My future

655 Words
My mom freaked out and told me I would not get into that lifestyle, she forbade it. [Kenji] Michi it's okay just calm down [Haruki] Mom chill, I don't want to kill people I just want to learn the skills of an assassin, you never know when I might need it. [Michi] You are going to college and then afterward we will discuss your life for the future [Kenji] My beauty I don't see anything wrong with Haruki learning those skills, I can sleep better knowing she will be able to handle herself. [Haruki] Mom, not to make you feel bad but I just don't want to be in a situation like we were with Dave. [Michi] Dave is still your biological dad [Haruki] Please don't call him that, he isn't my dad. It takes more than being biologically related to me to be my dad. Kenji has been more of a dad than he has. Besides he probably forgot I even existed. The next day Kenji decided I would start my assassin training only on the weekends, I was so excited that I jumped into his arms and kissed him on the cheek. I ran away to find my mom to let her know the good news. and all she could do was smile. The weekend finally came so I woke up early to take a shower. Once I was done I went into my walk-in closet and decided to wear black leggings and a black crop top with my black boots. The look was plain however assassins blend in with their surroundings so I thought this was the closest look to the assassin. I put my clothes on and I put my hair up into a ponytail. once I was done I heard a knock at my bedroom door and I told him to come in. Kenji's head poked in and asked if was I decent, I told him to come in. He asked if I was ready, and I told him I was more ready than I'd ever be. Running down the stairs and getting ready to leave out the door my mom stopped me. [Michi] Where are you going, young lady [Haruki] I'm going for training Mom duh [Michi] No, you not, breakfast first. You will need the strength and Kenji you too [Haruki and Kenji] Yes ma'am After breakfast, Kenji and I were ready to go. I thought he was going to train me in a gym or even the backyard but he said we are going to Yakuza headquarters. I was just a little bit frightened that I would be amongst the deadliest people in Asia. Kenji since my nervousness and told me I do not need to be worried, that helped a little. After about an hour's drive to a secluded area, we finally make it to Yakuza headquarters. Once the car was parked I got out and my jaw fell to the floor, the Mansion was amazing, to say the least. Once I saw the mansion all my fears and worries went out the window, I was too excited. Kenji asked me if was I ready to meet some of the Yakuza members, I said yes and we were on our way. At the front door, a butler opened the door for us, motioning us to come inside and he let Kenji know that some of the members were in the dining room for breakfast. In the dining room, my stepdad introduced me to the other members. [Kenji] Good morning everyone, this is my daughter Haruki, she will be doing assassin training here on the weekends. Haruki to your far right is Denki, who is the second in command to our boss and his left is his son Katashi, who is not yet a member, and to your far left is Shin, who is our specialist in sword fighting and martial arts. He will be your sensei.
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