Chapter 10 Much Needed Brunch

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Will's POV My alarm blares through the room waking me up earlier than I normally do but I find myself wanting to wake early just to see Natalie. I open my eyes and sitting up, I swing my legs to the side before I stand up stretching so high. I yawn and look around the room to see Duke is by the window sill again meaning he has been probably listening for her. I walk to the window opening the curtains up to see and hear my stunning neighbor singing once again. This time it's a mixture of The Eagles, Beatles, and anything in that area.. she knows it all. I can hear she has shut her music off. She glides past her window for a brief moment here and there.. it looks like she is almost ready to leave for the day. I get a shirt on since I have shorts on already to take Duke for a walk and maybe meet up with my neighbor even if it's just for a moment. I think Duke knows exactly what I'm trying to do because he hops up just as fast as I do running down stairs and to the front door as he waits on me. I slip on my tennis shoes at the door as I grab Duke's leash and open the door to get going outside before we miss her. We start walking out of our front door as I see her door open as well.. I try to act as casual as possible walking down the sidewalk with Duke as I watch her lock her front door. She turns around and makes eye contact with Duke first then myself. I big smile creeps across her face as she waves at me and gets down to pet Duke. "Good morning Natalie, you look amazing and so put together for your job acquiring day.. there is no way you're not getting hired!" I say encouragingly to her. She has dark gray slacks on with heels and a white with black stripes button up long sleeve shirt. She has the sleeves rolled up slightly right below her elbow..with her long dark hair curled and her make up done very nicely. She looks fantastic I wonder how good she would look all dolled up in a dress because if she looks this good just for a job I could only imagine. I notice she starts playing with her hair nervously as she looks up at me and says, "Really? Thanks Will I hope so.. keep your fingers crossed for me." I smile and nod, "I'll have to see you later now and you can tell me how many job offers you got today and which one your going to pick.. because I don't know how you would ever get turned down looking like that." I say to her with so much confidence that I have no idea where it even came from. Her smile gets so big as she bites her lip still playing nervously with her hair. She looks up at me as she says, "Well thanks for that confidence boost Will, I'll definitely see you later.. have a great day." She waves and walks to her car looking back and me every now and then but I can't help but just stare at her with probably the goofiest looking smile on my face. She is giving me those butterflies in my stomach just by one look it's crazy to me. She drives away waving again, I wave back as I start my walk.. I can't get my mind off of her which really isn't a problem except for the fact that I can't decide what to do.. it's a big age difference and I don't know if I'm completely OK with it. But she seems like she would be worth it.. but I really don't want her to get any type of harassment either because of me.. I don't know I think I will need to talk to the one person's opinion that will always really matter to me and someone who could relate to the situation.. my daughter. I pull my phone out of my pocket dialing my daughter's number. It rings once then she picks up, "Hey daddy!" She says with so much excitement in her voice. "Hey Emmy I just wanted to see if I could take you out for brunch, I kinda wanted to talk to you about something." I say so nervously and I'm sure she can't tell this by her response. "Is everything ok daddy?" "Yeah everything is fine Emmy, I just want your opinion on something.. do you want to do brunch and I'll tell you all about it?" I ask her as she quickly replies. "Yeah of course daddy give me an hour to get ready and we can meet at our favorite spot." She replies as I nod to myself and comment back, "Sounds good I'll finish my walk with Duke, get ready and head that way. See you soon Emmy." "Bye daddy!" She hangs up the call so I turn to go down the short route so I can get back to my house to get ready as soon as I can while still giving Duke a chance to stretch his legs.. The shorter route is only about 30 minutes so we do that and get home just in time for me to take a quick shower and throw on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. I grab my helmet getting into my garage pulling out my motorcycle. I get on, starting it and driving off to meet my little girl. I pull up to our favorite place that we always meet at. It's a cute little hole in the wall diner that's right in the middle of the both of our places. We found this place by accident about 10 or more years ago and loved it so now anytime we meet up we meet here. I pull into the parking lot and see Emarie is leaning against her car waiting for me. She hears the motorcycle getting excited, knowing it's me. I get off my bike and she prances her way over to me giving me a huge hug. I pick her up and hold her for a moment. I miss her and with our work we don't get to see each other very often anymore. My beautiful Emarie is the only amazing result from my ex wife and I.. we were young and it was something just happened one drunken night.. we both knew we didn't love each other but got married for the sake of everyone around us and mostly our child in hopes everything would work out and we would eventually fall in love.. but feelings don't really work like that.. instead of falling in love we fell into an almost a hate for each other and had to get a divorce for everyone's sanity.. Emarie always understood because she is such a sweet smart girl and she knew her mother and I weren't good for each other and supported us anyways.. never making the divorce harder than it had to be.. My ex wife and I are still on ok terms but she is not really on good terms with our daughter. My daughters ex boyfriend cheated on her with her mother and they got married without even talking with my daughter first.. My Emmy had to find out the hard way that the reason her man broke up with her was because he didn't love her anymore, if he even did at all.. that he was cheating on her and cheating with her own mother..awful and as far as I know they haven't talked since. I'm happy my ex found love like I always wanted for her..but for it to be at the expense if our daughter is what pisses me off..But I really don't know how she will feel about me liking Natalie. If she objects I'll feel like I will have to say no to Natalie out of respect for my baby girl. I set Emmy's feet down on the ground as we both turn to walk into the restaurant. We wait our turn and get escorted to the back of the diner.. we are given a private booth which is nice for this tyoe of conversation I guess.. We put in our drink and food orders as the waitress walks off. "So daddy what's with the mysterious brunch?? What do you have to talk to me about? You're obviously doing fine health wise because you look fantastic." She says then asks..getting straight to the point which I was hoping I could ease myself into this but I guess not. I'm nervous looking around trying to figure out how to start this type of conversation.. I clear my throat as I look back at her and worry is so evident across her face. "Emmy I swear I'm fine.. I just really wanted your opinion.. Um.. so there is this girl.." I start and she interrupts with an "Ooooo... go on.." I smirk at this as I continue, " She moved into that little house next door you were looking at.. She is funny, smart, stunning and I mean the most beautiful I have ever layed my eyes on and Duke loves her." I say to her as her smile gets bigger at me.. "Duke likes her? That's really saying something I don't think he has ever liked a woman you brought home.. she sounds perfect for you... how did you two start talking?" She asks curiously as the waitress brings us our drinks dropping them off. trying to not interrupt as she quickly leaves.. "Um she had locked her keys in her house so I helped break in for her and she insisted on making me dinner but because she had just moved in and didn't have food yet I invited her to dinner at my place.. We talked for a long time and she was actually interested un what u had to say and hung on to every single word that came out of my mouth which was refreshing to say the least..I found out alot about her too.. she is very strong and has had alot of bad in her life leaving her...alone..but stronger in the long run.." I said to her as she nods saying, "that happens to us all at some point in our lives.. but it's always for the best.." She comments as she keeps staring at me as I nervously continue. "The next day.. yesterday..she got a whole bunch of stuff for the house and I helped her move in her couch and she offered to make me dinner.. I had to go help Bob but when I got back we danced for a while in her kitchen and it was amazing and invigorating, it was like we had been dance partners for years with the way our bodies moved so well together as one... Once I dipped her she kissed me and I know you don't need to know this but honestly it was the best kiss of my life.. it was electrifying.. She made dinner and it was amazing as well.. she makes me laugh all the time too.. She even told me yesterday how she likes me and wants to try to be with me.." I say to her as she looks at me suspiciously. "So what's the problem? Everything sounds movie why are you hesitating right now.. because from what I can tell you don't need my opinion at all and she is perfect for you.." "There is not a problem.. persay.." I say to her as the waitress brings us our food smiling and leaving us again to our conversation. "There's obviously something you're embaressed about or don't like or you wouldn't be here wanting my opinion daddy.. so what's wrong with her that your not a fan of.. to possibly be embaressed of this amazing sounding woman?" She asks again after explaining. "I'm not embaressed of her Emmy... it's just.."I say not knowing how to say it. "Don't lie to me daddy, you are embaressed or you would be with her.. You have always been the type of man to take what you want and the fact that you haven't taken her when she obviously would have you in a split second means there's something wrong with her that your not a fan of.. now tell me what it is." She almost demands as I shove a fork full of food I'm my mouth avoiding the inevitable. My daughter is too smart and just as stubborn as I am.. so she will find out one way or another. "She is just... a good amount younger than me... and I don't know how I feel about that." I say to her nervously. "Oh so your embaressed of the age difference?! It's ok daddy it's hard at first but Matthew and I got threw it eventually.. you get looks here and there but as long as you like her that's all that matters... how big of a difference are we talking?" She says then asks curiously staring at me. Emarie eventually fell in love with a man named Matthew and he really is a great man and treats her so good but he is 10 or 11 years older than her and that's was a little hard for me to adjust to at first, but they really are perfect together and for each other.. I'm happy she doesn't judge it.. but it's still hard for me to come to terms with. "I don't know yet.. I'm assuming about 15 years.." I say nervously to her as she smirks at me before replying, "Well you stud you! So is the age thing the only thing actually bothering you about this? Because I feel like there is more you're not telling me daddy." She knows me too well, but that's why I come to her when I need to talk to someone because I know she is the only person who will be completely honest with me, no matter what. "I just don't know how I feel about the age difference.. we have a chemistry between us I have never felt with anyone else so I want to see where it goes but.. my conscience is harassing me in the back of my mind telling me she will be better off with a man her own age that she has more stuff in common with.. but I don't know.. maybe you can come home with me and meet her? She is suppose to be coming by tonight after job searching since she just moved here." I ask her as she vigorously nods her head with probably too much excitement. "I would love that! Today is my day off anyways and I miss Duke! But I have to tell you because I'm seeing things from her perspective.. I'm sure she is fine with the age difference and you're the only one uncomfortable with it.. but you need to figure out real quick what you want before she gets hurt..But do me a favor and don't tell her what she needs to do with her life because believe me it will piss her off instantly.. I know this concern is coming from a good place but if she wants you then leave it at that, don't tell her how to live her own life. Because I'm sure this was already hard for her, but she is probably just following her heart and everyone else is doubting her at this point so she doesn't need you doubting her too.." She says to me as I nod at her taking in a deep breathe letting it out as I sit back staring at my now empty plate. "She asked me to think about it and let her know either way.. I'm still confused on how to feel honestly." I say to her as she smiles back at me responding. "It's ok daddy we can talk all day if you would like about this.. discussing the pros and cons even though I'm sure that's the only con on your list.. but we can discuss all you want and hopefully that would help you decide.. I'll have to call Matthew as well to let him know where I'm at so he doesn't get worried when he gets home from work." She says to me and I nod back. "Thanks Emmy I knew talking to you would be my best bet.. you always seems to know best and I don't know how you got so smart." I respond back to her making her smile so big as she takes another bite. "Well I was raised by the sweetest most caring man in the whole world, besides my fiancé.. but somehow some of the insisting strong headed b***h from my mother stayed as well but I use it to my advantage as much as I can! Perfect combo of sweet and crazy..I guess." She says to me making me laugh and shake my head at her. "Alright once your done we can pay and grab some stuff at the store for dinner but I'll have to put it into your car because I just brought my motorcycle with me.. We can talk and hang out until I get to make dinner for the three of us.. hopefully you like her." I say nervously to her as she laughs and says, "Well she makes you act like a love sick puppy so I'm sure I will adore her.. we will be so close in age we could be like sisters! I always wanted a sister!" She says as I groan at that comment, putting my hand to my forehead saying, "That's not helping Emmy." She laughs and shakes her head at me before responding. "I was just kidding daddy.. let's get a box for the rest of my food and we can head out." I nod at this as we get the waitresses attention to get a box and check. She picks up her phone I'm assuming dialing Matthew's phone to let him know where she will be at.. "Hey baby I just wanted to let you know that my brunch with my dad will go on longer than expected I'm going to head to the store to help him grab supplies for a dinner to meet his.. maybe new lady..Hopefully if he gets brave enough.. I can tell he already likes her a lot." She says smirking at me as she humms in response to whatever he is saying. "Sounds good my love, I'll see you later.. love you and if you get off early just stop by and say hi!" She listens more as she giggles and blushes looking away from me so I'm sure I don't want to know what he said to her. She smiles hanging up the call as we get both the check and box, in no time at all.. I pay and we grab our things getting out of here to head to the store than back to my home.
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