Chapter 12 First Day Of Work

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Natalie's POV I wake up sluggishly to my alarm.. there isn't much pep to my step today except for the fact that I found my weed last night.. now that I have unpacked and that I have a job I get to start today.. But I can't shake this uneasy feeling I have inside of me.. I don't know if it's from last night and carried into today or what but I can't seem to shake this uneasy deep in the gut feeling.. So I'll just smoke it away doing one of my favorite things to do, by sitting back enjoying the autumn weather with a joint, the scenery and a book..perfect.. This morning has a little bit more of a chill to it so I throw on my favorite off the shoulder dark burgundy long sleeve shirt that drops just past my butt so I wear leggings under them. I grab one of my joints I packed, my lighter, and a book as I slip into my fluffy slippers. I walk outside sitting on the back porch swing the owner had built back here and it's absolutely perfect for this time of year.. I light the joint taking a couple hits from it to really start it off as I start the swing nice and slow for me. I prop my legs up on one side as I lay across the swing.. With my upper body being propped up on the other side. I stare out at the sun rise in the sky with pinks, yellows and oranges covering across the whole sky. The sun highlights the outlines of the trees and lighting up the different colored leaves. There is a nice light cool breeze the almost chills to the bone but with my big sweater it feels perfect. I suck in the hit of smoke holding it in as I tilt my head back. I swing back and forth slowly as I blow out the hit above me and I can now feel the head high hitting me. I feel almost light headed but not the same it's almost as if my head is filled with helium.. My head feels light and weightless. I hit the joint who knows how many more times, feeling the stress just leave from my shoulders if not just for a moment. I take another hit holding it in again. I blow it out as I open my eyes, looking foward to see an intrigued looking William smirking at me from across the fence. God I want so bad to be mad at this man but he looks so good. Why does he have to be so handsome I just want to smack that beautiful smirk right off his amazing looking face. I'm hurting because of him right now and all he can do is smirk at me.. really? The fence is almost as tall as me so not tall at all, so it doesn't suprise me he can lean down like he is on top of the fence because he is way taller than the fencing. I sit up quickly turning away from him as I say, "What are you staring at Will? How long have you been there?" I say standing up as I take another hit from my joint. "I'm staring at the most beautiful woman I have ever layed my eyes on and I have been here long enough to know we are out here doing the same thing." I scoff at his answer as take another hit. He is just so alluring making me absolutely drawn to him and I just can't seem to help it so I turn to him walking closer so I'm only a couple inches away from the fence line staring into his gorgeous eyes as I retort, "Flattery is not the way to make me feel better Will. Hence why I'm smoking this."I blow out my hit away from his face, as I hold up the joint for him to take.. He takes it out of my hand and puts it into his mouth, sucking on it. I just watch his lips wrap around the joint and man I want nothing more than to be that joint right now between his lips. He holds his hit in as he replies. "It's not flattery it's fact Nat." He hands the joint back to me as I stare at him suspiciously as I take another hit. "I didn't know you smoked." I say as I turn my back to him leaning up against the fence taking a hit and holding the joint up for him to take from me. He takes my hint grabbing the joint from between my I glance to the side at him to see he holding in his hit in as he is smirking at me again so I look away. That's until I can feel his breath right by my ear making me suck in a short breath at the chills he has sent all over my body. "There's a lot you don't know Nat.. just give me time and I'll be sure to change that.. but after my injury in the marines I smoke so my old wounds don't ache as much. I didn't know you smoked." He says this to me as I state as if it's just a fact, "I'm an Art student from Colorado of course I smoke." I hear him chuckle from behind me. He places the joint in between my fingers as he replies."Touche..Um..For the record I'm sorry about last night.. I really do like you.. I just.." I put my hand up to stop him there. "I know, I know.. you think I should date someone else my age.. I got it.. just tell me you're not interested in me already instead of stringing me along.. I'm an adult and can take the news, no matter how much younger I am than you.. I would rather you just be honest with me instead of sugar coating this rejection." I say taking in the next hit as I hand him the joint walking away. "That's not what I was saying Nat." I turn around staring at him as I retort, "Remember I told you it's not what you say it's what you do.. you can say all you want to me Will, but until you show me I won't believe a word you say." "But Nat, I'll prove it I swear." I turn around confused because last night he was telling me to date other men and now he is saying he is going to prove he is not embaressed of me.. I don't understand this man. I turn around as I say, "We will see, but I really hope so Will.. Have a good day.. Oh and the dinner was amazing thank you." I take one last look at him as I turn around walking back into my place before I let my emotions get the better of me. I finish putting away the rest of my clothing, organizing it into the closet and separating everything into my new shelves.. I go make myself lunch and listen to music as I clean up more of my house just trying to keep myself busy so I don't spend too much time thinking about Will. I jump into the shower to get ready for my first shift. I blow-dry and straighten my long hair and doing my make up. I put on a black tank top with my jeans I bought specially for work. I grab my favorite leather jacket as I slip on my black server servesafe shoes. I put my phone and wallet in my pocket as I grab my keys leaving for the night. I see William is sitting on his front porch swing which is facing my place so I stare at him as I get into my car. I drive off down the street and to my new job. After just a little bit I get to work, parking my car off to the side. I lock my car putting my car keys into my jacket pocket. I make my way into the bar gaining everyone's attention as Daniel walks up to me. "Hey guys this is Natalie the new bartender.. be nice to her, we don't want her leaving anytime soon." He says to me staring at me giving me a weird feeling again, as I smirk at the room waving. Daniel shows me around the building and helps train me all day with where everything is at because I already know most the drinks. I meet alot of nice people and start enjoying the job even with Daniel being a little bit of a creeper making comments here and there to me. It's almost the end of my shift as we are cleaning after closing up. Daniel walks up to me, sweetly asking, "So I have to ask Natalie. Are you ok, you seem like something is wrong, did you not like it here?" "Oh Daniel all of this has been great.. I'm sorry I'll be in a way better mood later I just got into it with a guy I like.. and thought he liked me, I just don't know right now.. sorry it's just hitting me a little hard today because it happened last night." I reply making sure he knows it's not him or this place. "Oh well then, in that case, let me take you to this place to get a drink and dinner after our long shift it will make you feel so much better and it's the only place in town open up after us. They have 24/7 kitchen and I have weed if you want to smoke before we get in?!" Daniel asks this as I pause wondering if I should go because I'm still getting this bad feeling in my stomach. I think he sees the hesitation as he says, "Come on Natalie I will make you feel better I swear." I hesitantly nod my head as his smile gets bigger. We are just about done cleaning anyways so we quickly finish up grabbing our things. He leads me to his car to take us to this place. We drive only for a couple minutes as we end up at another hole in the wall place that has a menu like Dennys but serves all kinds of beer and liquor. I follow him nervously in I really don't know if I should be here but I'm starving and would love a beer. We are sat down by the host at this booth. The waitress is pretty but not unnoticed by Daniel he hits on me then hits on her.. His game is shameless when it comes to women and it's annoying as hell..It seems as if he will hit on any girl that walks by. He can't even keep his eyes in his head gawking at all the women around.. Everytime I have attempted to talk with him he is not listening, staring at another woman, he is on his phone, calling me stupid for my opinion or is staring at my clevage that exposed in the low V-cut work shirt. I'm completely annoyed at this point and just want to leave. So I chug the rest of my beer as I ask the waitress for the bill. Daniel looks shocked but takes the bill from me insisting on paying. I look up from the table to see William from across the room sitting alone at the bartop but I don't think he has noticed me at all. I look at Daniel as I make up a lie to leave, "Sorry I'm leaving early..the guy I was talking about before is sitting at the bar so I just want to go home before this wonderful night is ruined." He nods agreeing with me as we start to walk out of the building as he says, "It has been great I wish it didn't have to end." I roll my eyes at him looking away to see that now William sees me as I blush and keep walking out of the building. Daniel walks me to his car's passenger side. I go to open the door as he shuts the door quickly. I turn around to see Daniel is almost hovering over me with his arms on each side of me.. before he says, "So how about I take you home so we can finish off this great night the way it should be done?" He winks at me as I feel my eye brows scrunch together before retorting, "Um no thank you.. I would rather just go home alone thanks anyways." "But I showed you a good time, and even paid for your dinner and drinks.. you owe me." He says pinning me against the car. "Excuse me? I don't owe you anything and I tried to pay jackass, you're the one that insisted on paying.. and don't touch me." I push him off of me as he glares at me saying, "you look like a girl who puts out so I payed to get some it's part of the way things are done.. besides you said you had a great time tonight I could make it even better for you." He says the last part leaning in pinning me to the side of the car again as I'm getting mad now. "I was just trying to be nice I actually had an awful time sorry Daniel but I did.. I'll pay you for dinner just get off of me and stop touching me." I try to push him off again as he lets out a sadistic laugh as he replies, "Or what are you going to do?" My hand instantly flies up to slap him as he grabs my wrist stopping it before impact to his cheek, smirking at me. I try to take my hand away as his open hand trails across my pant waist line. "Don't touch me Daniel." I try to warn him again as he laughs at me saying. "But I'm having so much fun and I want to end things the way I want to.. with you." This comment pisses me off as I swing my closed fist with all my might punching him in the nose as I hear a loud cracking sound. This sound alone sends a chill up my spine shocking me completely. "Fine you prude b***h! If you won't sleep with me than you don't have a f*****g job! How do you feel about that cunt?" Daniel yells at me as I shove him off of me yelling back, "I don't care f*#king fire me for not sleeping with you I don't care.. bye!" I yell as he gets into his car leaving me there alone. It starts to rain almost instantly after douchbag leaves. "Really?" I say putting my hands put as I zip up my jacket. I can feel the tears running down my face because of my half assault and losing my new job I just got as I hear from behind me. "Natalie are you ok?" I turn around to see it's Will with a very concerned look on his face.. I think he might have seen or heard some of what just happened to me.. great.. something else to deal with. "I'm fine.. just perfectly f*#king fine thanks for asking." Luckily it's raining so hard now that you can't tell what's my tears or the rain running down my cheeks. I turn around walking away from the bar and Will. I can hear him trying to catch up to me as I just continue to walk on my own. "I'm serious Natalie I can tell your crying and that guy just tried to take advantage of you.. are you ok?" He asks turning me around. "No I'm not f*#king OK Will! I just got fired from my job that I just got yesterday because I wouldn't sleep with the guy to the point that he almost tried to force himself on me if I wouldn't have broke his nose.. I'm not fine." I yell turning around and continue walking down the sidewalk. "Natalie let me give you a ride home at least please let me help you." He says to me as I shake my head. "I'm fine all I have been is a bother to you and I really don't want to bother you more than I already have.. I'll be fine." I say as I continue walking in the rain completely drenched at this point. "How am I suppose to prove anything to you if you won't let me?" Will says so loudly to me. "You're only doing any of this because you feel bad for me and I don't need your pity.. I hate pity.. just leave me alone." I say as I turn off the walking path to head to this park area. Will's POV I can't believe Natalie just got sexually assaulted and she is still having her tough exterior up in complete defense mode. I was about ready to come to her rescue as I see her punch him and he fires her. I keep seeing her walk down the walking path and I can't help but follow her. I need to make sure she is going to be ok.. but she thinks I'm just feeling bad for her and pitying her. That's the farthest thing from the truth. I follow her whether she wants me to or not because it's late at night and she is in an area she doesn't know. She walks to this gazebo sitting down in it, bending over and crying with her hands to her face. I hesitantly walk up to her wondering if I should be here or not since I'm uninvited. But I want to be with her and this is a way to show it. I see her shivering so I take off my jacket putting it around her shoulders. This action gains her attention. I squat down in front of her as I say, "I'm not here because I pity you, I'm here because I want to be there for you in your time of need." "I'm not a peice of ass Will, I'm not going to sleep with you because your being sweet right now..If that's why your here.. just like Daniel..then you can leave." She says to me looking away. "I'm not here for that, I'm here for you.. I'm trying to prove I want to be with you." I say to her as confusion is evident across her face.. "But you're the one who told me to date younger guys...and now your saying you want to be with me? Even though when I picked you, you turned me down? I don't understand what game your playing Will..but I don't play those on again, off again high school relationship bull s**t games.. you either want me or you don't there is no back and forth or in between." She says standing up and handing me my jacket as she walks back out into the rain. I put my jacket back on as I follow her again. I grab her arm as I flip her around to look at me, "Natalie please.. I was stupid and I was scared of what other people would think.. But I was never embaressed of you ever..I'm sorry but I have never done this before and the age gap was a shock.. it still is, but all I know is that I want to be with you and give us a shot. You're right, There is something between us that I can't ignore and anytime I'm with you I feel the butterflies in my stomach.. When I look into your eyes they take my breathe away instantly and when I don't have you near me I ache for you inside and out, even thoughts of you invade my mind all day long.. I have never felt like this and I don't want this to ever end please Nat. Just give me a chance. I'm not ashamed of you and I'll prove it by taking you anywhere and everywhere in front of everyone.. I don't care who sees.." I say to her as she looks up at me with question in her eyes. "One chance to prove your not embaressed or ashamed of me and really want to be with me, but mark my words Will.. it's only ONE chance." She says this with so much warning in her voice and I can't help but love the adorable look on her stern face.. I quickly crash my lips to hers. I pull her into me as I wrap my arms around her. Her hands go to my chest as we continue to kiss in the rain. I break the kiss and pull her behind me and back to the gazebo. I sit down with her as I put my jacket back around her shoulders. She takes my kind gesture this time. I put my hand under her chin turning her face slowly towards mine as I say, "I'm sorry about how you got treated tonight.. that guy was a douchebag and I can't believe he fired you just because you wouldn't sleep with him.. I heard what he said to you as I was walking up to punch him right as you punched him, I guess great minds think alike. I'm so proud of you for being brave and taking care of yourself, that also was a great punch! But since you don't have a job now.. I know where my daughter works is hiring so if you don't mind I would love for you to meet her on better terms this time and maybe she can help put in a good word for a position.. if you don't mind of course. That's why she was at my place in the first place last night.. I had told her about you earlier that day and I wanted her to meet you I just never would have thought it would have come off like that and I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry about everything Nat you didn't deserve any of this." "Really you were planning on letting me meet her? Then why did you shut me down telling me to date other guys?" She asks me confused even more. "I just got scared.. but after everything last night my daughter let me hear all about it because I wouldn't stop talking about you to her earlier that day and she knew how I felt about you so when she saw me get scared.. she chewed me out because she knew all I wanted was you.. I haven't done the relationship thing in a very long time but I'm willing to try for you Nat. No one else.. just you." I say to her as her had goes to my cheek. "You talked about me to her? Why if you don't mind me asking?" She asks curiously as I answer instantly, "Well her mother and my ex wife stole my daughters man from her and married him without even talking to Emmy about any of it and when she found out she broke down.. I just didn't know how she would feel about us because of that type of situation.. but ironically enough she is dating a man that's 10 years older than her now and they are engaged and when I told her about you all she could do was tell me how happy she was and that it will be hard for both of us but that she knows we can do this. I can explain more later come with me and I'll give you a ride to your work to pick up your car and head back to our homes ok?" I ask her as she nods standing up. I grab her hand pulling her behind me all the way across the park and through the parking lot in the rain. I open the passenger side for her as she gets in and I smile to myself knowing I'm actually getting a chance with her I just can't f*#k this up..and I need to figure out how to prove myself to her. I can do this I know I can.
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