Who Are You

1043 Words
Haruki I woke up to extreme pain in the back of my head, my hands were bound, and I was hanging from the ceiling. Where the hell was I and who kidnapped me; It was so many questions in my head. Hearing the door to my prison unlock a big man walked in with a nasty expression on his face. [Henchman 1] So you are awake now good [Haruki] I'm just hanging around [Henchman 1] You have jokes, I bet you will not be joking soon. Now tell me where is Dave you were at his house so you must know where he is. [Haruki] You can do whatever you want to me but it will not matter because I don't know where Dave is. Nor do I know how long he has been gone; so with that being said you can let me good. [Henchman 1] You have a big month on you; soon enough I will correct that. Now tell me where is Dave or I will have to use some of my toys on you. On the far side of the room, there were tools for torture which did not phase me at all; my training prepared me for things like this. Once the man approached me with a very long knife I pulled myself up to lock my legs around his neck to cut his windpipe and he dropped to the floor. I had to be careful; I didn't know what gang I was dealing with so killing any men at this point could make the situation worse. So putting them unconscious will be my tool for right now that might be the only thing that will save me. I needed to get out of here and fast; what was keeping me bound to the ceiling was a rope that was connected to the wall and wrapped around a hunk. I tried to reach for the knife that henchman 1 had with my feet, but then 2 men stepped into the room. The look on their faces when they see their friend's body lying on the floor. They. approach me and detach me from the ceiling. One of them said that their boss was ready to see me now. I could easily take them down with no problem however I wanted to see their boss, and they abducted the wrong person. As we walked to an elevator then out off the 10th floor then down a very long hallway there was a big wooded double door. Hinchman 2 was getting on my nerves pushing me every so often to get me to move faster and as for henchman 3 he was touchy. As we reached the doors; henchman 3 opened the doors and Henchman 2 pushed me in; that was so rude I turned and told him. They kept my hand bound in front of me so I would not do anything stupid. There were four men in the office, one on my right and two on my left and then you have the big boss man sitting behind the desk. He was sexy as hell enough to make my mouth water. I could tell by the way he was seated he was a very muscular guy with short dark brown hair and a scar right above his left eye which added to his s*x appeal. I've never felt this way for any man before; what is so special about him? Still, the boss man is very sexy; playing with him will be fun. Mr. Sexy started talking but I was not paying attention to what he was saying, I was thinking about him wrapping his big arms around me and making me his. I was snapped out of my thoughts when henchman 2 smacked me across my right cheek. He made a big mistake putting his hands on me, as I recovered all I could see was red. I used my bound hands to do a spinning punch to his face making him bend forward then I hit him with a scissors kick to the back of his head making him lay out flat on the floor. Henchman 3 was approaching me but Mr. Sexy raised his hand to stop the man. [Mr. Sexy] I don't have much patience so it would be wise of you to answer my questions and I will not repeat myself. [Haruki] Your tough exterior does not scare me, who are you and why was I taken? [Mr. Sexy] Where is Dave don't tell me you do not know because you were in his house so talk before things get unpleasant for you. [Haruki] Like I told your henchmen I do not know where he is so you are just wasting your time. [Mr. Sexy] Why were you at his house and who are you to him? [Haruki] You sure do ask a lot of questions considering you never told me your name Mr. Sexy. My name is Haruki and I came here to visit Dave. [Mr.Sexy] I'm Theo one of the leaders of Clerkenwell Syndicate, now who is Dave to you. [Henchman 3] He might be her lover or better yet her father [Haruki] That is none of your business who Dave is to me, this is what's going to happen either you let me go or I will hurt everyone in this room then go either way I will be leaving. After the henchman 3 opened his mouth to make a statement like that I got pissed. I appreciate Theo's desk and this man pulled out their guns pointing them at my head. The guns did not bother me one bit, I looked into Theo's eye and gave him a warning. He then waved his hand to signal his men to drop their guns and back away from me. Theo then snapped his fingers and one of his men stepped towards him, they talked low enough that I could not hear them. That same man walked up to me and cut the rope around my wrist, Mr. Sexy said he would let me go however I had 48 hours to find Dave. I headed towards the double doors knowing he would have me followed until they knew the whereabouts of Dave.
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