Visiting My Father

698 Words
My mom and Katashi saw me off at the airport and I promised to call once I landed in England. My father gave my mom his address and any contact information that she asked for. During the flight, I got some sleep to pass the time but overall it wasn't a bad ride. Once I arrived at England airport it was just late afternoon and I called Mom giving her details about the flight. I had to rush Mom off the phone or as she would talk my ears off. After getting my luggage I tried to look for Dave. Walking around for 15 minutes there was no sign of him so I took out my phone to call but no answer was typical. I called one more time and still no answer so I headed outside to catch a taxi which is better than waiting for Dave knowing that he wouldn't come. Approaching a taxi I told the driver where I needed to go so he took my luggage and put it in the trunk. It was about a 30-minute drive to Dave's place, once we got there I paid the man and scoped out the place. Dave lived in a townhouse, I wonder how could he afford this. Ringing the doorbell I didn't get an answer, I tried multiple times but still no answer, so I looked around to see if any keys were lying around. There was a rock between the bushes in the door so I wanted to go check it out and behold it was a false rock with the key inside. I'm glad I didn't have to break in just to get inside I didn't need unwanted attention. Once inside I called out Dave's name and still no answer so I just laid my luggage in the living room and looked for something to eat cause I was suffering. I called my mom letting her know that I was ok but I left out the details that Dave did not pick me up from the airport nor was he anywhere to be found. I didn't want her to worry for no reason because she tends to overreact and be over dramatic at times and besides I can take care of myself. I gave myself a tour of the house checking for exits or quick escape just in case as well as any bugs or hidden cameras and also looked for a guest room, the place wasn't bad I still wonder how was he able to get this house. I found the guest room and took out clean clothes I needed a shower. Once finished I dried off and moisturized my skin, since it was a little warm outside I decided to put on a white thigh-length maxi dress, it hugged my breasts tightly lifting them naturally and showing off all my curves. I decided to put my hair up in a messy bun to keep me cool. I went to the bathroom to put on some light makeup and to check myself over, then I heard a noise. The bedroom door opened and I prepared myself for whoever might be in the room. I backed away from the door to let whoever into the bathroom this way I have the upper hand because of how narrow the bathroom is. Once the door creeped open I quickly kicked the door closed hitting the person in the face and making them fly backward back into the room. Another man stepped into the bathroom and I used my quick moves to land a three-punch combo to the face he wasn't ready for that. He recovered and I sent him flying with a fly kick, once in the room it was more men than I thought and all six surrounded me. I had to think quickly so I karate chop one man's throat to my left once he boiled over I kneed him in the face. Everyone looked at me in shock. All five attacked me at once and I tried my best to hold them off but something hit me in the back of the head and my vision got blurry then darkness overtook me
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