My Father

588 Words
At times my father would do things that my mother did not like however I just thought that's how adults were, always acting weird. Sometimes my father would come home late smelling bad and my mother would just tell me to go in my room and not come out until she said so but I never knew why. My father would yell at the top of his lungs but not making any sense to me. One night when I was around 6 years old my dad came home late again as usual but he was acting a lot different than normal. My mom told me to go upstairs and stay in my room yet again however I stayed on the top of the stairs to see what was going on. My dad went towards my mom and started choking her. My mom managed to get him off of her before he passed out on the floor. Years passed and my dad got worse, he moved on from drinking heavily to gambling, on to being money and power-hungry. My dad started to get physically abusive to my mom and even tried to hurt me one or two times that I could remember. My mom could not take it anymore after my dad found all of our savings which was to get away from him on a get-rich-quick plan that failed badly. My mom had to start all over again to get the money for us to leave. At 10 years old my mom finally was able to get the money to file for divorce and move to where it was born, Japan. My dad did keep in contact with me but that changed and every year it was less often he would call until he just stopped. My mom remarried when I was 13 and my stepdad Kenji was wonderful. Kenji adored my mom and she was happy, happier than I have seen her in years. He made sure we were taken care of and he wanted me to learn self-defense to protect myself if the occasion came about with my father's concern I would be able to protect myself against him which I didn't think was needed but whatever. We went on the same routine for years. My mom was a stay-at-home mom and I would wake up early for my martial arts training then from there go to school, then I had after-school instrument lessons, then back home for weaponry training, then homework, and then dinner. My stepdad went to work, I never really knew what he did however until I was 16 and my mom and stepdad set me down and told me the truth, I think that's the reason why he wanted me to learn martial arts it makes more sense now. They told me my stepdad was a part of the Yakuza gang, he was a part of the largest group the Yamaguchi Gumi. At first, I was hurt being that what this gang did was connected to what my dad would do which was gambling. That night I could not sleep and the next morning I felt calm I wanted to know more about my stepdad and what he did. I was surprised at myself that I was able to get over the fact that they lied to me and such a short time. That morning at breakfast I asked my mom and my stepdad if I wanted to know more about the Yakuza. I want to learn how to be an assassin.
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