Chapter 2- Running away

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Nella's Point of View It's time, finally time for me to run. I leave work with a hiking backpack and a pair of hiking boots slung on my shoulder. The nice thing about owning very little is that packing is easy. No one has ever really run from Sir or Ma'am, they are usually kicked out at 19, so I am unsure how this will go. I find some comfort in not being there when or if they realize I am gone. My best and only friend Analise leans on her hot pink car. It's one of those small hatchbacks that looks like a toy from the 1950s. Analise is one of the only people I've met that I can trust. Her thoughts, not that I read them much, are honest and pure. She has a good heart and an even better mind. Analise is wearing a half sweatshirt, leggings, and three-inch purple wedge heels. She isn't skinny, strong, or obese, her body kind of sits in the middle, but one thing is for certain she doesn't mind showing it off. Her blonde hair is pulled into a messy bun on top of her head and she has a full face of makeup. Waving my way excitedly she opens the trunk of her car as I throw everything in, holding my purse tightly to my chest. Every ounce of money I own is in this purse. Seeing my reflection in the shiny car I notice that my hair is getting long. My brown locks fell well below my shoulders. The shirt and jeans I wear do not show off my runner's body, but I like it that way. I still have the same brown eyes with gold circles that were so interesting as a child. She slams her trunk closed and hops in the driver's seat. I anxiously slide in next to her. "OMG," she exclaims "I am so excited. Bestie road trip! I made us a playlist." Popping her music on she starts singing loudly and off-key as she drives. I stare out the window as the only city I have ever known flies by. Part of me is excited to get rid of it and move on, but another part of me feels lost. Analise turns the music down. "Nellie, you okay?" she asks concern evident in her voice. "Yeah" I say "I knew it was going to be hard". She reaches over rubbing my shoulder affectionately "Well at least now you are going to have a chance to be happy." Sighing I stare out the window as the suburbs turn to woodland "I gave up on being happy years ago Analise. Being safe will suffice." Analise pulls the car into a random gas station. I hand her some money for gas and she softly rubs my hand "You may not be happy right away but don't give up hope." Smiling over to her I watch as she steps out of the car and into the station. A young man, maybe in his early twenties offers to pump her gas. Of course, Analise accepts and flirts with him the entire time. There are at least two dozen lifted, and oversize pickup trucks at this gas station. A few women hang about but they are grossly outnumbered by the massive, very attractive men pouring out of the vehicles. At least 3 in each truck so far as I can see. It would be easy enough for me to listen to their thoughts and find out what this is but I try to refrain from that as much as possible. Analise jumps back in our small car, which looks practically like a toy surrounded by these trucks. "The people out here are so nice. That was Johnathan." She says casually as if the scene is completely normal. I mutter under my breath "Probably some convention at the resort." She smiles my way, "So tell me about this resort you are working at." I know this question is her way of trying to distract me from my racing thoughts "I don't know too much about it. It's one of those five-star mountain retreats that only wealthy and exclusive people go to." Analise teases me "Ohh so you will be cavorting with the rich and famous." I laugh a little "More cleaning up after their spoiled entitled asses. Honestly, I took the job because it has living accommodations for staff." There is a little silence in the car before she breaks the silence "This is kinda like you are going off to college to live in the dorms." Several hours later we pull into the 'Peak Palace: Your Mountain Escape' resort. This place is truly magical. All the buildings are made of logs. The main hotel is huge, at least four stories high. Cabins surround the landscape providing spectacular views to those who can afford it. And the view. How do you describe it? Mountain peaks reach into the clouds. Rocks and cliffs overhang wooded areas filled with evergreen trees. A skiff of snow on the highest peaks causes the bright autumn sun to bounce off the rocks causing a crystalline effect. I have never seen anything so beautiful. Except for those in the resort, there is no one around for miles and miles. This is true peace. Driving through the main parking lot I noticed some of the trucks that were at the gas station, along with regular-sized trucks and SUVs. No one is driving a normal-sized vehicle. I find this weird but chalk it up to the natural environment we are now in. We pull in behind the hotel to the staff dorms. The building is quite nice, built in the same wooded alpine theme. Smaller than the hotel it is only two stories high. I pull my stuff out and followed by Analise, enter. The building is warmed by a crackling fire. The main sitting area has plaid couches made of logs and warm faux fur throw rugs. There is a desk off to one side manned by this tall, lanky young woman wearing a beanie. Analise whispers "They really leaned into the whole outside theme" As I look around, the girl at the desk waves me down. "Excuse me," She says, a slight tone of derision hidden in her voice. "Are you here for a reason?" I walk over to her pulled out of my wonder "Oh yes, sorry. I'm Nella Smith. I start work here on Monday and the manager said I was okay to move in here today." I don't have a last name so I just chose Smith for ease of use. This girl rolls her eyes as she lazily punches something into the computer. "right the new maid." She sighs "Come with me" We follow her up the stairs as she gives us a brief tour "You've already seen the sitting room. There is one on each floor. Kitchens are at the end of the hall and are communal so please clean up after yourself. Bathrooms are in each room. I'm Ami and I am room 212." She stops outside door 214 "And you are here room 214. It's one of our smaller units. No windows but since you are just a maid I am sure you won't mind. Also, you should probably invest in earplugs. My partner and I can get quite loud at times. If you have any other questions don't bother asking me." She slinks away. Analise mutters "Just a maid, don't bother me" in a mocking tone. Turning to me she says "You don't need to read her thoughts to see she's a colossal bitch." She pushes me toward the door. Stepping into my new home I can't help but smile brightly. This is more space than I have ever had to myself. A double bed is against the far wall with end tables on either side. The bed has a neat little blanket designed with some woodland creatures. Two pillows with matching pillowcases rest on the top. There are cute little plaid lamps on each one. A dresser is along the other wall. Five drawers all to myself. There is a small closet with three hangars, more than enough for my needs. Next to the closet is a large floor-to-ceiling length mirror. Analise opens the door to the bathroom. White subway tile covers the walls and floors. Sticky non-stick pads have been put under the showerhead. The vanity has a small counter on either side. The toilet is off on its own hidden by a half wall. I am so incredibly excited to have my own toilet. "Wow," I say, "This room is spectacular." I spread eagle onto the bed. "I have two pillows" I exclaim, playfully throwing one at Analise. "The fact that you find this place spectacular really tells me why running away was the right decision." she opens my backpack and starts to put away my clothes. I stand up, grinning from ear to ear, and help her. All of my clothes easily fit in the top drawer. For the first time in my life, I hang my sweater and jacket placing my shoes in the provided boot tray. Analise empties my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and face wash in the bathroom. These may seem like menial little things to most but to me this is luxury. I don't have to share a tiny single bed, keep my clothes in a trash bag, or bargain for bathroom time just to shower. Everything I could ever want is in this little room. Of all the little joys my favourite part is that it feels safe.
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