hotel, eating a sandwich he bought at Subway and walking to the target neighborhood. In this special period, Charles must give up everything costly, including transportation, so the hotel he chose yesterday was within a 30-minute walk of the target neighborhood.   Ponsonby was a high-end community, close to the moat. Charles had done his homework before going to bed last night. He learned that the accommodation price here was more than $100,000 per square meter, which meant that only celebrities or businessmen could afford it there.     Charles walked around the gate of the community. After noticing the guard required registration for a stranger to enter, Charles stepped in from the wall by the moat.   Charles walked all the way and finally found the address Jim sent him last night. Charles had no experience working on a burglary team. He came to the target building. He tried to reach out and pulled down the security door, only to find that the door had been opened. Charles took a closer look and finally confirmed that the security door had been damaged.   Charles let out a sigh of relief, it seemed that the preparations were in place.   Although the security door was open, Charles was not in a hurry to go upstairs. Instead, he found a remote place to sit down. He was smoking while waiting for the time marked on the text message, while at the same time, he was constantly observing the surroundings.   About half an hour later, Charles received another text message on his phone. Looking at this empty text message, Charles knew everything was ready. According to the previous agreement, empty text messages meant Ready, while the text messages with content meant Changes and Leave ASAP.   Charles deleted the text message first, and then entered the building. At this time, the advantages of the high-end community have become disadvantages, because the elevator card was required to go up or down, and Charles, who did not have an elevator card, can only choose to go upstairs by stairs.   Oh s**t! Sixteenth floor! Why did it have to be on the sixteenth floor? Charles almost cried out.   Charles grumbled and climbed, after all, he didn't want to miss the time during his first mission time. When Charles arrived on the sixth floor, footsteps came from the upstairs.   Charles froze and slowed down immediately. When he was hesitant to continue or return, he was relieved when he saw Robert walking down from above with his peaked cap.   It seemed that Robert has unlocked the door.   Charles and Robert passed by, behaving not to know each other, but Charles still astutely saw Robert winking at himself three times.   What did that mean? Was Robert wishing him success?   Five minutes later, Charles reached the sixteenth floor smoothly. It’s a square building, with two elevators and three households. Charles knew the target was the middle household. Charles yanked the door slightly. As he expected, the door was not locked. He immediately opened the door and stepped half of his body into the room.   "Anyone’s home?"   For safety issues, Charles couldn’t be more cautious for every step, and once again make sure that there is no one in the room. If there was someone indoor, he could leave himself enough time to find an excuse.   Some people may not understand why being a burglar was such a complicated thing, having a dozen of roles. Anyway, for the individual burglars, they could manage all staffs from resolving the lock to sell all things to the dark market.   Of course, it’s true, but the fact has been proved that it’s better with a dedicated person in charge of each step. Both in terms of efficiency and safety, it’s more advantageous and more professional than doing it alone.   There were specialties in every industry and being a thief or a burglar was no exception.   After making sure that there was no one in the room, Charles walked in quietly. He closed the door, and hurriedly went straight to the bedroom. His target was a bedside table, large closet...   The three bedrooms were quickly turned over by Charles.   The high-end community really deserved its reputation. Charles' harvest this time was even more substantial than the harvest of the past six months. Three gold necklaces, two pairs of earrings, three diamond rings, and a thick pile of cash. After the last count, Charles packed all the items.   After he succeeded, Charles began to feel comfortable appreciating the design of the entire apartment.   Light wallpaper, red carpet, and dark purple sofa did not look like an ordinary apartment, but a royal conference hall. Especially the wealthy tree on the balcony, whose branches were even thicker than Charles' waist, almost reaching the roof.   Charles couldn't help but walk to the balcony to observe this wealthy tree carefully. Such a thick wealthy tree must be very valuable, but it was too difficult to carry.   Wait! Just when Charles regretted that he couldn't take the tree away, he suddenly realized something was wrong. He fixed his gaze, only to find two police cars parked downstairs. In an instant, his cold sweat came down.   Why did the police come but no one told me? Charles suddenly recalled that Robert blinked three times at him on the stair.   Charles immediately had a bad feeling, was he or the mission sold out to the police?   Charles had no time to worry about the wealth tree or diamonds anymore. After throwing all the stolen goods on the ground, he immediately ran out of the door.   Charles looked at the elevator panel and found that one of the two elevators had reached the tenth floor and was still slowly rising. Charles knew that there must be policemen in the elevator, so he made his decision immediately and turned to run down the stairs again, but after running two or three floors, he stopped again. The police would certainly not be so stupid without arranging people in the stairs. If he ran straight down, he would definitely meet the policeman face-to-face.   What should he do now? Charles has totally lost.   Call Jim? No, it’s against rules set by the group, ‘it’s not allowed to contact anyone in the team for any emergency during the theft.’ Plus, Charles has figured out who betrayed him this time. Charles instinctively believed that this had something to do with Jim.   Call Monkey Julius? The worst choice. If she knew that her informant has been abandoned by the gang, then in her eyes he must have no value at all. Charles felt like seeing himself banned behind the bar in the coming ten years.   Despair that had never happened before came to Charles. Unless he was suddenly given a pair of wings, he would be so dead this time.   At this moment, Charles heard footsteps coming from below, at least from five or six people.   Charles guessed he’s over this time. Sitting on the stairs quietly, Charles started to get his mind back. No matter who betrayed him, his fate was doomed. Rather than running like a dead dog, Charles preferred to be caught in a better impression.   Charles slowly calmed down with an empty mind. At this moment, another voice came from downstairs. Someone was opening and closing the door.   Charles was now sitting between the thirteenth and fourteenth floors, and the door opening is heard from the thirteenth floor. Charles, who hadn't completely given up, immediately got up and ran to the thirteenth floor.   A seven or eight-year-old boy with a bicycle was pressing the elevator, and there was an elevator card hanging around his neck. As the elevator doors opened, Charles heard someone talking in the stairs.   "Captain, is the source accurate or not?" someone asked.   "Trust me, it couldn’t be more accurate. It’s the internal source. We will get a reward for sure this time.”   "Poor kid. He is so unlucky enough.” People laughed after hearing this as if celebrating in advance   Charles knew there was no time to wait. He entered the elevator before the boy and then turned to the boy, "Come in! Now!"   The little boy was obviously taken aback by the man who appeared suddenly, so he was stunned outside the elevator, not knowing if he should get into the elevator or not.   Charles was very anxious, so he reached out to grab the little boy's arm and drag him into the elevator directly, "Come in now."   The little boy's tears flowed out immediately, and he yelled as he struggled, "Mom! Mom, help..."   As soon as he looked up, Charles saw several people in police uniforms rushing out of the stairs.   Charles was stunned suddenly and then realized that he was still sitting on the stairs of the corridor.   Since this was not the first time it happened, Charles immediately realized that he had entered Vision again without realizing it, and he saw what was about to happen.   Charles immediately jumped up and walked quickly to the thirteenth floor.   There was no one in the corridor, and both elevators stopped on the sixteenth floor. Just when Charles wondered why he didn't see the little boy, the door of a household opened.   The little boy walked out with his bicycle.
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