Chapter 4-The hike

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Third-person point of view. Christella James, tall and slim with jet-black hair lays on her elaborate hotel bed. Her father, Alpha James spared no expense, getting them the nicest cabin in the resort. She is wearing slip-on shoes, yoga pants, and a half sweater. Rolling over exasperated she whines "Do I have to go on this hike?" Twenty-one years old is far too old to whine like this. Her stern father with a sharp voice bellows "Yes you do Christella. The beta from Darkmoon booked them. It would be a good opportunity for you to get to know your new husband." He has the same jet-black hair as Christella, his is much shorter and perfectly styled. Christella continues whining "But why does it have to be outside? Can't we just get coffee or something?" Alpha James steps closer to his daughter, his face changing from menacing to threatening "Do you want to marry Drake? Be the wife to a lowly Beta? You are going Christella and I won't hear any more on the matter." Christella thinks to herself Drake is so sexy, the way his jaw forms and that goofy smile he gets Chrissy, stop. You are supposed to marry Alpha Reylin. It's just your mate bond making you think that way. Speaking aloud she says "Fine, I'll go be traded for favors. You know they had a term for that once. Prostitution." Crawling out of the bed she picks up her phone. A message from Drake arrives and she instinctively reads it, trying not to blush at its contents. Mykel, her older brother sneers at her laughing "Oh little Chrissy, to think you are attractive enough to be a prostitute. Frankly, I'm surprised any wolf wants to touch you." Christella picks up a nearby pillow and throws it at her brother. The two of them very much act like pups despite being well into their twenties. It is because they have never had to mature. Their parents do everything and control everything for them. Their mother, a light-haired woman, with far too much makeup and dressed twenty years younger than she should be says "Enough you two" as she touches up her lipstick. "Christella, do as you are told." Christella leaves, heading to the hike. Analise sits on Nella's bed swinging her feet and reading a hiking map upside down. She asks "So this hike we are going to see what exactly?" Nella continues to get dressed in her hiking clothes. "Well there are two options, the first is the easy trail and that takes you to a pretty lake. The second, much harder trail takes you to see the everbloom tree." Flipping the map over Analise asks "And why would anyone want to see a tree?" Nella repositions the map in the correct way for Analise replying "Well it is said that the everborn tree was the birthplace of the first werewolf. According to the legend, a great and powerful wolf died under the tree, his last wish was to live as a human. The gods answered his call. They enchanted the tree with a special magic that the wolf drank from for months. Once he was pleased with his form he left, thus creating the werewolf." She pauses for effect "But then you'd have to actually believe in werewolf for that to be true." Analise jumps from the bed "or gods. So all these people are gathering to see a tree?" "Yeah," Nella says. Pointing out the obvious. Tales about werewolves have always held an interest for humankind. Even if they don't know their truth. The door to her room swings open and Ami stands there, her arms crossed "There's a mess in the kitchen." Both women stand still waiting for her to continue "And I thought since you were a maid you might want to clean it up." Analise steps towards Ami, stopped by Nella's hand. "I'm so sorry Ami, you are going to have to find someone else to clean up your s**t. I don't start work until Monday." Nella closes the door softly in her face. Analise exclaims, not so quietly "She's a bitch." Nella is not phased by this woman, her bullying and mistreatment is a welcome change considering what Nella is used to. Looking over Analise outfit she asks "Are you going to change?" Analise, wearing leggings, a sports bra, and a puff coat pretends to be offended. "What exactly is wrong with what I am wearing?" she spins playfully. Nella laughs a little "Aren't you worried about being cold?" Analise affectionately places her hands on Nella's shoulders. "That's the whole point, Nella, to get cold, have my n*****s harden, maybe attract some pretty young woman to rub my arms, and keep me warm. What are vacations for if not a good time to hook up with someone?" Looking her best friend up and down she sighs "And what about you? That outfit makes you look like you are ready to trek through the outback or something." Nella laughs "We are going on a the outdoors." Analise replies "And what if there is some sexy man there that catches your eye? How is he supposed to notice you dressed like that?" Nella takes a moment to think about her situation. Everything she owns sits in one drawer, lest the sweater and coat hanging in the closet. "Who would want to date me?" Analise falls on the bed exasperated "I'm not talking about a whole ass relationship. I'm talking about wild s*x. Mindless fun with a stranger that you never have to talk to again." Nella finishes dressing answering back "And why would I go through all the effort of trying to lure someone into bed with me if I'm never going to talk to them again?" She is genuinely confused by this as she has never been with anyone. How would she explain the scars from the years of abuse? Analise says "because it's fun, and what normal kids our age do." Nella now investigating the map says "I'm not normal and if I do find someone to hook up with, relationship or not shouldn't they like me for who I am? Not what I am wearing?" Analise places her hand over her chest dramatically. Pretending she is offended by this phrase. Nella is wearing hiking boots, cargo pants, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and a jacket. The two of them head out the door into the hallway "What is this? some corny love story?" Analise says hanging off of Nella. "He fell for my eyes." she mocks lovingly "Babe, just relax, have fun looking at this tree and if you happen to see a cute guy, say hi." Nella rolls her eyes "And what happens if you see a cute girl? You gonna ditch me?" Analise says "Cute person. I'm not picky about gender. You are my absolute bestie in the whole world. No matter how cute the person is I won't ditch you." They make their way out of the dorms and to the hiking trail. Groups of tourists clammer around. There is a guide standing by a post gathering up the hikers. The group clearly has two types, the serious hikers, like Nella, and the casual hikers like Analise. Nella notes that there is only one guide. From the corner of her eye, Nella catches a glimpse of Reylin. Her heart pounds frantically in her chest as she desperately tries to avert her stare. Her gaze is momentarily broken when Christella bumps into her shoulder, powering through the crowd. She watches as Christella steps up to Reylin, stopped promptly by Sam. She thinks to herself of course it is too good to be true. Something deep down in an unknown part of her soul coaxes her to keep staring at him. Blurring out the whole world around her.
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