Chapter 5 -Mates?

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Reylin's point of view. Sam drags me to this hiking spot as I desperately calm my wolf. I have tried everything to settle Barrow. Nothing is working. I worry that one more threat to his Alpha status will force him out and I will lose my tiny strands of control. He wants blood and he won't stop until he gets it. I look around at the crowd now gathering. More humans are joining. Barrow counts them off as if they are prey to be chased. Sam can tell he is restless and uses his body as a human shield. I hope that a walk in nature will be enough to calm him. Otherwise, we may have to hunt and find some prey. Then suddenly out of nowhere, the smell of jasmine and roses envelopes my senses. Barrow calms instantly, muttering only one word. Mate. I stare through the ever-growing group of people until I see her. My mate. There she is. One look and I can tell. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Her long brown hair is held out of her gorgeous face with a tan headband. She is one of the only women dressed appropriately for the activity, not that I need tight clothes to see her perfect body. Her lips glisten with dew and I wonder what they would taste like, how they would feel slipping through my teeth under a playful bite. I catch her staring at me momentarily as the world around her fades. The sight of my mate consumes me so much that I barely notice Christella walk up to me until Sam nudges me. "Hi, Reylin," the tone of her voice says my name like it is poison. Sam, now putting his body between me and Christella says "It's Alpha." She reaches out for me and I instinctively hiss at her "Don't f*****g touch me." I screech. "Only my mate can touch me." Rolling her eyes she sighs and says "I'm going to be your wife, I'm going to have to touch you at some point." I snarl at her again, reminding myself of the humans around "We are not getting married." The entire time she speaks I stare at the back of my mate's head. Watching her is all-consuming. I want to rush up to her and take her into my arms. Sam pushes through a mind link. Your mate? You found her. She doesn't smell like a wolf Reylin. I reply through our link read her. Please. Our conversation is cut short by the guide loudly gathering all of us close. He shouts over the loud crowd. "Hello hello, Welcome to the start of the moonmaiden trail." My mate's friend quietly whispers through gasps of air "Start" A few of the people in the crowd chuckle. The guide continues "There are two paths, the easy path and for those of you brave enough and tough enough the difficult path. I see some of you are not dressed for hiking. Those of you unprepared will be required to take the easy path for legal reasons." He stares directly at Christella. I watch as my mate chats with her friend before they separate and she walks to the group for the difficult trail. Her friend is on the easy trail. Christella stands beside me whining "Reylin please come on the easy trail with me. We are supposed to be spending time together." Sam steps in front of her, ready to scold her for using my name again. She's not going away and I am annoyed "Go on the easy trail Christella. We will get lunch after." I turn away, before spinning on a dime and facing her again "Oh, and if you call me Reylin again I will punish you." She pouts as she stomps away mumbling about having to be outside. What kind of wolf doesn't like being outside? The hiking group set up for the difficult trail has only a few people. Most of which are wolves. I notice my mate standing off to the side alone. Without hesitation, I stroll up to her confidently. She looks down at the ground holding her hands in front of her sheepishly. Her smell overwhelms me again and I can hear Barrow sigh with happiness in my head. Sam links me and reminds me she is human. Frankly, I don't care, she is my mate, and whether she is a wolf or not is irrelevant. I put my hand out for her to shake. Sparks fly through my skin, pounding my body with electricity. "You got split from your friend too?" I ask. She nods. "Honestly I'm surprised she didn't wear heels. How about your friend?" Goddess her voice makes me weak at the knees, sexy and sultry sounding. I snarl a bit trying not to let on that I'm a werewolf "She's NOT my friend." I say firmly. "My dad wants her to be my mate, but I don't like her." We stand there awkwardly for a moment before I ask "What is your name?" She looks a little embarrassed before saying "Oh that was rude of me. Sorry. I'm Nella." "Reylin," I say putting my hand out again for her to shake. I want her touch. I crave her touch. "and this is my Beta Sam." I watch as Sam does this sort of half bow, catching himself and lifting his hand. He wanted to bow to his Luna. Nella rocks back and forth on her heels before asking "Do you mind if I stick with you two on this hike? I really want to see the everbloom tree." Sam pipes up and asks "Do you know the legend of the everbloom tree?" She nods as the three of us make our way up the hill. "Yeah about the creation of all werewolves. It's a fun little story, not true but fun." Sam replies again "What do you think of werewolves?" he mind links me, say something. A huge smile floods her face as she moves herself closer to me "I think werewolves are a cool story idea. A great way to create whimsy and fear all at the same time." The forest is beautiful, huge anicent trees line the trail. A ray of sunshine bursts through the branches lighting our way. Rocks and boulders stick out, covered in moss. There is a smell of crisp autum air, followed by a hint of rotting leaves. I jump onto a nearby rock playfully reaching out to help her up. She ignores my attempt to help her up traversing the hill easily. My heart skips a beat as I watch her. She runs ahead playfully. I chase after her. Sam keeps himself in between us and the rest of the hikers. We easily make our way well ahead of them. It is confusing to me how my human mate can so easily keep up with me as a wolf. I don't have Barrow pushed forward but even in my human form, it should be extremely hard for a human to keep up with me. However, Nella traverses through the hike easily. We are quite far ahead of the other hikers. Conflict powers through my body. My primal wolven instinct wants to mate her, take her home with me, and be with her forever. I am having to fight through every breath being this close to her. But my mate is a human and I have to get to know her. Not just talk casually, but bond with her. I ask casually as we walk "So how did you find out about the everbloom tree?" She holds onto a root as we make our way up a muddy trail. "It was in a book I read as a kid." She doesn't elaborate any more than that. A knot develops in my throat as I realize she may not like me.
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