Chapter 4

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Elena POV I was shocked when I heard my mother’s reply. I thought she was going to find a way to help me out of the situation but she didn't even try. She was not going to try. “What do you mean mother? I want to understand something you are really giving me off to someone like that. You will give me off to someone I don't even know, someone I have not met just because the Alpha told you.” I was looking at my mother, she was trying to hide her face from me. It was not the best thing I have seen, she really was trying to hide her face but there was no need for it. “What other explanation do you need? You are going to the Crest Pack not as a slave but as a mate to their Alpha, do you know how many girls would die for that position you were given? Do you know how many people would want to make sure their daughter was the one going? You should consider yourself lucky that I even let him choose you.” “You should have let him pick one of those girls that were crying for him, you would have given them the opportunity than for you to ruin my life like this.” Tears freely flowed from my eyes. I looked at my mother as she stood there not even saying anything, “Oh come on Elena, you are my daughter and I know what is best for you.” My step father was trying to place his hands on me. I looked at him dead in the eyes and the words I have been holding back came out of my mouth. “You are not my father, you will never be my father!!” I said looking at him, the anger in him grew more intense than before. “You ungrateful child, do you know what I had to plead with the Alpha to make sure it was you he picked? Do you really think I am gaining anything from this? You really are an ungrateful brat.” My stepfather spat at me, I was filled with sadness and anger. I had come back home looking for my mother but now, now I wish I was never here in the first place. “I'd rather die than let someone I don't know lay his hand on me. I will make sure you don't get what you want.” I looked my stepfather in the eye and he was furious when he heard what I had to say, “You might think you have a say in this but you don't. The Alpha and the man from the Crest Pack will be here tomorrow to take you to your new home so make sure you pack up your stuff.” I angrily left them and headed to my room, I closed my door shut. The moment I was behind closed doors, I sat down and began crying. The tears began to feel endless like my pain, this was not how I had pictured today. ‘I really thought that today would be the best day of my life, this is not what I had imagined. It seems that whenever something good wants to happen to me the moon goddess decides to change my luck. Am I that cursed and forsaken that she mocks me from above? Why would she give me a mate that would reject me? Why would she stand there and watch them sell me to another Pack like I was some kind tool?’ And to think I would be sold to the one person the entire Werewolf Pack hates, William the cursed. People say he was not meant to be Alpha, that he killed the true Alpha and took his position and that his Pack was the worst anyone would even think of seeing. He was the absolute worst and people would always say that the moon goddess hated his Pack which was why she laid a curse on them making it a home for savages. It was not where anyone would wish to go. As I sat there suddenly an idea came to my mind, I was not going to sit there and watch them sell me off like I was some slave of theirs. I looked at the window and prepared myself to escape from it because it seemed to be the only thing I knew I could do was to find a way and get out of this hell hole before they had a chance to think of a way to sell me. I climbed out my window and began to walk away from all of it, I was not about to be given away to someone like I was theirs to decide what they wanted. I was sure if I was going to be able to leave the pack without them noticing then it would be best for me. “Where do you think you are going?” A voice said from behind me, I stopped dead in my tracks. I knew the voice and I was not even expecting him to be here of all places. I turned to see Edward standing there, it was like he was waiting for me to come down, I looked at him and I was not going to reply to him. I turned and began to walk away. I wanted to leave before my stepfather would know I was gone but it was going to be hard for me to even think of doing anything. Edward walked up to me and pulled my wrist, “I asked you where you were going, or have you gone deaf?” He was looking at me like I was some kind of child to him. “Let go of me Edward , go and be with your mate and leave me alone!” I said looking at him, I didn't know why I still had feelings for him in my heart. I wanted to erase everything but it was not possible. “I heard that you are getting sold to the Cursed Alpha as a mate, we both know you won't last a night with him.” “Why do you care? You already have your mate, why worry about others' well-being?” I was still fighting to free my wrist, I wanted to leave but he was not letting me go anywhere. “I can help you, and you will remain in the Pack and no one will sell you off to anyone.” I stopped and looked at him, it sounded like a dream but I didn't know what his catch was. “How are you going to do that?” I looked at him and wanted to get the answers from him. “If I make you my mistress no one will take you away.”
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