Training with the Yakuza

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After Kenji introduced me to the members I had a little bit more time to spare before my new Sensei put me to work, until then my stepdad was gonna show me around the mansion, before we went fully into my tour Katashi wanted to join us. He was very cute and he looked like he could be around 18 or 19 years old, definitely my type. He had jack black hair with the man bun-like, he was slim but toned. After spending what seemed like 20 minutes talking and exploring this beautiful place, it was time for my lessons. It was nice getting to know Katashi and at some point into the tour, my stepdad left, giving him and me some time alone. Katashi led me back to the main entrance so Shin could start with my lessons. Shin is a large man but very built, he has broad shoulders and by the way his shirt clings to his torso, he has an eight-pack. I think I'm gonna have a fun time with this. Shin approached me and looked me over from head to toe, he asked if I had experience in martial arts and I told him yes, and he just said follow him. He led me to the gym at the lower level of the mansion and the gym was massive. Shin told me to go on the circular mat and go into my stance, again he looked me up and down, walking around me. He ran towards me to strike, swinging his right arm for a blow across my face however I was quicker and able to duck and do a tale swipe to get him off his feet landing him on his back while I had him on his back: I did a summersault to get closer to him. Then I turned him on his stomach driving my left knee to the back of his neck while I had his right arm pinned to his back at the same time putting pressure on his right wrist. I got off him and helped him up, he said that was good now I know where to begin with your training. Shin stated that Kenji had informed him that I had been training in Wing Chun, Muay Thai, and Capoeira for the past three and a half years so this would come in handy with assassin abilities. He gave me the rundown on what he would be training me in. The first step of assassin training is discipline, quickness, weaponry skills, logic, and fighting skills. After 3 hours with Shin we headed upstairs for lunch, I was so hungry. On the menu for lunch was white rice with kimchi, boiled eggs, a variety of sushi, seaweed salad, and steamed chicken with dumplings. Some members from Yakuza I haven't seen joined us. I wondered where Kenji was, it's been hours since I saw him so I asked Shin and he said that my stepdad had business to take care of but should be here soon. Once lunch was over and my stepdad came back Shin and Kenji wanted to know which weapon I was most comfortable with. They both told me that I needed to get weapons on my person at all times, as you never know when you will need them Kenji said I should have at least 1 gun which I don't always have to have on me however he recommended throwing knives. Over time they said I would be working with different weapons to get a feel for all of them until I decide which one is best for me
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