Chapter 9- The truth.

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Christella's Point of View. Well, that was certainly a turn of events. Reylin has not only found his mate but has been eternally bonded to his mate. If he so much as touches me then both of them will die. How the hell that happened with her being a human I have no idea. It doesn't really matter, I won't be responsible for his or her death. That means I am not marrying him, and honestly, I am grateful. Drake, my mate, and I have been together for years. No one was surprised when we were mated except my dad. He always assumed that I would be mated to an Alpha. I have no interest in being a Luna let alone Prime Luna. but now we have to figure out how the hell to get out of this contract our parents signed. Anger fills my body as I enter our suite. How dare my father insist I reject my mate and marry who he wants, and all for the sake of a pack alliance. My mother is there, her blonde hair tied up in curls as she gets ready for supper with my father. My mom comes from a powerful northern tribe and has what my father refers to as "pure Alpha blood" running through her veins. What he means like that is that both her parents were alphas. She always has to look good for my father, at his request. I don't remember a time when my mother has not been all made up. Hell, she even wears makeup to bed. Alpha James likes it that way and he is not an Alpha to be questioned. "Mom," I say " Why does dad want me to marry Alpha Reylin?" wondering if she would know. My mom looks over at me irritated and replies "I have no idea Christella. I don't ask questions." She gets up, planting a soft kiss on my forehead "Dear Christella." She whispers "Promise me, please, that you won't go asking questions. You know how your father gets when his authority is challenged." She throws her jacket on. "I'm heading to the jewelry boutique downstairs. I want some new earrings for dinner with your father tonight. Do you need anything?" I shake my head no as I analyze my mother's words. She is right, very very right. If I challenge my father's authority I will likely be thrown through a wall...If I am lucky. Reylin is a much nicer, fairer, and stronger Alpha than my father and I do trust his authority. f**k this, he is right. I am an Alpha. I deserve to know why my father wants this. Asking is not an option so I am going to have to find out myself. As soon as I smell my brother and father coming down the hall I quickly throw in a pair of headphones, pretending to listen to music while reading a fashion magazine. My father is not brash enough to speak of such things with me in the room but Mykel, he is. They both open the door and I give them a huge smile and wave politely. Both of them don the same half-smile and continue their quiet conversation. I can tell that my father is mind-linking, but my brother says "So Andrei said he saw Reylin on a date with a human plaything." Good boy brother. Keep talking. I think to myself, grateful for his brazen attitude. My father stares him down aggressively "Shush" he whispers. Nodding toward me. Mykel laughs but keeps his voice down "I don't know why you are so worried about Christella. She's not smart enough to figure out what we did. b***h can barely read. I mean look at her, sitting there all dumbfounded and stupid reading a magazine. She-wolves are only good for one thing, and obviously, she isn't even good at that. Reylin chose a human over her." I listen to this conversation furious. Then my dad, completely out of character whispers "Mykel, you know I agree with you, but you need to settle down. Say those comments in your head. Be smart about it. The only reason I didn't kill your sister when she was born is because marrying her off to a powerful Alpha benefits us. If you are going to be the Prime Alpha..." he stops himself as I yawn loudly, pretending to be bopping to a new song. My wolf, Leyana, is seething, a threat has been made to her and all she wants is blood. I just listened to my father say that he would have killed me and that my obnoxious, brash, horrifying brother was going to be Prime Alpha. The only way that could happen is if Reylin died. Was my father expecting me to kill Reylin? Take over his pack. I doubt that he would trust me with a task like that. Probably used me to get close and perform the kill himself. My father stares at me and then ushers my brother out of the room knowing that he said too much. As soon as they leave I walk over to the desk that my father has laid all the papers out on. Reading the first one I place it next to me in a neat pile. Nothing can be out of place, or father will know. Pack alliances and mundane paperwork on trade routes. I have no idea what any of it means so I start taking pictures of all the documents. As I get to the end of the pile there is a document with no writing, but it has Elder Prime Alpha's signature on it as well as my father's. Smirking to myself I realize he assumed I'd have no idea how to read this. Like they said I'm an i***t. Although this is one class I paid attention to. Turning the small desk lamp on I wait, my hand under it, hoping it will heat enough. The lamp burns, radiating enough. I hold the paper up to the light and like magic, the words appear. Most of it is legal mumbo-jumbo. Snapping a few pictures, I slowly move the document down. What the bottom paragraph says stops me in my tracks. "And at the birth of their first male pup both Christella and Reylin will mysteriously die leaving Alpha Mykel solely responsible for raising their pup. This will, by defacto, place Alpha Mykel in charge of the Darkmoon pack where he can rage a war on the Redbane pack for the untimely deaths caused in the war." Stepping back I nearly burn the edge of the paper on the lamp. I snap a quick photo. Did I just read that right? My father wants me to have a pup and then just die. All so he can have vengeance on Redbane, for some stupid war bullshit. I place the pile of documents back on the desk ensuring that they do not look disturbed. Sitting on the bed my heart races in my chest, pounding frantically. My father doesn't love me, he never has. All I have been for him is a way for him to become more powerful. Leyana whines in my mind, she has just lost her pack and her poor little heart is broken. So is mine. I have lost my family, well at least my father and my brother. Realizing I left the lamp on I jump off the bed rush over to the desk and turn it off, hoping it cools down enough that my father won't notice. Going through the photos I took I decided to send them all to Sam. Followed by the message "Whatever you need to take that bastard down, you have my allegiance and my support." This was the moment that I became an Alpha. I had made a decision I had never thought I would have the guts to. My father has to die. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day, he will be killed.
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