Chapter 7- Preparing for lunch

1487 Words
Nella's Point of View Analise drags me down the hall to my room as fast as we can move. As soon as we enter she closes the door and plops down on the bed facing me. She swings her legs playfully as she says "Tell me everything" She drags the word everything through her teeth. I look at her and say "There's not much to tell. We chatted, there was chemistry and we kissed." I chose not to tell her, or anyone about that gold magic I thought I saw. She smiles at me and asks "What's his name, how old is he? Ohh this is exciting. I have so many questions." Laughing at her eagerness I reply "His name is Reylin, he's 28." She rolls her eyes playfully at me "Come on, you gotta give me more than that. I mean you spent like three hours with him. Unless of course, you spent that whole time kissing." I chuckle a little as I think what it would be like to spend three hours just kissing Reylin. Three hours with his delicious lips touching mine. His strong hands softly, caressing my sides, almost touching my breasts. Coming back to reality I answer. "Okay okay, he's a lawyer, he likes steak and his favorite color is green. Now I love you girl, but get out so I can shower." She jumps off the bed waving at me before she leaves. I plop on the bed and sigh with bliss. Is this really happening? Did I meet a man who wants to date me? I squeal all giddy into a pillow, enjoying one last moment of joy before my thoughts remind me of my past. I work as a cleaner at this hotel, I've never been in a relationship, I have nothing to my name, all my money can fit in a sock, and my body is covered with scars from my upbringing. Reylin knows nothing about me, not really. Sadness floods over my happiness like a wave pounding and splashing over rocks. The positive feelings are still there but are covered by the negative ones. Sighing, this time with sadness and exhaustion I jump into the shower. Climbing out of the shower I open my one drawer of clothes. Only owning a few articles usually makes deciding what to wear easy, but right now I am stuck. Settling on a T-shirt that hugs my curves and a pair of blue jeans I dress myself. My brain is running a mile a minute and I need a distraction. Sitting on my bed cross-legged I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes, reaching deep into the mind of Ami. This is so stupid. My uncle owns this place and he is making me work at the front desk. Not even as a bloody manager. I wanted to be the head of events but nooo...that is too prestigious for his niece. Plus this big reunion event. He's acting like I'd ruin it. I know they are all werewolves, I'm not stupid. Listening to other people's thoughts is a great way for me to distract myself from my problems. I pull out of her head for a minute, understanding why she is so miserable. A part of me respects her uncle for making her work and not giving her the job she wanted because she is family. Although the werewolf part baffles me. Rooms and rooms full of big muscly dudes and her first thought about it was to go to a romance novel. That, I don't understand. Reylin's point of view Sam and I walk back towards the hotel, there is a little spring to my step. The only word I could use to describe Barrow is jaunty. We have met our mate. She doesn't know she is our mate, and she is a human, but none of that matters, she is ours, we will have her forever and that will never change. Sam walks with his hands behind his back, taking slow intentional steps, keeping in time with mine. He often does this when he has something to say, something that might upset me. "What is it?" I ask him, waiting for the response. He rubs his head a little before saying "When you kissed her on the hill." He stops pausing while he thinks about what to say next "There was this gold magic that intertwined you two. I'm not an expert but.." I interrupt him, "An eternal bond. She's a human. How can I have an eternal bond?" We walk by a few wolves who bow their heads to me. I nod slightly out of respect and wish that Nella, my Luna, was beside me. Sam speaks up again once we are out of earshot "That's your first question? You can't marry Christella, you can't even touch another wolf or human." "I wasn't planning on touching another being ever again." I retort, making it clear to him that I will be mated to Nella. Sam mind-links me as we enter the hotel, there are too many wolves nearby to hear our conversation I'm serious Reylin if you touch another woman now you will die. Your body will shrivel up into nothingness. My mind starts to wander as I think of all the complications. A human mate who has no idea of our customs or traditions, and now I am bonded to her for all of eternity. How am I going to explain all of this? At some point, I have to tell her I am a werewolf, and then explain a mate bond. On top of that, I have to reveal to her that we have a bonded connection and the implications of that. The implication is death. Regardless of complications, explanations, or anything else for that matter, I will have my mate, and no one and nothing will stop me. Standing outside my room, Sam nods to me and heads off. I swing open the door to see my father in the same chair I left him in. He sits there, his cane leaning on the armrest. The scowl on his face tells me he is upset. As soon as I close the door he growls "Why is Christella upset that you wouldn't go on a hike with her?" Not even looking at him I say "Because I wouldn't." I'm not going to play into his little game, so I pull off my shirt and jump in the shower. Ignoring his protests. When I come out of the shower, he simply says "Reylin, you don't understand, marrying Christella is unavoidable." Throwing my clothes around I search through looking for an outfit to wear to lunch. My mate will be there and I want to make sure I look my best for her. Settling on a button-down shirt and jeans I dress myself, undoing the top four buttons on my shirt, then doing up the fourth one, then undoing it indecisively. Finally answering my father I reply "I've done a pretty damn good job of avoiding this stupid marriage so far." Without hesitation, he snaps "What is this I hear about you spending time with a human?" He spits the words out as his tone fills the room with disgust. Angrily I fight back "You mean my mate?" I didn't mean to say that to him, but I won't have him disrespect Nella. "Mate?" he scoffs. "reject her. Her species is under you Reylin." Barrow scoffs in my head scratching and stomping, before saying to me Rip his throat out for speaking badly about our mate. Breathing deeply to hold onto Barrow I say "Even if I wanted to, which I don't father. I can't." He sneers my way, "Yes you can Reylin, you just don't want to. How many times do I have to tell you that you need to marry Christella? Alpha James is upset." I whip my head around to him, "Did poor little whiny Alpha James tell you that I am going to lunch with Christella?" My father droops his head a little "No. No, he did not." I sigh loudly "Why do you keep letting him treat you like this father? Everything he says you take as truth when he is manipulative and leaving out important details." With a little shame in his voice, he says "You couldn't understand, even if I tried to explain it. How about this Reylin? I will not take anything he says seriously until I speak to you first." I turn to leave, not responding. History has taught me not to believe what my father says. Just before I leave he slams his cane into the ground sending a small rumble through the floor "Reject her Reylin." he says again. Turning to him I drawl out the words "I can't" watching with a look of realization on his face as I slam the door behind him.
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