Chapter 13 Morning Suprise

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Will's POV I wake up this morning with so much pep in my step. I jump up getting ready so quickly as I pick up my phone calling my baby girl, Emarie. It rings once no answer, then twice as I hear her picking up the call, "Morning Daddy. how are things going?" "Hey Emmy, um good.. I think.. Um so Natalie has agreed to give me a chance to try to prove to her that I want her and that I'm not ashamed of her.. so that's good but I still have no idea what I'm going to do.. but last night before she agreed to all of that I was out having a drink and saw her at the bar with this guy, that was her boss, come to find out.. they walked out of the place together but I could tell she was annoyed by the guy she was with, because she kept rolling her eyes at him looking annoyed.. so I had a feeling to follow her out.. once I finally got to pay and got outside I took a look around the parking lot and the guy had her pinned against the car trying to take advantage of her and I heard her yell at him to not touch her and she shoved him multiple times.. of course I was going that way to help her when she punched him in the face probably breaking his nose.. by the amount of blood I saw.. but he yelled at her that if she wasn't going to sleep with him then she didn't have a job anymore.. She said fine and left that place on foot crying.. it might seem weird but chased after her trying to help her and she fought me on it wondering if that's all I wanted from her too was sex.. but I swore to her that's not why I was there and that I wanted to be with that's when she said she would give me a chance to prove it.. so I was wondering since you told me the other day you were hiring, if you maybe had an opening she could fill to help both of my ladies out?.." I explain and ask a little nervously. "That's good! That's a step in the right direction daddy! Good for you for trying to help her and yea I could get her a job but can I meet her too before I do that to try to get an idea of what would be good for her.. But also to see what kind of a girl could steal my daddy's heart in such a short period of time?" She asks curiously making me smile as I respond. "Yea that sounds great actually..let's do something tonight if you and Matthew don't have anything planned of course." I say to her awaiting her response because the line goes quiet for a second but I can hear muffling sounds along with muffled talking.. I'm assuming she is talking with Matthew. "Ok that sounds good but we have to meet at a restaurant, that's my only requirement.." She says this making my eyebrows scrunch together curious about to why that's a requirement. So of course I have to ask. "That's fine I don't mind, but I have to ask, Why is that a requirement?" "Well because Natalie meeting me will help prove your not embaressed of her but going out into public with her, would help with that too.. so I'm just trying to help your cause daddy." She says so sweetly to me making me smile, she is so nice and always trying to help others. "Thanks Emmy that does help.. you choose the place and I can set up reservations for us and we can meet at 6.. thanks so much Emmy.. I now have to try to convince her to come out with us.. let me know where though, Love you!" I hang up the phone call but leaving my phone open to look up any flower places, I narrow it down to one nearby, calling them instantly ordering her a bouquet and chocolates with a card that says, 'I would be proud to have you at my side.' I asked them how long it would take and they said 15 minutes.. That gives me just enough time to freshen up changing into a better outfit. Jeans and a tight fit black t-shirt, to look good but still casual.. I grab my weed, pipe and lighter shoving those into my pocket, and putting a little bit of gel into my hair and oil in my beard. I sneak out to my back yard and peak into hers. She is smoking another morning joint sitting across her porch swing reading a book as she swings slowly back and forth. Her hair is all the way down and I never realized how long and silky smooth her hair looks. It flows back and forth with the swinging making the swinging seem more like gliding.. I can see her skin through the holes in the pants and up to a sweater that have just holes down the arms exposing some of her arms. Her porcelain skin really pops out more through each hole intriguing me more. I can't tell what book she is reading but it's intriguing enough to get her biting her lip as she reads even more. She takes a hit here and there until I can hear the door bell ringing through her house. This gains her attention as well. She puts the bookmark in between the pages of her book setting it down on the swing as she puts out the joint into her ashtray. She blows out her hit before walking into her place. I can see her through the windows, and into her front room. She opens the door and the guy hands her the flowers first then the box of candy. She shuts the door, smelling the flowers, before setting them down. She then grabs the card out from between the flowers and opening it up as I see her smile.. That's my cue, I climb my fence and hop over into her yard, I stealthily sneak over to her porch swing sitting down and moving her book to the little side table that has the ashtray on it. I pull my weed bowl out of my pocket, loading it quickly. I can hear her footsteps coming this way as my heart starts to skip a beat at just the idea of her approaching the back porch. I'm looking at the doorway as I see her walk through, she is holding the card to her chest with a smile on her face making me smile as she first notices her book on the little table in front of her. She is confused as she turns her sights in my direction and locks gazes with me. She turns then walking towards me sitting down on the open area of the swing. She turns to the side so she has one leg up and facing me. I haven't broke my gaze from hers yet as I feel my heart rate climbing quickly. She holds the card up between her fingers as she says, "You know you can't buy my happiness either I'm not a materialistic girl..but this card means more to me than anything you can buy. I appriciate the thoughful words thank you. It was sweet." She says tossing it down on top of her book. She looks at me suspiciously as she asks curiously, "So what do I owe the pleasure of your suprise gifts and visit on such a beautiful morning?" I smile turning towards her and clearing my throat trying to figure out what to say.."Well for one thing I had to make you smile to start the day off right, especially after your rough night last night..I also knew you would be out here smoking and I didn't want to smoke alone because I love your company.. I was also hoping you would be willing to join me tonight for dinner to meet my daughter and her fiancé they are really my only family and she really wants to meet you after everything I have told her.. But I also told her about your job predicament and she said she has multiple job openings and wants to talk to you to figure out where to put you if you want a job of course."I say this so honestly to her hoping she will respond well to the information. "Well, haven't you been busy this morning already? You make me feel lazy just smoking and reading....but Thank you I do love to have a good reason to smile and that's one for sure.. I don't like to smoke alone either but reading always makes me feel like I'm not alone, that's why I like to do both together..But..If your sure, then yes I would love to meet your daughter especially now knowing she is not your lady but only if your really ok with that.. and thank you for talking to her as long as it's not a complete inconvenience I would like a job thank you but I don't want anything to be weird for you or your daughter by me working with her.. are you sure?" She asks staring at me anticipating my answer.. I think she might be testing the waters to make sure I do want her to come with me out to eat with my daughter and also working with her. I open my mouth to respond as my phone dings. I pull it out reading my message from my daughter. Hey daddy I set up a reservation for 6 at D'Angelo's if that's alright? I type and respond right away. Sounds good I'm talking with her now thank you. I put my phone away, looking up to see an anticipating look on her face as I say, "Sorry my daughter said she went ahead and set up reservations at D'Angelo's at 6. It's italian... if that's ok with you? If not we can change it for sure I just told her to pick the restaurant and that I would set up the reservations, but I guess she went ahead and did it herself." She gets an even more stunned look on her face as she says, "Wait, let me gets this straight, you want me to go out with you, to meet your only family, which happens to be your daughter out at a public restaurant? Are you sure? I don't want you to feel forced to do this with us.. I of course would love to join you I just really don't want to force anything on you." I nod and smile at her, "I'm sure.. I have told you from the beginning that I'm not embaressed or ashamed of you and I never have been.. I'll get use to the age difference thing.. but I don't want to lose a great person like you over something as stupid as age especially if you don't care and my family doesn't care.. then that's all that really matters to me.. I would love for you to meet my daughter on better circumstances this time, none of this is forced I want this more than you know." I say to her as I put the pipe to my mouth, lighting the other end, taking a hit then handing it along with the lighter to her. She smiles at me taking it out of my hands as she takes a hit holding it in as she passes it back. She blows out her big hit away from us as she says, "It's a date then." I wink back at her since I'm holding in my hit as I blow it out saying, "Perfect and If you don't know where it is I could always harass you more and give you a ride there and back of course." I say as almost a question as she smiles and responds, "I would like that thank you.. thanks for talking to her about the whole job thing too.. you didn't have to do that." "I know but I knew it would help both of my ladies out at the same time so why not.. just don't talk too much s**t about me to her because I'm sure she probably has to much dirt on me that she would for sure share." I say playfully to her as she smiles at me shaking her head until she gets a look of realization on her face as she asks, "Your lady huh?" My eyes go wide realizing I said that in front of her. I didn't even realize that until she mentioned it. I turn looking at her as I swallow the lump in my throat. "Um.. well.. uh.. only if your ok with that.. I'm sorry.. that just slipped out.. um.. yeah.. I would love that... but only if your ok with that.. if not that's ok too.." I stutter through the words like an even bigger i***t than before. I stop the stuttering once I feel her hand gently set on top mine. "Hey I was just teasing you, you already have me as your lady so just breathe. Besides I wouldn't mind that one bit.. but you better not be f*#king around with my heart or I'll kick your ass.. are we clear?" She says this with so much sass and threat making me chuckle and nod, "Got it, definitely clear.. after all my years in the marines fighting and traveling all over the world and I think this is the first time I'm terrified.. great." I say to her with so much humor, making her laugh and respond before taking another hit of weed, "Good then maybe you will take this seriously, unlike all my other ex's but I guess we will just have to wait and see.......So just wondering how did you get over here? I don't mind at all because this is fun.. just wondering that's all. "Um I had to make sure you were distracted with the front door and my gifts, so I could jump the fence from my side and over to yours without freaking you I was just really banking on the fact you would like my gifts so you wouldn't be mad about me inviting myself over. " She smirks and tilts her head at me replying. "How do you think that's going for you?" I chuckle nervously responding back, "Well I would say way better than I had planned because I wasn't expecting to leave here knowing I had a lady This is the best morning I have had in a while." "Me too.. thank you... for everything, this is more than I had ever planned and way better than expected for today." She says staring at me as I nod taking another hit. "So you said you use weed to help with the pain of your old wounds.. just wondering are these the same wounds that sent you home from the marines?" She asks curiously as I nod at her. "Well.... I got tricked into exposing myself into the open where I got hit with alot of shrat metal that luckily didn't hit too many important organs and I was able to survive after the help of my comrades, the nurses and the doctors." I say honestly to her. She look so captivated by my words as she asks, "what tricked you?" "A baby." I answer without hesitation before I continue, "There was a baby in the middle of the chaos around us with something wrapped around it and I wasn't going to run the baby over or leave her there so I got out walked up to the baby to grab her as..she..exploded.." I say swallowing hard. "I'm so sorry I wasn't trying to persist.. I'm so sorry that's awful. How could someone do that to a baby.. I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked." I put my hand onto hers as I say, "It's ok I know you didn't know.. but you're the only person who really does know anymore. I haven't told many others.. not even my daughter." "Why haven't you told her?" She asks almost shocked that I told her but I feel really comfortable around her to say the least. "Um mostly because she is the reason I went out to get that baby because she was about that age when it happened so it reminded me of her, my guys told me to just keep driving but I couldn't because of her.. I'm sure she would beat herself up about it if she knew.. I don't want that.. it's something none of us could control so no point."I answer back as I look up to see her mouth slightly open as if she wants to say something. She pauses until she inquires, "So then why did you tell me?" I shrug my shoulders looking at her responding, "because I feel comfortable with you and honestly because you asked.. everyone is too scared to ask about what happened to me so they don't.. they just act like it never happened.. You're the first person to really ask and want to know, so I wanted you to know." "I would want to know everything about you, you're the most Interesting person I have ever met.." I look up again to see her still staring at me with intrigue in her eyes. "Well I'm pretty much an open book, just ask and I'll answer as much as I can. Some subjects are harder than others but I'll do the best that I can." She nods and shoots another question. "Ok asked for it.. why didn't you and your ex wife not work out?" She asks as I respond without hesitation. "Because we never wanted to be together in the first place." She looks confused at my response so I elaborate further. "We had one drunken night that got her pregnant and we felt like we had to get married because it was 'the right thing to do' and I wasn't going to leave her alone with the baby... because she was my responsibility too.. so we forced ourselves together with no love for each other in hopes we would eventually develope the love for each other stemming from the love for our daughter and it never happened.. things just got worse between us and for everyone's sanity we just got a divorce. Emmy was good about it and never fought us or judged us about it.. we both had a great relationship with Emmy, even after the divorce. Samantha and I still talk every now and then but just about Emmy.. mostly because Emarie is not talking to Samantha after the whole stealing her man and marrying him thing." She nods and says, "Yeah that wouldn't make me want to talk to my mother either.. So, on another topic, what are your plans for today?" "Well, I told my friend Bob I would stop on by and see him today.. He got hurt worse than I did in the marines and has a hard time so I help him out with at home projects and almost anything he needs mostly to keep him company... you're always welcome to join if you're not too busy at all." I answer lookin over at her as she bites her bottom lip before responding, "I would love too as long as I'm not a bother at all.. I would hate to be in the way." I scoff as I respond, "I don't think you could ever be in the way.. but let me grab my jacket and my second helmet and I'll meet you out front." She nods and smiles at me. I get up walking to the fence climbing up and over it as I hear her behind me giggling. Once I get over the fence, I turn around as she says, "You know you could have just used my door right?" I scoff again retorting, "Where's the fun in that? See you out front beautiful, grab a jacket the ride can get a little cold this time of year." She nods smiling at me before turning around and walking into her place.
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