The Addictor

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Dave I'm not so sure when I started to get addicted to gambling but it got worse after Haruki was born. I moved from gambling to alcohol and drugs to loaning people alot of money, sometimes I got lucky because of the money Michi would save but that only got me so far. Long as I could remember life was not easy for me and my parents were toxic. My father was in and out of jail and as for my mother she was a druggy who also did p**********n. I was surrounded by failure and disappointment. I wanted to make something of myself so when I was old enough I got a job. Since I was only 16 I could only work minimum wage jobs but it was enough for now. After a year of working and still going to school I was able to afford my own apartment but on one would give me a chance so I had to choice but to stay with my mother. I worked very hard at school so I could go off to college so once college applications went out because of my grade I was able to get a full scholarships to an University in New York as a business Major. Those 3 years I was working helped out a lot but I'm glad I didn't have to pay for housing because that was included with the scholarship. Once college semester started I had already got a job at a local bar as a bartender for the night shift, things were going great finally. During my Sophomore year that when I met her Michi in the middle of a snow storm where in got into a car accident and hit the side of the road but luckily there was no damages. Michi and I stayed together all night at a near by diner getting to know one another until the storm cleared up and we were able to leave. After we both departed that day I forgot to get her number and knowing that it was too many people in this city it was no way I would be about to find her. Months past and spring came with a town festival so that day of the festival I was hoping to see Michi and luck was on my side once again and I was able to spot her car the same sky blue buggy.I a approach the car and when she opened the door I extended my arm to help her out the car and ever since that day we've been together. After college we stayed in New York and got married, things was good with a little struggle but we were okay. The following year Michi told me she was pregnant I was happy but worried because I didn't know how to be a father and I had grew up around a bad support system. I was freaking out and that's when my troubles began. Getting overwhelmed with work, Michi, and now a baby I couldn't take it any longer. I wasn't getting paid enough money to support my family so that when I started gambling and boy I win many time which help alot until my winning streak wore out. The money Michi saved I started taking that to cover my losses and because I was stressing alot I went to drinking heavily and in turn I would get angry enough to abuse Michi I even tried to hurt Haruki at some point. Michi had enough so she toke Haruki and left to got back to Japan as for me I lost the home we were living in so I stayed at a motel still gambling I had to cause at the time I lost my job as well. One day I woke up in the hospital from a drug overdose and after that experience I decided to clean up my act, my daughter needed me. I found another job so I worked hard but I wanted a job in the degree I graduated for. Searching for more jobs in the field I was looking for I found a position in London for a great pay with benefits so I took it. Things were going good once again I even contact Michi so see how Haruki was doing. Michi told me she was married for several years now and Haruki was off to college. Knowing those new thing made me feel depress because I was not there for any of those things. How will my daughter feel about me after so many years of not seeing or talking to her like she never existed. Once I finish talking to Michi after so many years I started drinking again to numb the pain I tried to fight it I even to Michi that Haruki could come in to visit me once she was finished in college but my daughter would say no and that put me in more disappear then I already was so I dealt with it like I knew best gambling and drinking. Finally, my daughter agreed to visit me but she still had hatred for me I couldn't blame her however that still put me down especially overhearing that my daughter calls me Dave instead of Father which hurt me the most. Getting back into my addiction hole once again because of the hurt feeling of knowing my daughter doesn't even see me as her father anymore I went so deep in the addiction hole that now I owe money to the Clerkenwell Gang which I need to find money fast or else I'm a dead man. I needed to disappear so the gang could not find me but my daughter was coming into town soon and I had to I needed to leave maybe if the gang found her that might just settle what I owe them I am not a great father at all. Maybe one day she would forgive me and call me father once again.
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