College life came and gone

1041 Words
College wasn't so bad it just went by so fast. Katashi and I were getting ready to move back home. I managed to pass all my courses with As giving me a spot on the Dean's list every quarter, my mom was so proud. I was able to make some friends during the four years however I still was taught to keep outsiders at arm's length, you never know who they would be related to or working for, always be on your toes. Once I'm back in Tokyo I'm only staying about a week before heading to England where my father is. For the past four years in college, my father has been trying to reach out to me by contacting my mom nonstop until I agreed to visit him. I remember the first day my father called, it was a couple of days after I moved. Every time my father called my mom she would send me a message letting me know what he said. Dave said he missed me that he wanted to see me, and that I'm still his little princess. He was full of s**t, for 5 years I haven't seen nor talked to that man and now he wants to jump back into my life like nothing ever happened. The only reason why I was going was because of my mom. She said maybe he has changed and I should give him a chance to redeem himself and if not give myself peace of mind so I could move on with my life. The week back home was relaxing, with no school or school work, no entertaining anyone just relaxation. When I visited the Yakuza headquarters I got a chance to show Shin some of my new moves, it was always fun sparring with him. I made sure I continued my training while I was away, I needed to keep my skills sharp. I was getting too much for Shin so he brought in reinforcements to take me on. Since Shin wanted to know how good I've got I will show him. At this point, the gym was packed with a lot of members and I was gonna give them all a show. Two men stepped onto the mat and I quickly got into my fighting stance. I paid attention to both men to see if I could spot any weaknesses, the man on my left was top heavy, he had more muscles on his upper body than in his legs so I should be able to take him down with no problem and the man on my right will be a little tougher to put down. The man on my right approached me first and I quickly maneuvered out of his way noticing his swings were slow and that I could take advantage of them. The man from my left swung on me however I dodged it and tail-swiped his legs making him fall on his ass. Mrs slowpoke charged at me again and I dropped kicked him sending him flying off the mat. Before Chicken Legs could get up I managed to put him in the chokehold, he tried to grab me to get me off of him however his arms were too big to reach. Mrs slowpoke finally came back on the mat and he was in a rage. Before Slowpoke could reach me I put more pressure on the chicken legs and he wound up tapping out. I somersaulted to get out of the way before Mrs slowpoke could step on me, once I was up I was ready and he charged at me again trying to spear me but I was too fast for him, I moved out of the way before he can hit me. By now it was getting tired and I could see he was out of breath. I waited for him to meet me in the center of the mat so he could at least catch his breath, once he reached the center I scissor-kicked him in the head and he dropped hard. Shin was impressed he said however let's see how you handle them, then he sent the next three men on the mat. I wanted to end this match quickly so I doubled drop kick the man on my right and the middle, seeing them both right back off the mat. The man to my left spun and kicked him in the back of the head knocking him out cold. By this point, more people came to the gym and surrounded the mat and betting to see who would win. Once the two men came back on the mat I was pumped and ready to go. I got back in my stance and the man to my left charged at me swinging his right arm, I ducked and hit him with a hard punch and the gut then led with a clean uppercut to the chin sending him tumbling backwards. The second man caught me from behind putting me into a tight bear hug, I needed to think quickly before this man crushed me. I couldn't use my arms because he was pinning them to my side so my best option was to utilize my legs. I had enough mobility to kneel and jump back up to headbutt him with enough force that loosen his hold on me, I elbow him to the head getting him off me completely. I was done with this fight so I needed to end it, while in his weak state, I used my signature move a kick to the groin followed by a kick to the chest next to the face ending it with a roundhouse kick. My stepdad was proud and as for Shin he said that my assassin training was complete, there wasn't more that he could teach me. The rest of the days I spent with Katashi and my mom, Kenji had to travel for work. I made it clear to my family that I would be visiting my father only, I didn't need a bodyguard because I was more than capable of defending myself. It took some time to convince Kenji but once he saw what I could do on the fighting mat he agreed.
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