Chapter 7 Observations

3000 Words
Will's POV I hear Duke whimpering so I slowly open my eyes, blinking and letting them adjust to the early morning light as I take a look around the room trying to figure out what Duke is whining about. I sit up and turn letting my feet hit the door as I look at the clock. It's 6:45 in the morning. This is earlier than he normally gets up to have to go to the bathroom.. so I don't think that's why he is whining. I look up to see Duke is right next to my window sill, it's pretty quiet in here except for the soft sound of some beautiful singing. The singing catches my attention instantly because I haven't heard anything like that ever in this place.. where is it coming from? I walk up to the window and opening the curtains up, hearing the singing even louder than before, looking out the window. Duke jumps up and sets his front paws on the window sill as he wags his tail. I look down following the sound of singing as I see Natalie walking back and forth across the room. Everytime she passes she has a different piece of clothing on. She comes back into view again and she stops almost right in front of the window but I don't think she even knows because she is looking around the room. I can see her exposed stomach, pierced belly button with the ring dangling down and looks like maybe a tattoo on her side along with a teal lacey looking bra. She has a teal and black plaid shirt on over her sexy upper body and she has stopped looking around the room to button it up. My view of her sexy exposed body and bra is quickly covered up with her buttoning up the rest of her shirt. She continues singing as she walks out of view and into another part of the house. I pet Duke trying to get him feeling better, but to also distract myself from the sexy sight my eyes just locked upon. After not too long at all, I hear the front door to next door open suddenly as I see Natalie flying out of the house like a bat out of hell.. she jumps into her car driving off in some sort of haste as if she is on a mission. I smile at the morning alarm or also known as my beautiful new neighbor.. as I turn around heading to my bathroom to take a shower, just to help wake up more and calm down for the day. After I finish lathering myself up and rinsing off, I get out drying myself off putting on a pair of boxer briefs along with black basketball shorts. Along with a little bit of a tight fitting black t-shirt. I throw a little gel in my hair brushing it back slightly as I grab my bottle of beard moisturizing oil putting some on my hand as I run it through my beard as much as I can then brushing it lightly. I wander down stairs grabbing the leash that's right by the front door, putting Duke on it to go for a walk. Its early enough that we take our walk before anyone is really out and about in this neighborhood. Which is nice for me, so I don't get harassed by any of the single moms in this area. That does happen alot.. not trying to sound cocky by any means, just honest. I make it back after my long walk to the nearby park and back to my place. I take Duke off of his leash and sitting down on my front porch swing which is luckily faces towards Natalie's place. I just try enjoy this amazing Autumn weather as much as I can since it's my favorite time of the year.. but I even more want to enjoy this great morning that I'm having so far and hopefully I'll get to see Natalie's stunning figure once again even if it's just for a moment like this morning. She is not back yet. But at some point while we were both gone a couch got dropped off in her driveway for her. Maybe I should try to help and move it out of the way at least. Maybe she wouldn't like me touching her things without talking to her first.. I don't want to push limits right now since I have just met her. As I'm thinking about what I should do I see Natalie's car pull up and park outside of her place. Shock is evident across her face as she gets out grabbing the note from the couch and pointing to the sky as if she is talking to God as she says, "Touche.. F*#k me definitely heard." She says giving finger guns and chuckling to herself as she shakes her head and puts ear buds into her ears. She now definitely looks like she is on a mission as she opens her car up taking groceries and plenty of other items out of her car. Bag after bag, box after box, putting everything into her place as quickly as she possibly can. Once it looks like she has finally cleared her car out and shut it. She turns to her new couch, examining it closely I think she is trying to figure out how she will get it into her place. I watch her pace back and forth by it consumed in thought so I stand up to go offer my assistance. I step down onto my first step as I see two young muscular men right around her age. Passing by and staring at her. I honestly feel jealous at them staring at her I bet they will attempt to talk to her too by the looks in their eyes. But I bet she would prefer those men over me.. so I sit back down on my swing observing. "Hey mami your looking good and by the looks of this couch and all those bags before, you really know how to take a load..Need a little extra muscle power to help you out? For a price of course.. unless you don't have any extra money there is always other ways of payment..." I roll my eyes at their comment.. is that suppose to work to get women? Natalie notices the men approaching her as she takes her ear bud out of her ear replying. " I'm sorry what did you say?" She asks sweetly. The guy who made the first statement is the one to answer her."Hey Mami we were wondering if you needed any assistance? It would be our pleasure to help with anything you need." "Oh yeah? Was that polite selfless gesture before or after the 'I know how to take a load and I will owe you after the help' comments?"She asks the guys sarcastically and rolling her eyes as I laugh to myself. I should have known a woman like her wouldn't fall for their bullshit. "We were just joking pretty Mami." the same guy answers as she puts her hand up stopping him before he digs himself a bigger hole. "Don't call me Mami and I don't need any of your so called muscles here. How about you go somewhere else using your lame lines on some other girl who might actually be dumb enough to fall for them." She says mockingly to them as she turns back around to her problem at hand...the couch. "Fine then be a b***h! Have fun getting that couch in your place by yourself!" He yells this spitefully at her as the guys turn around walking away down the street. "Ok will do! I was already planning on it.. F*#king idiots!" She retorts back as she rolls her eyes and talking to herself, "Really is that how men are supposedly suppose to treat or talk with women? I'm going to be single forever if that's the case! Holy F*#k-A-Roni!..I felt my IQ drop in that one conversation. I couldn't even imagine dating a guy like that again!" This is all said so dramatically as I laugh to myself again after her comment she is hilarious. I know I have only known her for a little bit but she has made me smile most of it and I love that. It's a great quality to have for sure. Something I have always looked for at least. I stand up and walk down my stairs as Duke follows me across the sidewalk and into her presence once again.. it has already been too long since the last time, at least for myself. "Good Morning Natalie.. did you maybe need some help?" I ask nicely as I slowly approach her from behind hoping I don't scare her like I did the last time. She turns around quickly locking me into her once again stunning gaze. I see her eyes trailing over my body looking as if she is checking me out as she bites her lip lightly before replying, "Hey, Good morning Will.. Oh I would hate to bother you twice in less than 24 hours." She says looking shy as she smirks up as me then looking away looking even more shy. "It would be no bother at all Natalie, I would help out without hesitation if you want my help of course." I reply almost testing the waters to see if she will accept my help or shut me down too like those other guys. "Well as long as I'm not bothering you at all Will, then I would gladly take your help." She answers me with a shy smile that spreads across her face instantly. I match her smile with my heart skipping a beat at the thought that she didn't shut me down.. Maybe I have a better chance than I thought. I inch closer to her as I see her bite her lip once more and that is an appetizing look for her I can tell you that much..I think this sexy look is because of the close proximity of me to her and I don't mind one bit. I squeeze past her getting closer than I probably need but I love the way she smells and I'll take any opportunity I can to get close to her without looking weird. I make my way to her couch, it looks nice as I circle it, trying to figure out how I might get it in to her place with the size compared to her door frame.. I can feel her presence beside me as she says almost softly to me,"It comes apart in the middle so what I was already planning on doing.. was taking it apart as much as possible, so I don't damage too much on the way in." I turn looking at her as she smirks up at me. With her in close proximity again I can really smell her amazing perfume and it's almost distracting me from the task at hand. I have to snap out of it before she starts to think I'm an i***t. "That sounds like a great plan I think we can take the cushions off as well to help make it as small as possible.. that way it should be fine getting through your doorway and into your house." I say smiling down at her as she winks before responding, " I'll take your word for it Captain William Sir." She salutes me making me smile and laugh as I start handing her the cushions. She goes back and forth taking all of the couch cushions inside the house and out of our way. I take apart the couches by a couple little latches in the middle. I bend down picking the first couch up and taking it onto her front porch from the driveway. I slowly squat down to set the first part of the couch as close to the door as we can manage so we can get the hard part underway and not have to deal with too many obstacles. I'm brought out of my thoughts as I hear from behind me, "Mmm, Wow..anytime I need help with anything, believe me, you're the man I'm calling." She says this to me as I smirk to myself knowing she was hitting on me there for sure she had to have been. I stand up turning around as I smirk at her saying, "Well then don't hesitate to ask next time and I promise I'll be over here in no time at all." She blushes and nods at me. I try to do most the work so she won't have to but she gets on one end of the couch and I on the other, rotating the couches into the house through the tight doorway. It doesn't take too much time for us to get the couches into the house. I help her set them up and putting the cushions back on. I take a look around to see she has bags upon bags of supplies for her new place to stock up for when she needs them, that's smart. "Sorry for the mess in here but I needed alot of stuff so I have spent all morning out getting everything I could possibly least for now.. But anyways thank you so much for your help you don't know how much I appriciate it." She says but looks like she wants to say more.. So I give her a second to collect her thoughts as she swallows nervously before continuing, "If you're not doing anything tonight I would love to make you some dinner, since of course I have food now and for you being so sweet to me, literally since the moment I have met you. I promise I'm way better in a kitchen then anything else you will love it. " She says looking nervous as she looks away.. I can't believe I'm making her nervous, who knew that was possible. She is asking me over for dinner and that thought if us being alone again excites me so much. I pause for a second trying to figure out how to reply, but I think that pause makes her even more nervous as she says, "Unless you don't want to don't worry about it..I would hate to bother you more than I already have." I take that second to quickly reply with my answer so she doesn't think I don't want to, "Its no problem at all helping you out.. like I said anytime you need me just ask and I'll be there.. But of course I would love to join you for dinner.. but I did promise my friend I would help him out with his car today for a little bit so if you don't mind I can come back after I help him and have dinner with you and see if you need help with anything else around here." "Alright that sounds great.. when you get back just come on in because I might still be preoccupied with putting the furniture together still or even dinner." I nod at her as I notice she is nervously playing with her thumbs. "Um.. since I'll be right back anyways.. do you mind maybe watching Duke for me? He already loves you and at least I would know he is in good company." I curiously ask as she nods vigorously to me replying. "Yes of course I love him too! Anything I can do to help you both out." She says with so much enthusiasm in her voice. "Alright, well then thank you Natalie for helping with Duke and I'll see you soon." I squat down in front of Duke as I say pointing at Natalie. "Duke protect." He boofs and grunts back in response to me as I smile and nod. "Good boy." I look up to see Natalie had a confused but adoring look upon her face staring at us. "I'll see the both of you soon enough." I say as I get up waving at her.. she stares at me for a moment before waving back last second. I hurry out because believe me I want to get back to her place as soon as possible. I Get to my friends place in no time at all. He directs me to his car that needs help and it's a pretty easy fix but of course it's never just that he has a problem with his motorcycle but I have had the same problem with mine so I know how to fix it but I just have to run to the hardware store and get the right peices to fix his motorcycle. But I'm more than willing to spend the time needed to help him because he is an old friend who was in the marines with me and was injured just like myself so anytime he needs anything I just tell him to call me because his injury was permanently damaging so he can't move as well as I can. I sit and talk with him for a little bit so he doesn't feel alone because I know he does get lonely here in his place. We hang out for just a little bit driving the car around making sure it really is fixed as we make small talk.. Once we get back I drive his motorcycle around to make sure it's fine as well and of course it is.. I get back to his place talking and hanging out just a little longer as I realize I have been gone for hours, way longer than expected or estimated on my part.. I say my goodbyes to long time friend and drive making my way back to the lovely lady who might be making dinner for us as we speak. I can't wait just to see her again.
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