Chapter 16 Meeting the Family

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(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Will's POV I pull the car up to D'Angelo's and parking as I turn to Natalie. "Are you sure you don't want to run away with me right now?" I say with so much humor to her, grinning so big as I wiggle my eye brows at her. "Running away together? Now you never said that before.. Why didn't you say so, let's get going!" She says with even more humor back to me as we both bust up laughing and opening our jeep doors. I walk around and meet her on the other side as I take her hand in mine which plasters a huge smile on her face. I'm determined to show her I'm not ashamed. I open the restaurant front door for her guiding her through with the hand I'm still holding onto. I see the hostess lustfully staring at me and I just ignore it as I rub circles on the back of Natalie's hand. "Daddy!" I hear as I see Emarie waving from across the restaurant. I walk in front of Natalie, leading her across the restaurant. I see a look of concern on Emarie's face as We approach her at the table. She stands up asking, "Daddy I thought you said Natalie was coming with you?" I grip Natalie's hand tighter as I pull her around my muscular frame. I see Natalie looking nervous but still showing her beautiful smile, as she comes out of her hiding spot.. Emarie and Matthew both say "Wow." in unison while Emarie has the most excited look on her face. She runs around the table hugging Natalie. "Oh my gosh you are absolutely stunning no wonder you guys are late, I bet daddy couldn't keep his hands to himself. "There was.. traffic.. that's why." I say nervously as Emarie looks up at me smirking then retorting, "Oh really? I didn't realize traffic wore pink shimmering lipgloss.. that must be how you got it on your lips.. right? The traffic? That's how I normally apply my lipgloss too! It has nothing to do with your drop dead gorgeous girlfriend wearing it..Come on daddy..traffic? you can't come up with a better excuse?" I hear Natalie giggling as she grins up at me saying, "Yea he asked to cancel plans tonight after seeing me and I told him there was no way I was ditching dinner with you.. But he did give me a very..very convincing kiss.. I almost gave in." Emarie and Natalie laugh together like old friends as Emmy says, "I would have asked you the same thing! You look amazing! I love this dress!" Emarie says to her and this makes me so happy how well they have hit it off already. "Oh really? Thank you, I saw this design in a magazine, loved it and made it but with some flexible, comfy material!" Natalie retorts with a big proud smile on her face. I love that look on her face. "You made this?! That's amazing you're so talented and daddy told me about all your other skills he has found out about so far! The cooking and he definitely told me about the exhilarating dancing..I heard Duke likes you too! That crazy I never thought he would like any other girls besides me! You're a Jackie of all trades! I love it, but who could not love you! Come sit down next to me Nat! Is that OK that I call you Nat?" Emarie says grabbing Natalie's hand and leading her to their seats that are of course right next to each other. "Yea you can call me Nat! Everyone does!" They smile at each other as I take my seat next to Natalie and Matthew. I shake his hand giving him a soft "Hello." "My daddy told me you were stunning but you are mesmerizing! I wish I could have seen you the other night! It was just too dark!" Natalie blushes at Emaries comment and says, "Thank you, your being too sweet! I'm sorry about all that the other night." Emarie shakes her head, "Oh my gosh no that was my fault too that was a complete misunderstanding not your fault." They giggle a little more back and forth. They are acting like best friends already this is such a relief, I was hoping this is what would happen but no one ever really knows what's going to happen. I guess I just got lucky in this situation. We all ordered our drinks and it soon comes out we put our glasses to the middle as Matthew says to us, "Thank you both for joining us tonight, we couldn't be happier to meet the new addition to the family, you won't have to work hard to make us love you Natalie. You're both going to be so great for each other... cheers!" we all cheers our glasses as we take a drink. We set our glasses down as Matthew continues, "If you guys need anyone to talk to or at least vent to just call.. it's always going to be a hard situation for you two but you will learn how to tolerate it and the other people over time." We both nod in thanks for his kind words.. We have a couple more drinks until we decide to order food..we entertain ourselves making small talk having a great time together like we have been doing this for years. This feels like a real family dinner out.. it's all I could have asked for. "So Nat Daddy told me about what happened last night with your boss! That was bullshit I'm so glad you broke that guys nose he obviously deserved it! But I do have a couple positions available. I'm the manager of a small hotel casino, so we have bartender, cocktail waitress, house keeper and server available and after talking with you I'm sure you could handle any one of them.. So you can take your pick!" Emarie says to Natalie. "I always made more money as a bartender and cocktail waitress so either one of those would be fine as long as you're sure you're OK with working with your dad's lady.. I just don't want to make things weird at all for either one of you. " Natalie responds so respectfully. "Oh you're so sweet, but I swear it's not a bother, if anything we will just talk s**t back and forth about our guys, it will be great! I'm happy to have a girl to talk to now!" Emarie says with much more excitement than before. "Oh I'm excited about having another girl around but I haven't found one thing about Will that I don't like so I won't have anything bad to talk about with you." Natalie says to me winking and I can feel her hand laying on my leg gently rubbing then squeezing.This makes me smile realizing what she just said. My hand drifts on top of hers. "Oh it's OK I have enough s**t to talk about for the both of us." Emarie says to me as I scoff and she laughs. "See Nat I told you she would have so much s**t to talk about!" I say to Natalie as she giggle agreeing with me, "He did say that earlier." All four of us are laughing at this point having a wonderful time. This was so worth it. I'm happy we planned this. "Oh well hello.. I didn't expect to see you guys here.. If I would have known you were coming I would have set up a table for all.. 6.. of us. " I hear from besides me as I look to see my ex wife Samantha and her husband Ryan. "Oh hello Samantha." I say to her and Emarie is the next to answer almost spitefully. "Samantha.. Ryan.." "Hello; Matthew, Emarie, Willy and.. I don't know who you are." Is all she says with malice in her voice, almost glaring at Natalie. "This is my lady Natalie." I say answering her outloud with so much pride weaved through my words. Samantha scoffs and asks, "Seriously William? Don't you think she is a little young? Are you THAT desperate that you don't have standards anymore?" "Who are you to say anything about Natalie? Ryan is a year younger than me mother! And you're no Saint at all either!" Emarie spats back instantly. "I'm just being realistic Emmy.. how could a child be any good for him, he needs a real woman to be with him." Samantha retorts while still glaring daggers at Natalie. "You know what mother? Natalie here has shown more respect for daddy and I in a couple days span, then you have in our whole lives.. she gives him so much happiness and love then you ever have as well, which is what he deserves.. and what? you can have your happy ending but he can't?! Just leave him alone. She is awesome, I love her."Emarie responds making me smile so big as I turn to Samantha. She is looking at me as if I should be agreeing with her or something, or defending her against our daughter and if that's what she wants from me then she is going to be greatly disappointed. So I have to make a proud declaration for my lady here and now. "You know what Samantha? I don't give a f*#k what you think about me nor Natalie. She is so sweet, funny, talented, really cares for me and likes me for me.. She makes me so happy and no one has ever made me feel the way she does. You should just be happy for me like I was for you with Ryan. He was good for you and she is good for me.. and I don't care if you like her or not I'm still going to be with her, and you have no say in the matter anyways. I swear I don't care if she is younger than me.. Age is just a number." I say grabbing Natalie's hand in mine as I pull it up kissing the back of it as she blushes smiling so big at me. Her eyes look glossy too as she stares deep into my eyes...I think that means I proved to her I'm not ashamed. "Fine do what you want.. Don't come to me when she breaks your heart or ends up being a gold digging tramp... Emmy I hope to be receiving an invitation to your wedding." Samantha says making Emmy and I both roll our eyes. "She is the farthest thing from a gold digging tramp so nothing to worry about there.. thanks so much for unwanted concern Samantha." I say so spitefully glaring at her now.. she better shut her mouth before there is a big problem. I lace my words with my building irritation so hopefully she gets the picture before this turns into a bigger problem. "Well where was my invite for your wedding mother or even telling me that you stole my boyfriend before you married him??.. So I don't know why you act like I owe you something. When you didn't have that same respect for me before.. but I don't know mom I think the guest list might be full.. I'll have to see if I can fit you in but no promises." Emarie replies and looks away as she continues, "Bye Samantha and Ryan. Have a good night." Samantha is pissed as she now glares at me, huffing and storming off with Ryan in tow. I look at Natalie and she is still staring at me with so much love in her eyes and it's all just for me. Just that thought and image before me makes me so happy. "Did you mean all that Will?" She asks softly. "Of course baby.. I told you I'm not ashamed and that I would be so happy to have you at my side. I meant every word, you make me feel so good in everyway possible. I love where this is heading and I really want to see where we go." I say so honestly to her as she leans in and I meet her halfway as we kiss once more. We break apart as I pull her hand back up to my lips kissing it again right in front of her. "Alright handsome, you proved it to me just like you said you would.. thank you.. that declaration for me meant everything to me, thank you so much Will." Natalie says to me as I smile big and nod. "Oh yeah I knew you could do it daddy that was awesome, you really showed her! Who was she to judge you.. what a b***h. That's where I get it from. I knew it wasn't from my sweet dad." Emarie says this as Matthew says to Emarie, "Marie baby, we can't not invite your mother to the wedding." Emarie scoffs louder than before as she retorts, "Just watch me.. she has turned into such a judgemental b***h and I don't want that negativity or my ex at my wedding so no.. thanks though.. she didn't invite me to hers so why would I invite her to mine." I want to object but she is right.. her mother didn't give her that respect so why does she have to give it back.The food comes out as we all eat our delicious meals. "So Emarie, when did you want me to start?" Natalie asks her as she continues to eat her dinner. "Well how about I give you the rest of the weekend off since it's Friday anyways.. and you can just start on Monday night at 3 so we can show you around before you start your shift at 4. Just come in what you normally wear because the girls are provided with a dress and heels to wear around so I will provide those for you when you arrive and I'll provide you with everything else you might need." Emarie replies as she continues to eat as well. So I turn to Natalie.. "So baby since you have the weekend off would you maybe like to hang out? We could go for another motorcycle ride and I know a good place to go to making a pit stop getting away from the city just for a little bit." I ask as she vigorously nods her head replying, "Who could say no to that? That sounds like an amazing weekend to me.. sign me up!" I hear Emarie laughing as I look up at her so she responds, "Oh you guys are so adorable I love it." We finish our dinners continuing our small talk. Once dinner is officially done we say our goodbyes, giving hugs and making our way to my jeep again. I open the passenger door for her as I make my way around to the other side again. I drive us back to our places. I park in my driveway as I shut my jeep off. I circle around to her side as I open the door to let her out. But she has other plans as she pulls me by my collar closer to her as she compresses her lips to mine. I willingly let her take over as I lean into her grasp and pull. My hands instinctively go to her hips pulling her into me more. This action gains a light muffled moan from her as she presses her lips into mine more posessively. One of my hands slips down the side of her dress then slightly up it on the side as I just grip her thick thighs that I love so much. My other hands instantly goes to the back of her head and through her hair as we kiss with more of a hunger just like before. Her hands make their way up my shirt as she glides the tips of her nails lightly across my stomach. I'm trying so hard to not come on too strong or even play my cards wrong. But I have been having a hard time not diving head first into this with her. I'm trying so hard to respect her but my intense feelings for her keep trying to take over. I'm sure I'm pitching a tent for her at this point and I think she knows this as she presses her body into mine more. I'm now so close that I'm standing in between her legs and her dress is slipped up slightly with one of my hands still underneath. I kiss down her jaw line and to the crook of her neck as she leans her head over giving me more access. I take that invitation to assault her neck... But I have to stop myself as I breathe in a deep breathe of her intoxicating scent as I whisper into her ear. "Baby I have to stop now or I won't be able to stop if we keep this going.. I just want to respect you and I don't want to push you into anything." She wraps her hands around the back of my neck as she sucks, kisses and nibbles on my ear and down to my neck sending more chills all over my body, before she replies back, "Who said I want you to stop?" This comment alone makes me harder than a rock because that's all a man needs to hear. I wrap my arms around her body pulling her closer into mine as I pick her up holding her tight. I pull her out of my jeep as she playfully giggles then reaches out shutting the jeep door for me. I walk her up my stairs still in my arms, reaching in my pocket and pulling my keys out. Natalie takes them out of my hand, unlocking and opening the door for us. I walk her in and she shuts the door for us again. I'm still holding her tight as I walk us up my stairs and into my room. Her hands run through my beard and pulls my face in crashing her lips to mine. I moan lightly into her lips as I lay her down on my bed. I sit up out of her embrace, unbuttoning my shirt as I pull it off and over my head. I look down and somehow in that span of time Natalie had pulled her dress off because she just has her bra and thong on now. She sits up on her knees on the bed undoing my belt and my pants button and zipper for me. She pulls them down with my boxer briefs exposing my ready to go member to her. I step out of my shoes socks and pants. She is still on her knees as I see her reach behind and undoing her bra and slipping off both her bra and thong, exposing her voluptuous curves to me making me want her even more. She had good sized breasts but the peace of resistance are the n****e rings. I never thought I would like those when I saw them on other girls but man I love them on Natalie. She looks so good with her piercings and tattoos. A deep grunt leaves my mouth as I quickly pin her to the bed underneath me. I touch all along her tattooed side as She spreads her legs trying to give me more access so I caress her exposed breasts and continuing to assault her neck. She moans again wiggling under me, almost begging me for what's to come. My rock hard shaft is right at her entrance as I just slowly push it into her making her moan and gasp as I continue my tantalizing assault on her body. I start rotating my hips slowly pushing myself in then pulling out almost all the way out as I continue this motion. I increase my pace as I sit up using her hips as my handles pulling her into me. Her moans and my grunts are the only sounds that are heard in the room getting louder and louder filling the place up. Her back arches in so much pleasure, pushing her body more into mine as I can't hold back the moans that are escaping both of our mouths. We are moving as one, thrusting into each other one of my hands is holding her hip keeping her in motion with me as I grab her breasts. Her moans sound amazing that I thrust faster and harder into her just to hear those moans over and over again. She looks even better writhing underneath me, I can tell she is just as close as I am. I keep going until she gasps out of breath then moans my name, "F*#k..Yes..Will!" so loudly, that one sound of her ecstacy filling my ears makes me hit my climax right after her euphoric sounds. I pull myself out laying down besides her as she bundles into my side. I can't help but wrap my arm around her pulling her into me. I grab my blanket covering us up. "Mmmm Will, that was amazing thank you." She says to me as she spreads out with her body mostly layed across mine with our legs intertwined. I'm caressing over her exposed back. "That was everything I hoped it would be.. amazing.. can we just stay in my bed forever?" I ask her as she giggles and says, "Well at least for the weekend until I have to go to work my love." I Humm in response as I pull her closer into me. She let's out a deep breathe she was holding in as I feel her body melt into mine as we drift off into the most comfortable sleep I have ever had.
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