Chapter 17 Morning Delight

3094 Words
(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Will's POV My heavy eyes slowly open up on their own accord. I look around the room, the curtains are opened up and Duke isn't anywhere in sight. Wait? Wheres Natalie? Was last night all just an amazing dream? I sit up curiously looking around the room and I can still see Natalie's clothes all over the floor. Ok that's good to know it wasn't just a dream, thankfully.. I lift up the covers realizing I'm still butt naked under the covers... but there is no Natalie in the room at all. I curiously get up as I walk to my dresser grabbing a pair of basketball shorts slipping them on. I walk out of my room and down the hallway as I can start to smell food being cooked. I walk down the stairs and the closer I get, the more I can smell the food and hear a conversation..I can hear Natalie talking to someone. "I already gave you one more." Natalie says as I hear a deep, "boorooof." from Duke as Natalie giggles retorting, "Fine just because your so cute! You better not get me in trouble with your daddy." I peak around the corner and Natalie is squatting down in nothing but my button up shirt from last night. She gives Duke a kiss on the nose and then a piece of bacon before she stands back up turning around. She of course has music playing as she sings to herself while cooking some bacon eggs and toast. I hear Duke "Boroofoof." More at Natalie. She bends over and I can see almost everything under that shirt because I somehow got lucky enough to catch her at the right she says, "You can't trick me again Duke.. your handsome good looks and big puppy dog eyes, won't get you everything you want." She turns back to the food as Duke huffs and flopping on the floor making me smile. Those two already love each other it's adorable. "I guess what I'm saying, I guess what I'm saying, I guess what I'm saying is I, I f*#king love you! " She sings to herself matching the words of the song as she continues stirring the eggs. I sneak up behind her. I check out her legs to the bottom of her buttcheeks from the side showing. Once I'm in arms reach, I wrap my arms around her waist, and up the shirt she is wearing as I whisper in her ear, "You love me, do you?" I can tell this action alone sends a shiver up her spine. She turns around in my hold smirking up at me before she retorts, "wouldn't you like to know." I kiss down her jawline and to her neck as I say into her neck, "I really would." She giggles still exposing her neck more to me as she replies, "Well I guess that's just something for me to know and you to find out." "Mmmm like an interrogation? I'm good at those.." I say still kissing and sucking all over her neck. This action makes her moan lightly as she says under her breathe. "You can't threaten me with a great time handsome." My hands are still under the shirt caressing her naked body. She turns back around in my hold stirring the food and making sure it doesn't burn. "I hope your hungry." She says to me as I grip her hips tighter as I whisper in her ear before kissing it, "I'm hungry for something. and believe me, it looks soo tasty." She giggles, reaching forward turning off the stove top, then turning around in my hold again. I smirk knowing I won getting her attention.. as I pick her up by her thighs and taking her over to the kitchen island sitting her down on there. We are eye level at this point as her hand wraps around my neck and head playing with my hair. I lean into her gentle touch. "I'm so happy to know you don't regret anything you did with me last night.. I was so worried you might regret it and say that it only happened because of the heat of the moment." She says staring at me continuing to touch my hair. "Oh there was so much heat in that amazing moment no denying that but that's not why. I would take you right here right now if I could without scarring my dog for life..I'm completely attracted to you and dreamt about you all night. When I woke up and you weren't there I was worried I had just dreamt that amazing night last night, until I saw your clothes on the floor still. But I don't regret one second of last night. You're everything I have ever asked for in a woman and I will never regret a second with you." I say to her as my hand drifts to her cheek as I pull her into an intense kiss. Her legs wrap around my waist pulling me in closer. Her hands run down my stomach and to my shorts. They go under my waist band and to my once again rock hard shaft. She grips me tight and stroking it making me moan in her tight hold. She kisses my neck until she abruptly stops and brings her hands out of my shorts and jumping down off the counter. She walks past me and I'm just in complete shock at this point. That is until I see her unbutton my shirt she is wearing, letting it drop to the stairs exposing her now completely naked body and it looks so amazing in this morning light. She turns to me almost at the top of the stairs as she says, "I thought you said you didn't want to scar Duke for life by having s*x down there so I just figured that meant we were coming up here?" I instantly turn around, running up the stairs after her as she giggles running the rest of the way back to my room first. I run into my room after her and to the end of my bed, but curiously enough she is not on the bed. I turn around as I see Natalie grab my shorts by the waistband and pulling them down to my ankles. Then she stands up, puts her hand to my chest as she pushes me back. I fall backwards landing on the soft bed, bouncing in comfort, in all my naked glory. I feel a tight grip around my now rock hard shaft as she strokes it up and down gaining a light groan from me. I can feel how wet and tight it is, before I really start to hear the sucking sounds. I look down and see Natalie's plump lips wrapped around my hard c**k and it looks and feels so good. She takes the whole thing into her mouth and to the back of her throat as she continues stroking the length. She seperates from me taking her tongue out, licking all the way up my shaft as she stares at me so intently.. She then licks down and then right back up as if I'm an ice cream cone on a hot day. This action gains a loud moan from me. She then puts my shaft right back into her mouth and I can't help but put my hand to her head moaning in pleasure. She sucks on it harder than softer and all around. Until she sucks all the way up my length as she seperates from me getting onto the bed, straddling over the top of my even more erect shaft. She holds it up as she squats down slowly putting me deep inside her. We both moan in unison at being made into one once again. She starts rocking her hips and it feels so good that I grip her hips keeping that same motion going because it feels just that amazing. She moans so loudly as her hands trails all over my upper body, until her hands end up running through my chest hair. My hands do the same exploring all over her body and up to her sexy pierced n*****s. Grabbing and caressing them causing as even louder moan to erupt from between those sexy lips. She starts to just take over with the rhythm of the rocking my c**k inside and out of her on her own.. while increasing the pace, to the point that I just sit back and relax enjoying the view as she rides me like there is no tomorrow. She looks so good rotating her hips on top of me as I watch her muscles flex and unflex in her euphoric pleasurable workout. She throws her head back and moans, "F*#k you feel so good." which earns a huge grunt from myself because that is so sexy to just watch her use me like a toy of hers. She keeps riding me until I see the goosebumps covering her skin as she let's out the sexiest moan I have ever heard in my life as she bites her lip trying to muffle the ecstacy sounds but it's too late for that. I grab her hips thrusting up and into her as I spill every last drop of my juices into her since I was just as close as her. She slows down her pace until she comes to a stop still sitting on top of me. My hands trail across her legs that I can access as I just stare up at her in awe. "God I do think I love you..that was have no idea how amazing." I say to her as I rub circles on her legs. "Really you mean that?" She asks with a smirk on her face so I nod and retort. "I don't want to know how you got so good at all of that but so worth it. I haven't had a blow job in a long time and I must say, you can stay down there as long as you want, when you want..Also your riding me like there was no tomorrow made me almost wish there was no tomorrow so that would be the last memory. That was all amazing Nat." "Oh you might actually like to hear how I learned that.." She says as my eyebrows scrunch together because I don't want to hear about her and past lovers but she continues anyways. "The book I was reading yesterday when you jumped over is a dirty girl book and I read about all that and really wanted to try it.. I thought it sounded like fun and I must say it was lots of fun.. it's nice to know I actually did a good job though!" She says with so much excitement as she bounces on top of me for a second. "You haven't done that before? You read about that?" I ask in shock. She gets a shy look on her face as she nods saying, "I had only done it a couple times with Alex but I honestly hated it..but when I read that in my book yesterday all I could think of was trying it on you so when I had the opportunity to do it I took advantage.. I'm just glad you actually liked it.. and it was so much more fun with you then it ever was with Alex.. That experience gives me the confidence to want to do it all the time!" She says with a bigger smile in her face. "Well you can take advantage of my body for your s****l experiments whenever you please. That was amazing. Seeing you on top, watching you ride me was an almost better sight then seeing your luscious lips wrapped around my cock.. almost." I say making her blush even more. She climbs off of me as she says, "Let's go eat some breakfast my love, I'm starving especially after that that invigorating morning activity." I smile and nod standing up grabbing my shorts and slipping them on as she grabs her dress from last night slipping it on. Natalie's POV This morning was such a confidence booster.. Alex made me almost hate s*x and made it feel more like an obligation I had to endure for my partner.. until I started to read about how it should be and made me so curious as to how it would feel with someone I care about now and that I'm very sexually attracted to.. So I kept just reading to myself, getting more ideas for when I do find a man I want to try it with. I finally got a man I want to I took advantage of the situation and it was so delectable that I would do it again and again just to hear the sexy sounds that come out of his mouth as I please him endlessly to his climax. It made me feel so sexy with the way he stared at me as I had the fun I wanted.. I never knew I was capable of giving or receiving that type of pleasure but here I am proven wrong and feeling amazing about it. That blow job idea was fresh in my mind from the book I read yesterday and the rest came naturally as I just let my body do what it wanted to, almost organically, but with a couple tips from my books. I can't help the smile that's plastered on my face and neither can Will, which makes me happier than you know. We lock gazes as we sit at the kitchen table right next to each other, eating the now cold breakfast I made for us. "Nat that, up there, was amazing.. I haven't gotten a blow job in a long time but that was way better than anything I have ever had done to me before. It was so sexy the way you made it look like you were loving everything just as much as I was..that was probably the best part.. I can't get that image out of my head." William says this to me and I keep catching him staring at my lips. I smirk at him before responding."That's because I was enjoying it just as much.. that whole situation gave me a new type of confidence, making me feel so sexy. I never had that before because I never felt sexy with Alex when we did things it never felt like that.. it felt more like.. I don't know.. obligation for being his girlfriend.. but it definitely wasn't anything I wanted or how I wanted it, I can tell you that much.. it was just what he wanted and when he wanted.. But this with us, has been amazing for me because..this might sound stupid.. but for me, when I'm with you it just feels like it's just the two of us in the whole world and I just get lost in the moment with you. I feel so sexy, like you just want to make me feel good and believe me it feels amazing.. so that's why I wanted to put you first but that still felt like it was for the both of us.. You make me love the idea of staying home all day in bed with you. I never thought that day would come." I say nervously smirking at him as he leans in closer to me around the table, before he responds. "It's nice to know I make you feel as good as you make me feel.. You make me feel so young everytime I'm in your presence." "That's because age is only a number baby." I say to him as my hand runs through his beard. He leans into my gentle touch, closing his eyes as I softly touch his strong jawline through his beard more. He hand lifts up as he sets it gently on top of my hand that's still on his cheek. He pulls it down kissing my palm then to the back of my hand. "I'm so glad we did this Nat.. I was so scared honestly but the way you make me feel inside makes the fear seems so miniscule." This comment from him makes my heart soar because I feel the exact same. "I don't know how I got lucky enough for you to agree to this with me, but I'm so happy you did too. I knew the thought of us together was probably foolish but since the first time I saw you I couldn't get you out of my head and I knew then I wanted to try to go for you as long as everything worked out for us. I was even dreaming sexy dreams about you.. But I told myself if I had even a small idea that you liked me. then I was going for you. That sounds crazy doesn't it?" I say nervously, feeling crazier then when I started this thought. "Well it's not like it took much convincing.. I was attracted to you from the first moment I saw you..but I thought for sure there was no way you were hitting on me when you had started saying things here and there.. I just thought I was being stupid, and thought that there was no way a girl as beautiful as you would want me when you could have whatever man you wanted. I just figured if anything you were being just nice to me, until you kissed me. I will never forget that kiss either, it was the best kiss of my life... I don't know if it was the moment or the fact that it was you, but either way best of my life." He says to me making me not feel as crazy anymore.. he makes me and my feelings feel so normal and okay to have. "I do have to tell you, I wouldn't trade a second of our time together for the world. I love this and love us." I say to him as I lean in towards him, he smirks bigger leaning in as we kiss again. But this isn't a hunger filled one, it's filled with something else, I think love.. But I don't know because I have never known anything like this and if this is love then I have never experienced this before. Which makes my heart race for a whole other reason.
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