Chapter 6- Meeting.

1596 Words
Nella's Point of View We walk up to the hiking area and gather with the others. There are a surprising number of people here on such a crisp morning. Analise surveys the crowd intently, smiling cutely at anyone who will look. I follow her gaze and my eye catches him. The sexiest man I have ever seen in my life. He has this long dark brown hair on the top and shorter on the sides, slicked back neatly. His muscles bulge tightly against his shirt. His eyes catch mine. I want to run over and kiss him. This must be what people mean when they say love at first sight. My gaze is broken by a rude woman who bumps into my shoulder. She walks over to the sexy man and starts to talk to him. My heart falls into my stomach. Of course he has a woman, who am I kidding? A man like that would never be interested in me. I try not to stare but something inside me can't help but look. He turns the woman away. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I watch her stomp off mumbling. Analise leans over nudging me "See something you like over there?" she sings playfully. I look at her and shrug "I see something but I doubt he'd like me" The guide starts talking and separating us into groups. Analise and I are put on different hikes. "I'll stay with you," I say. Analise almost pushing me says "Not a chance girlie. You want to see the special tree. Go without me. Plus Mr. Cutie is in that group, maybe you can get to know him." I smile brightly at her "Are you sure? I don't want to ditch you." she laughs as she makes her way to the easy hike "Go, be social. Have fun." Making my way to the group I stand back from everyone. Most people are partnered or in groups. Staring at the ground I barely notice him walk up to me. He introduces himself as Reylin and his friend as Sam. They ask if I can join their group and of course, I say yes. As we hike through the majestic forest there is a slight awkwardness. I don't know if it is because the attraction between us is so strong or if we just don't know how to talk to one another. He reaches out his hand to help me traverse a steep hill but I decline. If I grab his hand I might not let go and at this very moment, I don't know how he feels. The three of us climb faster than the rest of the group making our way speedily through the trail. Sam is slightly behind us, giving us privacy. I wonder if this is a sign that Reylin also feels something. Standing in front of the everbloom tree I can't imagine anything more beautiful. The tree is over two feet wide. Its leaves shine as the morning sun hits them emitting a green aura. The bark is smooth, almost soft. There are a few small cracks where golden sap pours out. I rub my hand across the tree feeling the power it emits. Sap sticks to my hand. I attempt to wipe it off on my pants with no luck. Reylin reaches out, holding a leaf from the Everbloom tree. "May I?" he asks. I nod as he softly takes my hand. Rubbing the leaf on the sap, he can clean my hand "It's a little-known fact that the leaf of an Everbloom tree can easily remove its sap." We stand there in silence our hands together. Sparks shoot up my arm. Reylin turns his hand around and intertwines his fingers in mine. Suddenly he drops my hand, letting it fall to my side. Apologetic he says "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." I smile towards him, a true genuine smile, and say "I don't mind." as I take his hand in mine. He smiles brightly at me as we continue on our hike. Traversing the final hill hand in hand we find ourselves standing at a ledge. I let go of Reylin's hand and sit on the edge dangling my feet off the end. He slides in next to me taking my hand. Looking out there are miles and miles of trees and forests. Villages scatter through the landscape. The city is far in the distance, a speck in the vastness of the landscape. Reylin leans over and whispers "What do you see? I reply "Safety, freedom. Somewhere I might eventually call a home." Reylin leans into me resting his head on my shoulder "All I see is you." He answers "Can I kiss you?" I nod. His lips softly peck mine, the lightest little touch. It is almost as if he is scared that he may lose control. He rests his forehead on mine as we breathe in sync. I lean in again this time kissing him with more zest. Reaching his hand into my hair on the back of my head he pulls our kiss in deeper parting my lips with his tongue before inserting it into my mouth. I think I see a gold mist swirl and twist around our bodies before it disappears. It must be magic of the moment or so I assume until I hear Sam whisper "Bonded mates." Whatever that means. Sam clears his throat as the other hikers make it up the hill. Most of them are in pretty good shape, but a few huff and puff for the last hundred meters. Our silent mostly alone time is now bombarded with crowds. Reylin has not let go of my hand, holding it tightly against his side. Any time another man so much as looks my way he squeezes it and breaths deeply. There is something odd going on as I can hear, or feel Reylin's heartbeat. The final few hikers make it up the hill as the three of us step away. I can't let go of his hand but that doesn't mean I am not confused. Several questions pound through my head. What happened when we kissed? Was there actually a golden mist or was I imagining things? If I ask Reylin about it will he think I am losing my mind? "You are quiet," he says as we make our way back down the mountain. He plants a soft kiss on my lips "Is something wrong?" I shake my head no. "I just have never done this. Met someone in this way. And been so attracted to them. Of course I want to, well yeah...but I also feel like I have this knawing need to get to know you." He squeezes my hand again and replies "Well if it helps baby I'm incredibly attracted to you too. And not just your body, although that is perfect, I want to get to know you as a person. See if we might be able to turn this into a relationship...down the line. How about we try something? Let's ask each other three questions to get to know one another, but we also have to answer the question. You go first." Excitedly I ask "So what do you do for a living? I start work at this resort on Monday, as a cleaner." He replies "I am the Darkmoon in the law firm Anders and Darkmoon. Do you have any family? My dad is the only family I have." Shocked my mouth falls open. Anders and Darkmoon Law Firm is the most powerful and prestigious in the land. "Wow, that's well wow...No family. I was in an orphanage until age nine where I entered the foster system. How old are you? I'm 19. Well almost. My birthday is tomorrow." He lifts me by my waist as we traverse a particularly challenging part of the path. Easily moving me over the puddle. "Happy birthday," Reylin says popping back down on my feet. He follows it up with a tender kiss. "We are absolutely going to celebrate. I'm 28. What is your favorite food? I like a big juicy steak." I laugh a little "A juicy steak with steaming hot potatoes sounds amazing. I don't know if I have a favorite food. I just eat whatever I can afford to buy. Where do you live? I live here." He pulls me into his side by my hand that he won't let go of and says "I live on a manor. 300 acres of land where my extended family and I stay. Now time for my last question. What is your favorite color? I like dark green." I hum, thinking for a minute. No one has ever asked me what my favorite color is. "I guess I would say a really bright blue like a sapphire." We make it to the end of the hike, to see Analise waving excitedly at me. Before I make my way over to her Reylin pulls me to face him, planting a light kiss on my lips. "Would you like to go for lunch?" he asks. I nod as he plants another kiss on my lips, this time with more passion. I pull away "Can you give me an hour? I smell gross and I am all sweaty." He pulls me back in resting his forehead on mine "You have no idea how good you smell." I laugh a little pulling away the last time. Hollering behind me he says "How about 1230?" I wave at him as I meet Analise.
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