Chapter 3 - The Alpha conference

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Reylin's Point of View I f*****g hate these damn things. Alpha conferences. It's not the hours of negotiations to renew pack alliances or the treaty revisal committees I hate. It's the 100 or so Alpha's, Beta's, and Deltas that all converge in one place. That much ego together should be banned. Last year I had to stop three Alpha's and six Beta's from killing one another because someone's sister slept with a mated wolf. Unfortunately as Prime Alpha dealing with immature bullshit is in the job title. I flop our suitcases onto the table in our hotel room. The strong, powerful, well-defined muscles of my arms flex tightly against the fabric of my shirt. My dear father, the Elder Prime Alpha refused to book a cabin and insisted we stay in the same room. His exact quote was "As Prime Alpha's staying in a regular room will make us more approachable and understanding for the Alpha's of lower status." I don't give a s**t about status, it's the noise that bothers me. Dammned Alpha hearing. My father stumbles into the room, forced to use his cane. He slumps down in the nearby chair. If it weren't for the age difference my father and I would look quite alike. He has short grey hair, bright green eyes, and the same chiseled jawline. His face tells the story of the over one hundred years he has been an Alpha. Wrinkled and weathered with time. His skin is greyish-yellow now and hangs off of his bones. Everyone knows that my father is in his last years. For some reason, he is wearing his traditional pack robes, dark green with golden fillagree lining our patch. A moon cresting over a dark forest signifies the Darkmoon pack. My hair is still deep brown and I have it styled differently, short on the sides but long and slicked back on the top. I also have a bit of scruff covering my young face, not yet given to time. There is life in my body, my muscles pressing tightly against my skin. This hotel room is exactly what you would expect. Two double beds, made of logs to keep with the alpine theme. The blankets are a scratchy material and have some sort of peachy/pink color to them. At the end of each bed is a thick woolen blanket. There is a solitary dresser, a desk, and a sitting table. The bathroom is next to the door. It is a basic bathroom with a tan laminate counter, tub/shower combo, and a full-wall mirror. I start unpacking my father's suitcase, emptying his clothes into the only dresser. He starts to drone on in his usual way, using more words than necessary to get his message across "You know son, as a wolf who is nearly thirty there is nothing wrong with taking a chosen mate. I know age differences are normal in our culture but it's been twelve years son. I think it is safe to assume you do not have a fated mate. Many Alphas are given the blessing of choosing so they can provide the pack with a strong Luna." Growling I slam the dresser drawer almost breaking it "I'm not marrying Christella." my head whips around and he sees my eyes flicker from my dark green to the black of my wolf. Not phased by this he continues "Your mother and I were a chosen pair. Goddess rest her soul. And we lived happily ever after until the day she died. My heart still pines for her." I turn to my father quieting my voice "You were the exception father, not the rule. Most of the Alpha wolves with chosen mates still have fated ones. They usually either reject them, forcing them into rogue status or keep them around as playthings while touting their chosen luna." Not giving up on this futile argument he replies "Christella is a good match. A daughter of an Alpha. Blending our family with that of the Redblood pack would only strengthen our alliance." Stepping forward I roll my Alpha aura at my father. His wolf flinches recognizing the unbridled power of mine. "So that's why you are pushing this. Your precious little alliance relies on it. Did Alpha James tell you she is fated to the Beta of Sandbane? That is a perfectly acceptable match. Think about why James is so adamant that she reject her fated mate and marry me?" I watch as realization floods my father's face. He was played. Sighing with exasperation I stop unpacking "If you'd let me see the contract. Maybe I can find a way out of it." He pulls an old parchment scroll out of his robe, opening it I see regular paper taped to it. My father is nothing if not dramatic. Handing the thing to me he says "Am I getting too old for this?" A rhetorical question not to be answered. Unrolling the stupid scroll I read the contract. Essentially the Redblood pack will only stay in the treaty if I marry Christella. As an extremely successful lawyer, I notice some manipulative and non-descript wording in a few of the clauses. Handing the scroll back to my father I mentally note to investigate further. He sighs pushing his point further "So you see, this chosen paring is powerful. Powerful enough to stop a war. You need an heir Reylen. I would like to see my grandpup before I die." Exasperated by my father's incessant nagging I reach into my bag and pull out my jacket. A few of my shirts fly everywhere. "Where are you going child?" he asks as if I am thirteen. It takes everything in me not to scream at him. My wolf, Barrow, is restless. Wolves are simple. In his mind, Barrow is Prime Alpha, and therefore his word should be taken as gold. No arguments and no questions. My father has riled him up into a rage. "There is an everborn tree in the woods here. I'm going to find answers." I slam the door on the way out nearly running my Beta down. "Woah bro," He says in that consistently calm tone he uses. "take a breather" He places his hand on my chest. Sam is probably the only one who could touch me without having his hand ripped off. Sam is tall and lanky, not very muscular. He has thin pointed eyes, and dark black hair that is wild and unkept and he always dresses in a suit. I am lucky to have him as my Beta, he's smart, cunning, and a winterborn wolf, meaning he has telepathy. I step back walking around my beta saying "That's what I am doing. Going to the woods to take a breather." Sam catches pace with me. "Cool bro. I'll come with you. I heard there is an everborn tree in the woods. Apparently, you need to sign up for the guided hike to see it though" He pauses. I don't answer but keep walking, jacket in hand. He places his arm over my shoulder "Don't worry Alpha. I signed us up." We traipse down the hallway in silence making our way outside. As soon as we step outside two Alpha's from packs up north are sizing each other up for a fight. Immediately switching from my calm and cool best friend and right into Beta Sam yells "Hey you two cut it out." The two Alphas promptly and swiftly ignore my Beta, stepping side by side as they track each other's movements. "Enough!" My voice, powered by my aura dominates the space. Both wolves immediately fall to their knees. Bowing their head in reverence. I step in between them picking them up by the scruff of their shirts. Their eyes widen as they realize the strength of their Prime Alpha. Staring both of them in the eyes I growl "There are humans here." Dropping both men to the ground I continue "If you want to fight for dominance wait until you get home and offer an official challenge. But as long as I am around you will both be little subordinate wolves." One of them growls loudly, his wolf challenging mine. Barrow smirks in my head pacing around in circles. I pick the man up again with one hand "Like I said if you want to fight for dominance offer me an official challenge." This time I throw the wolf, forcing him to slide backward in the dirt. He scrambles to his knees bowing his apology. Fucking Alphas I mind link to Sam. He responds you handled that well. Alpha's ready-to-challenge can't be talked down. I am well aware of this fact as Barrow growls, snarls, and howls in my mind. That Alpha offered him a challenge and he wants blood. I have great control over Barrow but he is not happy. His claws keep scratching at my mind, ready to attack the next person to defy his status. The only thing at this point that might calm him down is a run through the woods. Breathing deeply I say "We need to get to that hike Sam, before Barrow draws blood."
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