Chapter - 8 Lunch

1409 Words
Reylin's Point of View I arrive at the lunch bistro which is a lovely little place. There are several glass tables with little metal chairs around them. In the back of the restaurant is a few booths. A few people are sitting at tables chatting. I make my way to the back booths, Sam in tow. He is just staying for the conversation with Christella, then he will leave me and my mate alone. Nella arrives, my eyes catch hers and I cannot stop staring. f*****g hell she looks spectacular. The T-shirt she wears hugs her curves. She smiles over my way waving slightly before approaching us. I fidget with my buttons undoing and redoing them. Thinking to myself I wonder what it would feel like to lift her body up and have her straddle me while my hands slowly slide up her shirt to her plump breasts. She walks over to me as Sam whispers "Naughty thoughts Alpha. Oh, and your buttons are fine." I glare at him as she approaches the table. Mind-linking I say Don't like what I think, then get out of my head. "Hi," I say quickly standing from the booth. "Hi," She says smiling as she pushes her hair behind her ear. I motion for her to sit down and she does. Sliding in next to her I place my hand softly on her thigh just above her knee. It's hard but I am moving slowly with the touching, humans are much less forward than wolves. Once we are all settled into the booth I turn to her and say "So that girl that my dad wants me to marry is coming for a few minutes. I have some questions to ask her and then Sam will escort her away. I promise you nothing is going on between us. Please believe me" My voice pleads with hopefulness. Smiling at me she squeezes my hand holding her thigh and says "No problem. I understand." "You may hear us say some confusing things. My people have their own sort of dialect." This is the best way that I could think of to explain without telling her I'm a werewolf. Christella barges into the bistro, creating a ruckus as per usual. Throwing her hands up in the air she stomps to our table and sits down. Without any introductions, she bursts out "Who is this?" Pointing directly at Nella. I stare at her angrily, rolling my Alpha aura at her. Barrow roars in my mind, ready to take her down if she threatens our mate. A look of sheer anger radiates across my face. Nella must have noticed because she placed her hand high on my thigh and my whole body instantly calmed down. Smiling I reach down and squeeze her hand, letting her know I am comfortable with her hand on me. Of course, I am, she is my mate and she can touch me anytime she wants. Breathing in deeply the scent of Nella helps to calm us down. I say "She's my bonded mate." Christella as a blood-born Alpha wolf will understand the significance of a bonded mate. All Alpha whether ruling or not have to understand what an eternal bond is and the consequences if broken. A wave of realization floods over her face, and then surprising to us all she calmly says "Oh. I understand. What should we do about this stupid contract our fathers signed?" I look over at Nella who is watching us speak, enthralled in the conversation. She has moved her hand even higher on my thigh and is drawing small circles. My breath hitches for a moment and I feel my p***s harden in my pants. f**k, she hasn't even kissed me and I am ready to explode. Instinctively my hand does the same sliding precariously close to her folds. Taking a moment to calm myself I reply "Do you know why your father is so adamant about our marriage? Why he is so insistent that you reject your mate?" Christella sighs, leaning on her hands in boredom "I dunno, probably something boring about the umm business alliances." She emphasizes the word business as she can smell that Nella is a human. I lean in close to her face and say "Well Christella, take some initiative, find out." She groans loudly "What? You want me to find out? Whyyy?" Her voice is whiny and grating. Rolling my eyes I say "Christella, you are an Alpha, and one day you will be a leader. It's time you grow up and take responsibility for your own life." She sighs loudly and says "Fine" before heading off. Sam sends a quick mind-link That is very smart Alpha, have Christella find out what her father is up to and report back. Then he stands up and leaves. Leaning into Nella I whisper "Finally, I'm alone with you." before taking her chin in my hand and kissing her. She deepens the kiss leaning into me and I groan with pleasure. Pulling away I stare into her deep brown and gold eyes saying "Careful there gorgeous. Keep kissing me like that and we may not get a chance to eat." She smiles at me playfully before saying "Sounds fun. I'm sorry if I caused you any drama." I poke at her sides watching her jump and squeal with joy. A waiter comes to our table and drops off menus. As we decide what to eat I say "Thank you for being so understanding about the whole situation with Christella." Teasing me she places her menu standing up on the table between us. It takes every ounce of my self-control not to tear it to pieces. I will destroy anything and anyone who is between me and my mate. Her stunning voice pulls out from behind saying "It sounds like you are in a complicated situation. Would it be alright if I asked you a few questions?" "Of course!" I exclaim "Ask away." She takes the menu down from in front of her face and smiles at me "So in your culture, someone you are seeing is called a mate?" Staring at her lovingly I say "It's sort of like a boyfriend/girlfriend in your culture." Her face lights up brightly as she says "You want me to be your girlfriend?" I realize at this moment that humans have this whole waiting and dating mindset to relationships. My heart sinks into my stomach. Maybe this is too fast. What if she denies me? Doesn't want to be my girlfriend? All I can do is nod and wait. She leans in kisses me and says "What the hell! Why not. I'm on a new adventure." Pure relief escapes from my body. Our lunch arrives and she asks the rest of her questions. The conversation flows easily and I find out that she is an orphan. I wonder if maybe somewhere in her bloodline she has a wolf. When the bill comes I remember what she said on the hike, the words ring through my mind "I eat what I can afford." Never again will she go hungry because of money. This has been on my mind all day and instantly pay. Even if she was a billionaire I would have still paid for our first date. We both stand at the entrance of the bistro, it is obvious that neither one of us wants to leave the other. Nella stands on her tip-toes for a kiss and I wrap my hands around her waist, pulling her closer to my body. She slides her hands up my shirt as she rubs my chest. When we finally pull away she rests her head on me and says "f*****g hell, I'm attracted to you." I chuckle a little and wonder if she is feeling the mate bond. Or perhaps because she is human it is the eternal bond she is experiencing. Wrapping my arms around her I whisper "The feeling is mutual baby." We just stay there holding onto one another for a minute. Barrow hums and purrs at our closeness. I finally say "I want you. Right now. If that is too fast baby, you just let me know." She looks up at me with her big brown eyes and says "Your place or mine." Teasing her I say "Well my father is in my room so unless you are ready to meet the family I'd suggest yours."
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