Chapter 18 Secluded Getaway

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Will's POV It's nice being able to talk about my feelings with Natalie, because she makes me feel normal with how I feel. It seems like she feels the same about me as well which is even more exhilarating. I keep falling harder for this girl that I somehow barely know but everytime we talk I feel like I know her so well.. it's really crazy to me. So my feelings seems almost stupid for me to feel after such a short span, but I don't feel stupid for feeling them, not at all, not one bit when it comes to my feelings for her.. I just want to spend as much time with her as I can. I need to think of something for us to do or I'm afraid she is going to feel like she has to go home. "Hey beautiful I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go for another ride on my motorcycle to that nice spot I told you about to get away?" I ask as I finish up my plate of cold breakfast food. It still had great flavor to it so who am I to complain though, I'm the reason it's cold anyways. The distraction was well worth it for sure. "Yea I would love that, but I have to go get changed at my place first, if you don't mind of course." She says smiling up at me with her iconic beautiful smile. "Of course not, I need to get changed too and I'll bring the weed as well and we can have a good ol' time." I say to her as she stands up taking her dish and mine to the sink to wash it as I put my hand on hers. "It's ok baby head over to your place and I'll take care of this, you cooked the food so I'll clean up. I'll meet you out front in 15 minutes." I say leaning in and kissing her temple gently. "Ok, thanks handsome I'll see you soon." She says as she grabs all her things and leaves out the front door. I finish the dishes in no time at all as a wander upstairs to get changed. It's doesn't take me much time to get ready at all so I'm not worried. I'm wearing some boxer briefs as I grab a black long sleeve thermal with dark blue jeans. I slip on my clothes as put on my leather riding boots after. I make sure to grab my wallet, keys and weed of course so we can really relax out there. I throw a little gel in my hair and oil in my beard, as I throw on my leather jacket zipping it up. Making my way down the stairs I make sure Duke has everything he needs and unlocking his doggy door just in case for the back yard. I get into my garage grabbing both helmets with one hand while pushing my bike out. I get down the driveway and to the road. I watch my garage slowly shut making sure I have everything I need before it does. I look around and Natalie is not out yet so I just lean against my bike waiting patiently for my lady to arrive. I soon hear her front door opening grasping my attention. Natalie is wearing a purple long sleeve low cut shirt showing some much liked cleavage with ripped blue jeans and knee high leather boots. She grabs her leather jacket, slipping each arm into the sleeves as she pulls the jacket the rest of the way on. She has her hair pinned half way up with some hanging down almost framing her face. She looks up making eye contact with me as she smirks saying. "Hey good looking, you come here often?" I chuckle and retort, "No never been down this way before, I heard about this beautiful young lady who likes to go for rides... on bikes of course.. so I thought I would see if I could meet up with her. Figured she could maybe take me for a ride." She smirks and playfully slaps my chest as she says, "Yea you heard correct I do like going for rides just be careful I would hate for you to piss off my man, he is a complete protective badass retired marine and who would want to f*#k with that? Besides me of course?" She say winking at me as I pull her into me saying, "I would like to see anyone try to come between us.. I guarantee they won't suceed." She humms at me as she says, "I would like to see that too." I lean down kissing her for a moment until I break the kiss and passing her the extra helmet I have. "You look wonderful by the way. I keep thinking you can't look anymore beautiful and then you suprise me by proving me wrong again and again." I say to her making her blush as she says, "Thank you Will.. you really know how to make a girl feel special." I wink at her as I slip my helmet on securing it, then I turn to Natalie securing her helmet before I throw my leg over the bike waiting for her to join me. She flips her legs over scooting up then pressing her body against mine to hold on. We start our ride and it's not too far away but just enough that you feel like your out of the city. This is a small lake I was told about that hardly any people go to because it's a little out of the way but I don't care about the drive just the relaxing time that I have spent there. We drive for a little while and I can feel Natalie's arms tighten around my waist as I can tell she is laying her head on my back. She just relaxes so much when we ride and it relaxes me more. I rub the top of her hand as I decide to leave my hand wrapped around hers for a minute. We pass so many trees and cars until we get far enough out that all I can see are trees surrounding us and not really any cars at this point.. we continue on until I slow down pulling into one of the small areas, off to the side of the road along the water. Water has always been a calming element for myself so I come here to think if I need to just get away, but this is the first time I'm bringing a girl here which makes me a little nervous but hopefully will be fun. I park, then putting my legs down to secure the bike. I feel her get off, so I flip my leg over, then taking my helmet off setting it down. "Oh Will this is beautiful." I hear from behind me as I see her wander over to the edge of the water squatting down and running her fingers through the completely calm lake water. I observe her taking in the scenery as she closes her eyes taking a deep breathe in then letting it out. She gets up slipping her jacket off then her sweater and her boots then her pants without hesitation. "Nat baby, what are you doing?" I ask watching her almost completely undress except for her bra and thong.. I don't mind don't get me wrong I just want to know what's happening because I feel like I'm missing something. "How am I really suppose to experience the lake if I don't go in it?" She asks as if it's just obvious.. but I guess that makes sense but I have never gone in the water here. I have observed, fished, brought my kayak and had picnics but not swam. "Nat, it's going to be cold this time of the year." I say to her in warning as she smirks walking up to me putting her hand on my chest saying, "Oh man I wish there was a big strong man around to keep me warm later after my nice cold swim.. do you think there is anyone I could find to help me out with that problem?" She says this sarcastically to me as I retort, "of course I would help with that anytime you need it..I just didn't want you to go in without knowing it will be cold." She scoffs as she replies, "I'm from Colorado Will I have jumped in cold water a time or two.. I'm not afraid to skinny dip, I didn't realize you were.. chicken." She says to me with so much humor as I retort back, "technically that's not skinny dipping you still have some clothes on." She smirks bigger than before saying, "You are correct Will, oh now I will definitely need someone to keep me warm." As she undoes her bra letting it fall to the ground, then slipping her thong off, picking both up, throwing them onto her pile of clothes as she walks into the water until she gets to about her shins. I can't help but just stare at her naked porcelain body. She has that perfect hourglass shape and I adore it. I find myself just keeping my gaze on her bubble butt as I see her turn slightly around. "You coming handsome?" I'm speechless at this point as I feel my mouth open and close but I don't register any words coming out. She still smirks at me as she puts her arms up diving into the water without a second to spare. I see her face pop up out of the water as she starts to float on her back and I just find myself staring at her pierced n*****s, that are now completely hard from the cold I'm assuming. She gets back under the water and pops out quicker than before as I see the water splash around her exposed upper body. Before I even know what I'm doing I'm stripping down in almost a haste to join her. I never do these kinds of things but with her I just want to experience the unknown. I throw my pile of clothes on top of hers as I just jump in with no time to think about it.. I'm afraid if I think about it then I won't go so I just jump in head first literally. The cold hits me so hard completely waking me up.. It's suprising even though I knew it was going to be cold. I swim around until I can feel the ground underneath my feet with me being so tall. I see Natalie swimming up to me, so I reach out pulling her body closwr to mine so we are only a couple inches away. "I was starting to think you weren't going to join me." she says softly to me. "I couldn't pass a moment up to be with you while your naked and could possibly be pressed up against me, who could say no that. I'll just try to get use to the cold.. but the longer we spend out here the more time it will take for me to warm you up later.. so stay as long as you want in here. We can always sit in front of my fireplace thawing out later." I retort back to her as she smiles then asks, "You're not tired of me yet? I figured you would be asking for time away from me after the past couple days with me." "God no I want to spend all the time with you I was worried I was going to annoy you." I say to her as she shakes her head at me, "I guess this is another situation where great minds think alike. But just be careful getting too close or looking directly at them because my n*****s are rock hard.. I feel like I could break into a place using my n*****s to cut through the windows. So proceed with caution." She says with so much humor to me as I chuckle and scoff saying, "I'm not scared." I wrap my arms around her pulling her into me. She instantly wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "Are you ok here I would hate for you to have to hold me up at all, making yourself so tired with swimming and holding me." She says as I chuckle replying. "No I'm fine my feet can touch here actually.. I'm just standing holding you and I swear I never mind having your naked body on mine so don't worry about it." I hold her up by her thighs and ass as she laughs saying, "Oh my gosh your so tall! You make me feel so tiny. I feel like I'm jack climbing the beanstalk. I didn't know I wouldn't have to climb this tree to get to your wood." She says with even more humor making me laugh. I hold her close as I feel our natural body heat warming us up under direct contact. She leans back looking up at me smirking until she leans in kissing me. I kiss back as I pull her into me again because I appriciate the warmth she brings. I feel her tongue make it's way into my mouth as I suck on it. Then I sneak my tongue in fighting for the dominance with her tongue. But of course I won and she doesn't seems to mind at all. I feel her shake in my hold as I break our kiss and say to her, "Baby I don't want you to get sick let's get out, I felt you shake in my hold." She groans as she reluctantly nods responding. "I'm a water baby. I love anything to do with the water it calms me.. but I am getting cold so fine." I just start walking out of the water with her still in my hold. She laughs at this as I walk us out of the water and to our pile of clothes. "You're so strong I don't know how you keep carrying me.." She says still staring at me in shock as I set her down to get dressed. "You're really not heavy at all baby and like I said before I'll hold your naked body against me anytime." She smiles at my comment as she slips her thong on and then her bra. Next she fights her pants for a minute, since they are skinny jeans, to get them on over her wet legs. But after a lot of jumping, bouncing for her boobs and gawking along with jokes from me she successfully gets her pants on.. "You know you're not helping at all just laughing and staring at my struggle." She says joking with me as she smirks trying to button her pants but I match her smirk and retort back, "Baby I can honestly say, I wasn't trying to help at all, it was way more entertaining this way for myself to just watch." She scoffs as she playfully slaps my chest again making me laugh. I didn't have any trouble at all getting my clothes on so I retort, "Don't be jealous of my getting dressed skills and I won't lie about my intentions to watch you struggle as you try to get dressed because it's sexier that way." I state this as if it's just a matter of fact making her laugh as loud as I did before.. "Alright well at least you're being honest." She says as I sit down on a big boulder by the water so she joins me after getting her sweater on. "Thank you for bringing me here this was exactly what I needed Will..You're the best." She says to me as I lock gazes with her, we stare into each others eyes for a long mesmerizing moment.. she open her mouth and looks like she wants to say something else.. but she stops, closing her mouth and doesn't continue. "What is it Nat? Is something wrong?" I ask curiously as she shakes her head without hesitation which makes me feel better. "Nothings wrong Will..everything is perfect, so don't worry about it.. I changed my mind I don't want to say what I was thinking. Thank you though." I don't push the topic because I'm sure if it's important and she wants me to know then she will tell me later. just not now. I wrap my arm around her shoulder as she snuggles into my comfortable hold. I hold her for a little bit until I bring out my weed and bowl.. I load a bowl as she leans out of my hold so we both can smoke comfortably. I take a hit handing it to her as she takes a hit and passing it back. We smoke a bowl just enjoying the view and each others company. The view from this point is amazing. The trees completely surround us except for the little bit of water we can access from this point. If you didn't watch us pull off of the highway into this spot you wouldn't have any idea because you can't see it at all with how thick the trees are. The wind has picked up so we can hear the small waves hitting the shore and rocks..It's partly cloudy out here so not even remotely hot. Which is good because anytime she gets cold she snuggles into me.. so by the end of our couple bowls we have smoked she is sitting with her legs across my lap and my arms wrapped around her, with her head laying on my shoulder. She reciprocates my gestures but wrapping her arms around my torso holding me tight. Natalie makes me feel so complete that I didn't realize how empty I felt..before I met her because I now feel completely whole with her in my arms that I don't want to go without her. It's only been a short span of knowing her and I somehow know I would spend everyday with her if she will allow me to. But I don't want to push my limits when it comes to her. So I'll let her decide when she is done with things and just be along for the ride until then, I guess. I just want to enjoy all of this while I can because I don't know how long we are really going to last. I wasn't keeping track of time indicating how long we hung out here because when I'm with her I really just lose track of time not caring how long I get to be with her. She seperates from me as she asks, "Hey Will I'm starving so do you maybe want to go get some lunch with me? I'll buy!" I smile at her holding her close as I say softly to her, "whatever you wish my love." She snuggles more into my hold and I accept it so willingly. After a little bit she seperates from me to my dismay as she climbs down from the boulder and putting her jacket back on. I do the same putting everything in my pockets and making sure we are not missing anything. I climb onto my bike and she snuggles up behind me, holding on tight. I drive off from our little secluded getaway, to find us some place to eat for lunch.
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