Chapter 15 More Than Meets The Eye

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Will's POV There's something wrong with the connection of the dishwasher to the sink, so I'm laying on my back and halfway under the sink trying to help.. but I'm not a plumber so I just hope the problem is obvious for me so I can actually help him. I'm brought out of my thoughts by the sound of Bob's wheelchair approaching. "Well Mr.William I have to say you got yourself a keeper in there, I think she is more enthralled with you then you are with her, who knew that was possible." I sit up quickly hitting my head on the pipes above me about his comment. I rub my forehead as I look at him curiously asking, "Really? Why do you think that? What did she say?" He chuckles at my reaction as he states. "She said she would fight even you, for you to get her happy ending, she said she knew from the moment she saw you that if there was a sign you liked her she was going for you...and she said you're so amazing that she is not letting a man like you slip away. It sounds like love at first sight but I don't think she even knows it. At least it doesn't sound like she realizes it yet." This comment makes me smile so big. "Really?" I ask staring at Bob as he chuckles at my reaction stating as if it's fact, "Awe look at your eyes just sparking with love! HA! If you were a cartoon character you would have hearts in your eyes and floating around you! Yes really.. dumbass.. how did you even try for a moment to pass her up and let her be with someone else? She obviously only has eyes for you...dumbass.. Man who knew your heaven wouldn't be too far away at all.. I wish I was you and I never thought that day would ever come. If you lose her I'm kicking your ass." I laugh at that as I reply back, "You guys don't even know her yet but you and Emmy have threaten to kick my ass for her and even she threatened to kick my ass if I broke her heart. You must all think I'm so dumb that you have to threaten me." "Well yeah DUMBASS you tried to tell her to date someone else of course we think that. I'm glad to hear Emmy is still on board I was just suprised she didn't kick your ass the other night after she chewed you up and spit you out. Even Duke likes her how could you not!" Bob says to me making me chuckle as I lay back down trying to figure out what's going on with the problem at hand. "Yea so last night she did go out with a younger guy that was her boss and he tried to sexually assault her and she punched him breaking his nose before I could get to him. He told her if she won't sleep with him then she doesn't have a job anymore even though yesterday was literally her first day so she was pissed and said fine because she wasn't going to sleep with him.. So I asked Emmy if she had any jobs still available.. because remember the last time we got together she said she had a whole bunch of job openings and needed the help.. She said yes she still has multiple openings.. so we are getting together for dinner tonight with her and Matthew so she can officially meet her and see where she would be best at for a job.. But Emmy was still all for it... I just hope my girls get along I don't know what I would do if they didn't. But on the plus side Duke does love her and who knew that was possible!" I state to Bob as I hear. "Why is that so shocking that Duke likes me?" coming from Natalie as I jump from not knowing she was there hitting my head again groaning as Bob laughs at me. "Oh no I'm so sorry Will are you ok?" She asks sounding panicked. "Yea baby I'm fine I have already done that once so.. yea.. I'm fine." I groan still rubbing my head. "Oooohh by the blush on your face Natalie I'm going to predict that this is the first time he has called you baby?!" I hear a smack and I'm assuming she gave him a playful hit, because I hear him laughing saying, "yup I must have hit that right on the nose... But Duke doesn't like any girls except for now you and Emmy of course but no other woman..ever." "Really? He is so sweet are you sure it's not the women? Animals can sense things about people.. I will trust animal senses over my senses anytime of the day." She says making me smile as I state from under the sink still, "Yea that's why I dumped every single one of them.. I trust Duke more than any of them." I finally see a pipe that's not connected and there is a puddle under it so I think this is the one that came detached. I keep trying to connect the pipe but it won't stay together. "Ok I found the pipe that disconnected but it won't stay connected I need some sort of adhesive to make it stay." I say to Bob as I slip out from under the sink. "Just use the GOOP over there that should do it." Natalie says to me as I look confused at her because I don't know what goop is. "Ok I'm going to assume by that look on your face that you don't know what it is.. so excuse me handsome." She says as I step aside. She takes her jacket off and her big sweater off handing both to me. She is in just a spaghetti strap shirt as she flips her hair into a bun getting under the sink, grabbing this gray tube under the sink that says goop on it. I squat down to get a better look at the situation. I watch her bite lip lightly as she applies the goop to the pipe using her finger to smooth it out and around the outside of one as she pushes the other on top and together.. making sure it was secure before she slips back out from under the sink. She washes her hands getting the rest of the goop off of her hand as she turns to me grabbing her sweater slipping it back on. She takes her hair tie out as I watch her hair fall out of the bun and bounce out into full length again. "That should be dry any minute that stuff takes no time at all to dry." She says to both of us "Wow and I thought the bike thing was sexy.. that was even better.. where did you learn about pipes." Bob asks with his mouth practically wide open. She giggles at him, shrugging her shoulders and responds, "I have worked on our family farm since I could walk, but we have had to put together piping for the animals water and we even made some pipes that hold their grains as well so we don't have to worry too much about the mice getting into the feed. But that was a very long summer of piping and since I'm the smallest in the family I was the one going in and doing all of it. because everyone else was too big to fit into the small spaces or hands were too I had to learn real quick." I can't help but stare in awe at her smiling and so casual but Bob's right that was sexy. A girl who can get down and dirty with guys working and helping.. not just expecting it to get done for her, but doing it for herself to make sure it gets done.. I hear Bob laugh so loud next to me but I don't break my gaze from her whether she is looking at me or not because I don't want to.."either you hit your head way to hard or you're in love staring at her like that." I glare at Bob as I feel her soft hand touch my forehead where I hit it. I look back at her locking gazes as she smirks and says softly, "Maybe it's a little bit of both." "Maybe." is all I get out as she smiles big before she turns to the freezer getting some ice out and into a plastic bag wrapping it multiple times until she turns to me gently placing it on my head. I jump slightly at the contact as she places her other hand on my cheek and slightly running her fingers through my beard, as if to keep my head steady while she presses the ice to my head more. I love this how she just automatically takes care of me I have never had that, I have always been the one taking care of everyone else. I'm brought out of my thoughts by her sweet voice. "Hey Bobby can you please try your dishwasher and make sure it works before we head out. I'm assuming that piping was the problem and not the actual dishwasher." Natalie says to Bob as she continues to hold the ice on my head. "Yes ma'am!.. I would take orders from you anytime..!" Bob states to her making her laugh and shake her head as she watches him trying to start it and I just observe her. She is so gentle but stern at the same time. When she reacts to anything her eyes brows are always moving and I love it she has some fun facial expressions when she talks and I could just stare at her all day.. Maybe Bob is right.. maybe I am in love.. how crazy is that thought.. But I honestly don't know if that's what this is.. I have never felt this way before with any woman and I thought that I had been in love before.. but now I'm really questioning it if this is how it's suppose to feel then I have not felt love.. until I guess now.. But I still don't know either.. Maybe this is how she feels and that's why Bob says she might not realize it yet either.. she might be just as confused about her feelings as I am. But the one thing I do know is that it's her that gives me these feelings and no one else, and that thought alone is enough for me. Once she hears the dishwasher start she smiles at Bob, "Thanks Natalie for fixing my piping! Gosh Will can you do something around this place please.. your lady is making you look so bad." "Hey he did fix your bed for you to get wild and crazy on again Bobby... you give him some credit...and he did figure out the problem before I fixed it. be nice." She says to him with sass as he retorts, "Oh your just going to let your lady fight your battles for you Will?" She takes the ice off my head, her eye brows raise as she turns to him with threat all over her face and in every word that comes out of her mouth, "Oh Bobby let's hope it doesn't come to that because you wouldn't want me to fight you. I was raised with 2 big asshole brothers I know how to kick ass." "You are correct about that Natalie... I'm sufficiently intimidated.. but turned on at the same time." She scoffs rolling her eyes at Bob smirking and turning back to me placing the ice back onto my head and I can't help the smile on my face from her automatic defense of me, as I continue to stare at her. "Well Bobby this has been an absolute pleasure being here with you today, I had a great time talking with you for sure.. we will have to do that again, but I do need to get home to take a shower and try to look decent for meeting Will's daughter." Natalie says winking at me. "I think on your worse day you would still look way better than decent so I'm sure you will be fine in that area.. but have a great night you two and tell Emmy I say hi! I'll probably harasss you both later thanks again for today." Bob says to us as Natalie puts the ice down in the sink. She walks to Bob bending down giving him a hug as he pats her back. She takes her jacket that I'm still holding onto without realizing it as she puts it on zipping it up. I take her lead giving Bob a hug. "Be careful getting back and don't f*#k this up man. but have fun." I smile and nod. "You know if you need anything call Bob." I wave at the same time as I put on my helmet. "Have a great night Bobby thank you!" Natalie says as she throws her hair back again slipping the helmet on and clipping it. I turn around making sure her helmet is secure, before getting onto my bike. I can feel her getting on the bike behind me and I love that she makes sure there is no space between us as she wraps her body around mine making sure she is secure. I use to always love the solitude of riding my bike but somehow this feels amazing with her here with me. I know we can't exactly talk or anything while driving but just having her here in my presence makes the ride so much more comfortable. We ride for just a little bit and somehow the trip back feels so much shorter than the trip up.. I hate how that always happens. We pull up to our places as she hops off flipping her hair back again after she takes off her helmet and I still can't help but stare. I take my helmet off but I'm still sitting on the bike as she walks to my side. "That was so much fun thank you I will take a ride with you anytime you will have me!.. Bob seems like a lot of fun as well so thank you for all of that. I have to get ready because I can't go out looking like this.. so I'll see you in a hour handsome." She says leaning in and kissing my cheek. before turning on her heels and walking away into her place. She leaves me speechless once again. I watch her body reced into her house and when I see the door shut behind her, I put away my motorcycle along with the helmets. I get into the house and make sure to feed Duke his wet food dinner before we have to go. I run upstairs jumping into the shower. I get myself nice and clean, dressed and ready into a button up and dark blue jeans. That hour flies by in no time at all as I collect my things I need and get into my car pulling it out front of her place. I get out leaving the car running as I walk across her porch. I pause in front of the door for a moment because to say I'm nervous is an understatement for sure. I lift my fist up and finally gain the nerve to knock and man I'm glad I did. She opens the door stunning my whole body at first sight. "Hey Will, let me grab my jacket and we can leave." She says turning around. I check her spectacular figure out more since she has an off the shoulder dark green dress on. It's a little baggy on top, but from about her waist down to the bottom of the dress, which is about halfway down her thigh is almost skin tight. She has some knee high boots on and it makes her legs look even sexier. Her hair is still down but I'm not objecting because I like it down the best. She has it completely straight this time framing her gorgeous face that has just light makeup on accenting her mesmerizing golden brown orbs. She grabs her things as she turns back around. I watch her eyes gaze up and down my body making me nervous almost instantly. "Wow.. you look..great, that blue makes your hypnotizing eyes pop out even more. I love it." She says to me. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. She looks a little worried as she says, "Are you ok Will? Are you sure you want me to come tonight? I would hate to make you uncomfortable at all." I shake my head and my hand automatically lands on her waist, moving to the small of her back and pulling her into me without hesitation, making her gasp in suprise at my action. "Of course I want you to come with me.. you just look.. breathtaking.. I'm so close to canceling the plans and just staying here with you all night." I say with some unknown confidence.. I only have this confidence when I'm with her but I love the way she makes me feel..She giggles and bites her lip before responding, "As memorable and wonderful as that sounds and believe me it's sounds amazing.. I can't ditch out on your daughter I need to make a better first impression then the last time or I would cancel in a heartbeat." She is wiggling her eyebrows at me before winking and walking past me, she locks the door on her way out as I quickly make my way to the passenger door to open it for her. "What a gentlemen, whoever says chivalry is dead has never met you. Thanks handsome." She climbs into my jeep as I shut the door behind her and circling around the vehicle to the driver's side. I get in and I can't take my eyes off of her legs. "I don't think you should have worn that dress." I say to her as I lean in closer to her. She looks a little shocked by my comment as she asks a little sadly, "Do you not like the dress?" "No the complete opposite.. I love it I just don't think I will be able to concentrate on anything but you." I respond without hesitation to her as I watch her eyes light and her plump lips curl into a beautiful smile, as she leans in to me meeting me halfway. "Well maybe that's what I was going for." I close the space between us kissing her luscious lips. She bites and sucks on my bottom lip and I instantly get chills all over my body. We start to attack each others lips with a intoxicating hunger, that is until my phone starts to ding over and over. so I have to break the best kiss. I look down to see it's a message from Emarie. Hey daddy we just got here and I wanted to make sure you both were still coming I look up at Natalie. "So are you sure you don't want me to cancel?" I ask as I show her the message. Her hand runs through my beard almost massaging it as she says, "Believe me I want this as bad as you but I have to do this.. we will be able to continue this I promise I'm not going anywhere." She leans in pulling me to her with her hand kissing me one more time before breaking the kiss and sitting back buckling up. Yea hun we are on our way now I reply and groan saying, "I don't know if I have the patience to wait after that kiss." She giggles at my comment as I try to not think about this sexy temptress besides me even if it's just for a second.
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