Chapter 6 On a Mission

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Will's POV I watch Natalie leave my house, off of my porch and walking towards her house. I shut the door behind me and leaning back on it as if I needed the support. My heart is still racing at our close proximity before she left and she absolutely has my mind still reeling... Why can't I stop thinking about her? There is no actual way she is interested in me so I don't know why my body is acting like this even remotely getting my hopes up.. There were a couple times where I thought for sure she was hitting on me but maybe she was just being nice, yeah that's got to be it.. I'm just being dumb she wasn't really flirting with me. I have got to be 10-15 years older than her There is no way she would want an old man like myself when she could get a younger, stronger, better than me, man.. I mean come on look at her..I need to stop thinking so much into this..I shouldn't even waste my time I'm sure she isn't. I clean up the small mess we both made with dinner and drinks, and my mind keeps jumping right back to her.. I don't even realize it until I start asking myself about her and then I get mad because I'm thinking about her again! It's got to be because I can still smell her perfume. Yeah that's why. I slowly make my way through my house and up the stairs to my bedroom. I take off my shirt throwing it across the room and into my dirty clothes hamper. I walk to my dresser grabbing a pair of basketball shorts. I take my pants off and slips on the shorts. I walk to my window grabbing each curtain to pull it shut for the night..But right before I do, I see Natalie's bedroom light turn on it's right across and below my room which is kind of nice. I watch for just a moment as I see her figure move from one side of the room to the next until I can't see her at all. But what I do see intrigues me because I see her clothes she was wearing thrown to the floor... But I can't see her anymore. It only takes a moment until I can see her again but this time she is in a black tank top and some pink very short shorts. I can see her better in no time at all because she walks up to her window looking out towards the bottom of my house, maybe my office, she looks like she maybe be looking for something, for a moment as she grabs her curtains. I decide to just watch her for the moment longer until she shuts her curtains. But before she shuts the curtains I see her eyes quickly trail up my house and instantaneously locking gazes with mine. I freeze not knowing really how to react with being caught staring at my new younger than me neighbor, looking absolutely amazing in practically no clothes.. because they don't cover much at all.. It doesn't even look like she is wearing a bra... Dammit I need to look away.. Yes look away.. Why can't I look away my eyes are locked with hers and I can't tear them away. My heart is racing even faster than before being mortified at the situation. A grin sweeps across her gorgeous face as she waves up at me then slowly shutting her curtains. I groan at the fact that she caught me looking not just at her but also in her room, she probably thinks I'm such a creeper.. no matter if she smiled at me or not.. What a great first day mortifying. Natalie's POV I walk into my new place for the next year and so far I cannot complain at all. I have not spent anytime in my place yet.. I have just been at my new neighbors house.. Which honestly doesn't bother me at all. I know I should probably be bothered by the fact that he is a good amount of years older than me but honestly I could care less. He is sexy, sweet, talented and did I mention sexy. I don't care about the age different but I bet he does. I bet I don't have a chance in hell with a man like that... But if not, At least he is going to be my neighbor for the next year that thought alone excites me. I guess I can always gawk at him from afar daydreaming about what will never happen between us like some dumb school girl, but if that's all I can get I guess I will take it. I hated having to leave so soon from his place because I felt so comfortable in his presence..but I really didn't want him to get tired of me before I even got a chance to try to get to know him. I shouldn't be thinking about my neighbor, but how could I not he is just all man and everything I have wanted in a man. Also the only man I have even remotely been interested in, in years really... so I just can't help it, my body is just reacting on it's own when it comes to him because my body obviously knows what it wants.. All of me does want him, I just don't think he wants me or I would try to go for him.. if there was any sign that he actually was attracted to me and wanted something I would go for him for sure. I walk into what I'm going to make my bedroom.. I start pulling each layer of clothing I have off slowly throwing it to the side on the floor. One of my bags of clothing is sitting on the floor so I make my way butt naked, across the room and opening my bag. I pull a pair of shorts and a tank top out of my bag and slipping them on. I walk around my room checking it out and it's a pretty good size room, I can't complain at all. I just have to make sure to get somethings tomorrow for it. I look up noticing my window open so I slowly make my way over to the window and see the open window across from me and it looks like it is in the back room of his house maybe... But to my disappointment he is not there, the light isn't even on in that room. I start to close the curtains when I notice a light on in my peripherals so I glance up and instantaneously locks my gaze with William's gaze. It's ironic to see the man that's been invading my mind without my objection, the whole time I have been without him which hasn't been long. I just can't seem to get him off my mind and here he is. He has his shirt off and looks so good. It doesn't look like he has missed a day of being active for sure. He has tattoos covering his muscle covered arms and chest. He looks so good I just want to touch every single inch of his tattoos because they look so awesome.. Mostly just because they look so good on him. He has a good amount of hair on his chest and this has me wishing I could run my hands through it.. who would want the boys around here when I could have a Class A REAL man? The things those muscular arms could do with a small lady like me.. that thought alone gets my mind reeling at the possibilities...mmm.. sign me up..I know what I'll be dreaming about tonight. I realize I have been staring at his body for who knows how long, probably looking like such an i***t to him. I smile up at him soaking in his appetizing handsome features, wishing I could have some of that yummy looking main course. Stop it, I'm crazy. I shouldn't be thinking like that about him, there is no way he would be interested in me, but I just can't seem to help it. I wave at him as I slowly close my curtains before I really start to look like a childish i***t to this man who is clearly out of my league. I try to get him off my mind as I put together a makeshift bed with my clothes and pillow and blanket on the floor. I just need something to tide me over for tonight until I can head to some place tomorrow and get myself a bed. The exhaustion of my long day hits me like a brick wall as I quickly fall asleep. ‐----------- Will grabs me pinning me between him and the wall in the hallway wall kissing me so posessively. My hands feel their way up his shirt touching every last inch of his upper body muscles with my fingertips, causing chills to appear all over his body. I lift his shirt up and over his head throwing it to the floor as I lead him the rest of the way down the hallway and into my bedroom. He takes my shirt off without hesitation throwing it to the ground. I take my bra off without a second to lose either. He playfully pushes me down onto my bed, this action causes a squeal to leave my mouth in excitement for what's to come. He gets on the bed hovering over me as he starts kissing my neck and over my chest. One hand grabs my breast while the other leads down my stomach to place that's aching for his touch at this very moment. My favorite song 'Hundred' By Khalid starts to fill the room getting louder and louder by the second. The room and scene in front of me starts to fade away quickly the louder the song gets. I slowly open my eyes to the new unfamiliar room. It's a little crazy waking up to a room you don't recognize.. I'm sure it's happened to alot of people but not to me really.. It gets your heart racing right as you wake up because of the panic of not realizing where you are..until you wake up enough to figure out where you're actually at, that your most likely ok and safe. I let out a huff in disappointment realizing that the amazing moment I had with Will was just a dream that I wished was a reality. But I shouldn't be thinking like that.. What has happened to me by moving here? I haven't been interested in any men since before I broke up with Alex so what's so special about this man? Besides everything I guess because all his qualities I have discovered so far peaks all of my interests. I take a deep breathe in then letting it out trying to calm down from my amazingly intense dream. I hop up opening the curtains and then the window to get some morning light and fresh air in here since I don't have a lamp yet and I need to calm down. I turn on my pandora playlist to help me wake up to distract me from my very memorable dream. I sing to myself every song that comes on as I wander around the room checking out everything I might need in here and where I will want to put everything once I get it. I go to my bag of clothes picking out something comfortable for the work I'm going to need to finish up on the house today.. I get changed into a teal lace bra and thong set and a pair of blacked ripped skinny jeans. I put on a long sleeve teal and black plaid button up shirt. I Slowly button up my shirt as I take a look around my room trying to figure out what all I need to get from the store today.. I take some mental notes of the things for my room and I'll take a look around the rest of the house as well before I leave. I walk to the bathroom putting on some light make up and throwing my hair up into a messy bun with bits of hair hanging down framing my face. Since thats easiest and I don't have shampoo, conditioner or shower curtain to take a shower yet, so I will just have to wait until tonight after all the work. I start singing to myself as I slip on my shoes walking around seeing what items I need around the house besides the basics like, cooking supplies, cleaning supplies and of course the bathroom supplies. I think that I have figured out what all I need in no time at all, taking a mental note of everything.. I should be able to grab all that I need at the Walmart nearby.. I checked out my Google Maps and found out an IKEA is nearby as well so I will go there to grab all the furniture I can fit into my car and assemble it at my house. Except for a couch I will order one online and get them to deliver it for me that would help a lot and I'll just take care of everything else. I grab my phone finding a couch that's not too expensive and order it putting deliver and giving my new address. I get a confirmation email telling me the order is placed and that the delivery driver's should arrive between 12-2pm. I look at my watch to see it's a little after 7am so I have plenty of time to get everything I need and be back before they drop it off.. I should even have enough time to clean the house before I get the couch brought in as well. I hop up grabbing my keys and combining them onto one ring so I hopefully don't lose them again.. I grab my wallet and phone putting those into my pocket. Time to get this 'house supply aquiring' show on the road. I bolt out of my house running to my car starting it up and driving off because I'm on a mission and I want to get it done ASAP I would feel way better if I do. I put Walmart into my GPS and make my way across town and to the store. I get to Walmart filling up my cart in no time at all grabbing everything I need.. I even decided to grab some groceries to top the no room I have in my cart off. I make my way to the checkout lane and of course it takes takes little bit of time to scan everything but he finally makes it through my cart of items. So after I pay I take the huge cart load to my car filling up my passenger seat and some of the back seat, leaving the rest of the backseat and the trunk available for the furniture that I get at the next store. I follow the GPS to IKEA running into the store to try to collect everything I need for my new place.. I know it's almost impossible to do a speed run through IKEA because of how huge it is.. but I currently have groceries in car so I have to try my best. Since I have a general area of everything I need I just try my best at a speediest run I can. Of course because I'm in a rush, the irony of the situation is that I do get lost running around that huge endless store of furnature.. I find the map but of course it looks like a 6 year old drew it so it doesn't help much at all. But after wandering around for a little bit I'm able to get all the way through and make it out of the store with a bed frame, kitchen table, kitchen chairs, 2 shelves and a coffee table along with a air condensed mattress to throw in. Pretty successful if I do say so myself even if I got lost a couple times in the process. My phone battery is starting to die at this point because I forgot to charge it last night and I don't have my charger in the car so..yeah.. I'm trying to stay positive about today but things keep going wrong making it harder than usual.. I try to keep my head up because I think I can find my way home from here.. I'm pretty sure I remember the route to take. So I just try to see if I can remember my way back since I can't use the GPS on my phone. With it dying and all.. just my luck right? I of course get a little lost on the way back because of the road construction.. so that's always fun.. I'm getting frustrated at this point at my 5th round past this same stupid store as I hit my steering wheel yelling, "Really? Is this how today is going to go? Is today just going to keep getting worse or can it please get better?!" I ask looking up, wondering if anyone is really listening. I finally find my road which makes me feel better. Maybe that's a sign things will start getting better today.. that is until I inch down the street and my face turns to shock realizing my couch I ordered is in my driveway with what looks to be a note in the middle of it. I look at my watch quickly. "Don't tell me that's my couch! It's only 10, since when do places deliver early?!" I park on the side of the road getting out and walking to my couch, that was left on my driveway. I pull the note off and realize it's a delivery receipt saying, 'Sorry we missed you.' I point to the sky before I say, "Touche... F*#k me definitely heard." I give some uncomfortable finger guns to the sky as I chuckle to myself. I put my ear buds into my ears to get this situation taken care of ASAP. I have to take my groceries in first throwing them into the fridge before I bring all the other bags in then somehow this couch but I'll figure out what to do after I get everything else in.. So let's get this party started, I think I have my work cut out for me.
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