Chapter 5 Getting To Know Each Other

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Will's POV Wow.. could this woman be any more stunning? When I first saw her pull up next door.. I was curious and excited, to say the least.. I was sitting on my front porch swing, enjoying the nice Autumn early night weather when I saw her step out of her car and shake hands with the real-estate agent. She gets her to sign some papers, and the girl hands her a check in exchange for the house keys. She looks so excited as she hugs the woman, shocking her completely. It might sound bad, but the idea of having this stunning young woman running around the neighborhood for an extended period of time just gets my heart racing and my mind reeling. She has long dark brown hair that reaches her plump bubble butt, She has curves but in all the right places and almost an hourglass figure.. She doesn't look like she is very tall but not petite either.. she has got some great hips to go with those thick thighs. She looks like she has light brown eyes, but it's hard to tell in this lighting with how far away I am.. She has a light olive, maybe a porcelain colored skin tone that makes her stick out like no other.. which isn't a bad thing. I observe her talking with the real-estate agent, and I have to say I love the playful faces and gestures She makes when she talks.. it makes everything way more expressive and interesting when people talk with her... I feel like these characteristics together pull you into the story more. Her eyes are so expressive with every word she says, so I don't even have to know what she is saying to think she is cute and fun. I stay on my porch swing watching the real estate agent leave as I observe my new neighbor excitedly running back and forth between her car and the house with a pep in her step. It doesn't take her long to completely clear out her car because it doesn't look like she has much curiously, and I definitely don't see anything that indicates a man being around... even more curious because I don't know how a beautiful woman like herself doesn't have a man close behind. She takes the last of her items into her place as she shuts the house door behind her, prancing out to her car. She turns on the car and pulls it into her driveway. She gets out and takes a moment staring at her place as a smirk of satisfaction is apparent across her face. She walks up to her front door, trying to open it, but the door doesn't budge. She realizes she has locked herself out of her new place. She is pretty hilarious as she cussing, making fun, and calling herself an i***t. I get up, walking closer to her, but she hasn't noticed me yet.. I hear more comments directed at herself, and I just can't help the chuckle that comes out of my mouth.. she is funny and obviously has a sense of humor, which is a great quality for any woman. I think I accidentally scared her as she quickly spins around and locks me into a stunning gaze that made me literally freeze in place. Now that I'm closer to her and get a better view of her mesmerizing features, I can see that her eyes look more of a light brown or gold. I tell her she is not an i***t and retorts back instantly, and I have to say I love and adore her wit.. I like a girl who can keep up with me.. I reluctantly break our intense gaze squeezing past her, and I hope it doesn't sound weird at all, but her smell is so incredibly intoxicating that I wish I could just smell it all the time. I go to her door, looking at the door knob to sufficently check it out, just to see if maybe I can help her. I hope so. After inspecting it out, I do think I have the tools to take care of this issue for her. So I relay that information to her as I squeeze past her again, walking back to my place. I get into my house and grab my lock picking kit I have had for years but barely used, so I just hope I can get this open and not look like an i***t in front of her. I leave my house getting back to her soon so she doesn't think I have ditched her. I walk back to her porch as I squat down in front of her door.. My heart races because I can feel her gaze on me, which makes me nervous, but I can't let that show. Luckily, I'm able to get her door open, I smirk to myself in satisfaction of being able to help her out in her time of need. I turn to her, and I have to say her beautiful smile looks amazing on her gorgeous face. She then surprises me by jumping into my arms, hugging me so tight. I wrap my arms around her so willingly, pulling her small frame into mine with her being so much smaller than me it was easily done.. I enjoy this moment with her relaxing under my touch as I take in the amazing way she smells.. She says she feels bad jumping on me as she backs out of my hold, and I reluctantly let go of her to my dismay. I made sure she knew she wasn't overstepping any boundaries with me, which puts a shy smile on her face, and she finally tells me her name.. Natalie.. It fits her so well. It's a classy name for a classy looking lady. She looks so nervous, but it must be just because she is new to the area because there is no way I'm making her shy like that, looking almost flirty towards me. She smirks up at me, saying she wants to invite me in for dinner, but since she just got here so she obviously doesn't have anything to make yet for us.. but that thought alone makes my heart race.. I love the idea of spending more time with her even though I probably shouldn't have such an age gap.. I have got to be over 10 years for sure, maybe 15 years older than her. But I decide to invite her over anyway in hopes I don't freak her out at all, and to my surprise, she answers instantly that she wants to come over to my place with me. Which makes me so happy because I would like to continue this moment with her and maybe get to know her better as long as she doesn't mind, of course. I lead her to my house, opening the door for her and gesturing for her to sit and get comfortable. She takes my invitation as I bring her a beer and the box of pizza. I start casually asking her about herself, and she just willingly opens up to me, which is surprising since she doesn't know me at all.. but it seems like she has everything on the tip of her tongue ready to come out at any moment. It seems as if she just needed someone to talk to about her supposed pathetic life.. But I think everything she did really shows strength in herself, which is something she really needs right now. She really seemed surprised about my opinion, but I swear I meant every single word. I wish I had a head on my shoulders like her at that age being strong minded, but level-headed is an amazing combo. "What? Do you really think I'm being strong and not stupid?" She asks curiously with a tinge of shock in her voice. "Yes, of course I mean it, I wish I had a head on my shoulders like you at your age. You just seem so smart and determined it's almost inspirational." Her eyes light up accompanied by her fun stunning smile. "You're probably the first person to ever say that to me and mean it as a good thing.. you don't know what that means to me. Thank you, Will." She says this to me, sounding so happy, and I can't tell you how good that makes me feel to know I made her that happy in this moment.. That smile is worth every word, but the way she says my name is a treat for myself. We both get caught up in a comfortable silence gazing into each others eyes.. I have never had moments like this with a woman ever in my entire life, and I really don't want them to end. I open my mouth to respond back as I hear the ringtone to her phone singing and filling up the silence in the room. She grabs her phone, looking at it as she gets an apologetic look on her face saying a soft, "I'm sorry I have to get this." I just nod as I watch her stand up and make her way into the kitchen. I watch her for a moment, gliding so gracefully around my kitchen in her ripped skinny jeans and tight black t-shirt with some cool looking vans on. "Hey Bethany, what's going on?" I hear ask as she pauses and groans in response before replying, "Of course my brothers told you that... but I did really leave.. No, it's fine.. I'm fine.. No Beth I don't care what my family told you, I'm not coming back. You know how long I have been wanting this, and I finally get my opportunity, so I'm not missing this chance.. sorry... I know, I know.. I should have said bye, but things didn't go well at home with my dad.. He hit me and demanded I marry Alex again!" She says then pauses listening to the person on the other end, and I don't know what's being said, but it's obviously upsetting her by the look on her face.. it's a mixture of anger and shock. "No Beth, please don't be like them.. you knew how many times he has hit me and cheated on me.. why would you ever want me to go back to that horrible life?"She asks this with almost a desperation in her voice. I almost feel bad for listening to part of her conversation, but she is in my house, so there is not much I can do about it, I guess. "Seriously, Beth? I thought you were my best friend! No, Beth! I'll be fine and I know I'm stronger than what ANY of you think.. I'm not going to marry a man who makes me completely unhappy because none of you think I can do this..No Beth I'm staying and you can take your closed minded opinion and shove it up your ass! bye!" I figured she hung up on the call because I could only hear silence in the kitchen, then accompanied by soft sniffles. I get up and slowly walk into the other room, not trying to intrude, but I need to make sure she is OK. She hears me walking in as she quickly wipes her eyes, trying to hide her tears. This makes her seem so strong that she is willing to just handle this all on her own. "Hey Natalie, are you ok?" I ask out of respect to not invade her privacy even though I already know the answer. "Oh yeah, I'm not crying or anything.. I just um.. got something in my eyes and.. I'm so tired from my long trip.. that's all." She stutters through this obvious lie. "Natalie, I know I don't know you very well at all, but I can tell that's a complete lie... you're not very good at lying." I say as I see a small smile appear on her lips. She then chuckles and nods at my comment, agreeing with me, saying, "Yeah, I have never been good at lying since I can remember." Sometimes, it seems like my body has a mind of its own because my hand instinctively goes to her soft cheek and wiping away the stray tears. I step a little closer to her as I say softly, "You can talk to me if you want to, I'm just a neutral pair of ears and a shoulder to lean on." She just stares into my eyes, locking me into another breathtaking gaze as if she wants to say something to me, but this stare alone makes my breath hitch. "Thank you Will, I'm just really frustrated my ex Alexander was good to me in the beginning of our relationship but things started to get drastically worse over the years, until it turned to almost daily abuse. No one believed me no matter who I told because he is the main attraction in our tiny little country town.. He was the straight A student, Valadictorian of his class, quarterback of the winning football team, and his family owns most of the town.. So no one wanted to believe me and just thought I was trying to get attention. We had already moved in together at this point and he started coming home smelling of booze and other womens perfumes and had hickies on his neck and if I said anything to him about it, calling him out, he would beat me for it... Once I finally got the guts to do it, I left him and moved back in with my family, helping them around the farm. While making my art and working a job, they forbade me to have.. that they, of course, never found out about until last night. Once I told my family about everything my mother and father told me they believed me but my brothers didn't they are best friends with him.. but soon after my parents kept telling me to marry him just because he keeps asking me and trying to get back with me..So they obviously don't believe me no matter what they say..But I don't care anymore they're just going to believe what they want to believe anyways, no matter what I say.. It's not like I'm ever going back to him anyway.. even if the world was ending and he was the last man on earth, I would still not be that stupid or desperate. I think what hurts the worst is the one person who I thought always had my back and always believed me doesn't.. but you don't need to be bothered with all my shitty life problems and why I ran out on my own.. I'm sorry... I should probably go before you really start to think I'm a burden or a magnet for drama.. either or of those ideas just sucks.." She says this to me, shaking her head as she wipes her eyes again. "That is so shitty and I'm so sorry you're going through that. I can't believe your parents and friend have done that to you that's complete bullshit and I want to beat their asses for you! but don't feel bad about telling me I'm the one that asked you to tell me.. You don't have to go. I really don't mind your company one bit.. but I do have to say, if it's any consolation, I believe you." I know that there is not much I can do, but that comment makes her smile a very small smile, but it's a smile, and that's what matters. I take her small hand in mine, gently guiding her behind me and back to the front room. I gesture for her to sit down again because I really don't want her to leave yet.. She takes my invitation sitting down as I grab the both of us another round of beers. "So, Mr. Mysterious William, enough about my pathetic life, tell me a little about yourself.." She asks me as she chugs the last bit of beer she had in the bottle, and I hand her the new one I just opened. She smiles and nods at me, taking the bottle out of my hands. "Oh, I'm boring sweetheart, you probably wouldn't be interested in anything about me." I say this to her, causing her to scoff and stand up. She walks up to some pictures that I have hanging up on my wall. She glances back at me before she starts. "I beg to differ Will, I saw the tools sitting around your house, which means to me that you're talented enough with your hands in different areas since there are so many different types of tools.. Obviously, you're sweet enough and smart enough to be able to help out an i***t damsel in distress like myself.. I see all these pictures showing how far you have gone and so much of the huge world you have explored that obviously not around here, hence the camel, sword fish, dolphins, and koala.. The sword fish picture with the fishing poles in the back ground show me you're a man who has many types of past times, which is always fun and exciting.. I see the military pictures, and that tells me you're a hard, dedicated worker who has put his life on the line, not just for himself but for others.. And I bet you have explored more than what you have shown in these pictures and anything I could even imagine.. The only thing I don't understand is how a strong, selfless, caring, talented, and incredibly handsome man like yourself doesn't have a woman locked down.. It seems almost impossible.. wait, are you gay? I wouldn't judge you either way, just wondering." She turns around slowly, walking back to me as I'm just absolutely shocked and amazed by her in this very moment. I have had my fair share of women and love.. but nothing has intrigued me as much as this young woman does... She walks back across the room to me and sits back down in front of me as she slowly leans forward, softly saying to me. "I'm sorry for being nosey it's one of my many downfalls as a human being.. I have been told that plenty of times, so don't feel like you have to answer me at all.. I'm sorry for bothering you when you have been nothing short if wonderful to me." She tips the bottle of beer back, finishing it off as she sets the empty bottle onto the table, looking as if she is going to go. She turns to stand up as I quickly grab her hand in mine. She stops and turns back curiously, looking at our hands and letting her gaze travel from our hands, up my arm, and to my eyes. I swallow nervously as she stares at me for a moment. I can see the wheels are turning in her head until she slowly sits back down, but not taking her hand from mine to my surprise. "No Natalie, you're not at all nosey I was just shocked, I have dated plenty of women for a while in my time but none have really asked about me legitimately wanting to get to know me.. they ask the regular dating questions but if you were to ask them what my answer was they would never be able to answer it correctly or if they did it was a small amount of answers they got right.. It caught me off guard, that just by observing you have figured out probably more about me and my life then all of them combined.. You just intrigue me on a whole new level.. and to answer your question, no, I'm not gay I just haven't found the right woman for me. But I do have to tell you that you are correct.. I have traveled a lot being in the marines, but most of it is hard to talk about because of the events that took place there.. That's why I have traveled on my own accord to get pleasant memories of those wonderful places.. Once I got injured, I came back to the States, and I learned mechanics, but mostly for vehicles.. but you would be surprised how many more mechanics are pretty similar in ways, so I easily picked up other types of mechanics.. I mostly just do small jobs on the side to keep myself busy, but for the most part, it's just Duke and I here." As I gave her my long explanation confirming the clues she saw around my house.. I noticed her leaning in more and more, looking completely interested in everything I was talking about.. It's refreshing, to say the least, because I lost count at how many times I caught a girl not listening to me when I was just trying to have a casual conversation with her. "Wow.. You're.. So.. Interesting.. any woman that ends with you will be a very lucky woman.."She says, biting her lip nervously staring up at me.. I get a little jealous at that sight, wishing I was the one biting her lip. Her nervousness turns to confusion as she says, "Wait, who is Duke?" I smiled back, confirming she was listening, as I responded, "He is my oldest friend..... Duke?!" I say his name louder than the rest, as I hear him coming, and so does Natalie. She turns around to the doorway to see my old basset hound galavanting into the room with his long ears flopping all over as he trips on his ears almost instantly. Natalie giggles, and let's go of my hand to my dismay as she turns, getting onto her knees on the ground in front of Duke. She starts petting his ears and cooing at him, saying, "Who knew my new neighbors would be such handsome sweet distractions?"This is even more curious because Duke hasn't liked one woman I have brought home.. she is the first. There she goes, calling me handsome again, which isn't unusual for me, but for some reason, when she says it, my heart starts to race instantly. I have been the kind of person to really enjoy my time to myself, I normally get tired of people only after a little bit of time with them.. but not her. I want more time with her. She stands up and locks her gaze with mine again, as she says. "Well, both of you gentlemen have been amazing to me, and honestly, I can't wait to see you both again.. But I really don't want to overstay my welcome on my first night here. I think I have already been pushing that limit a little bit already... a couple of times. Thank you for your generosity, help, and wonderful hospitality, Will.. I owe you dinner for sure!" I stand up with her walking right behind her as she makes her way to my front door. She abruptly stops and turns around instantly so that our faces are only inches away from each others, surprising the both of us.. But she doesn't move away even though it surprised her, which excites me because there is no way I'm moving either, unless she wants me to. "You're welcome, Natalie, and you don't owe me anything." I say to her in such close proximity as she smiles and softly says back, "I know I don't have to, but I want to, well as long as I'm not bothering you of course." I shake my head probably a little too quickly for my liking as she smiles and replies. "Thank you again for everything. Will, have a great rest of your night and sweet dreams." "You too, Natalie." I respond just as softly.. but wishing I would lean in and kiss her plump lips that are just so close. But I don't, I'm not brave enough to do that even though I'm sure she has been flirting with me. She smiles at me, turning around and walking out the front screen door, waving back at me.
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