Chapter 9 The Argument

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Will's POV We finish eating the rest of our savory dinner along with the tangy sweet and soft strawberry short cakes. I help her clean up in a comfortable silence as she slowly turns to me and says, "I'm so sorry about making you kiss me before.. I probably shouldn't have but I haven't been interested in anyone else in years and there is just something about you and us together that I just can't get past.. that probably sounds so stupid..But I just did what my body was telling me to do and that was disrespectful to you. I know there is no way you could really be interested in someone like me but thank you for still being so nice to me're such a great guy." I'm in shock with everything she does intriguing me more than before. "How did you make me do anything? I'm literally twice your size and I swear you weren't disrespectful at all.. Don't get me wrong Natalie, I'm interested, I mean come on who in their right mind wouldn't be interested.. but I haven't been in a relationship in a this is something I have to think about.. this whole situation is something that will attract a lot of unwanted attention for you and that's a big step to take for me.. knowing you could get harassed or worse hurt and I don't know if I'm willing to take that step.. whether you care if you get hurt or not.. I care and don't want you to get hurt." I try to explain as much as I can so she will understand where I'm coming from. She nods at my explanation as she steps closer to me.. we are only inches away making me suck in a nervous breathe. Her hand goes to my chest gently as she whispers to me from being so close. "I understand where you are coming from Will, I swear I do, but I don't care what anyone else thinks because I love the way you make me feel inside and this is my life and I will do what I want with MY life. Anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my ass. So just think about for me please and when you come to a decision, you know where I will be." She gets on her tippy toes kissing my cheek before she continues. "Thank you for your help today I really appreciate it and as much as I don't want this night to end.. I do need to get ready for bed and get some sleep because I should probably have a long day of job searching tomorrow.." She says walking me to the door. I smile and nod at her as I pull her into a much needed hug.. at least for myself. She willingly gives into my touch and I love that. "Thank you for your hospitality, everything was wonderful, I'll think about everything tonight and if your not too exhausted after your long day maybe we can get together tomorrow night." I slowly lossen my grip around her as she backs up. "Ok.. um.. I'll let you know how I'm feeling after the job search.. sweet dreams handsome." I smile at her as she winks and blows me a kiss, shutting the door between us. I look down at Duke who somehow snuck out with me. "That makes things interesting, never would have expected all that..Don't you like her?" He stands, wagging his tail baroofing at me..I smile down at him responding, "Yea me too." We both turn walking down the sidewalk side by side to our house to get some sleep. Natalie's POV The shut the door between Will and I reluctantly, as I lean my back pressing it against the door. I'm so nervous, I can't believe I kissed him then told him I liked him. I have always been so good at not showing my actual feelings.. why did I have to spill the truth.. I probably looked like a young, naive and desperate to someone like him who probably has lots of women throwing themselves at him.. how could he not. He is probably trying to figure out a kind way to nicely let me down without hurting my feelings too bad. No matter what happens between us, I at least have that amazing kiss to hold onto and that alone was worth it. It's was breathtakingly electric. It was all so heart melting because of how electrifying the whole situation was and especially the feelings he gave me were. I will remember that forever.. but if he says no at least I only have a year to live here seeing him before I get to go elsewhere...that's not too bad.. I make my way through the now extremely empty feeling house.. it will get easier in time but the first couple nights I know will be hard for me. I get to my room as I hear my ringtone singing so loudly in my hand. I look at the caller ID to see it's my mother so I answer without hesitation. I left her just a message letting her know I got here just fine and found a place for her peace of mind. I did give her my address as well just in case she maybe wants to visit but I bet not.. maybe she will send letters or something.. who knows if she will do anything with it. "Hey mama." I greet sweetly. "My baby Nat! I miss you so much already! how was your day?" she asks in almost a desperation. "It's been a good day I got everything I needed for my new place, put together the furniture by myself as well and just finished dinner with my neighbor. I'll be job searching tomorrow so I was headed to bed. I wanted to make sure I was well rested and ready to go bright and early." I answer so honestly. I wedge the phone between my shoulder and my cheek holding it in place so I can still hear her as I'm getting undressed out of these clothes and into some comfy pj's. I undo my button and zipper on my pants as I slowly scoot them down my legs and to the floor so I can step out of them. "Come on Nat, This is silly.. You can't honestly want to stay there just because you're mad at your father..He feels bad enough and this whole art career thing is just a waste of time and money.. Just come back now and Alexander said he would still marry you and take good care of you...And before you say anything he said the beating was a mistake and he loves you very much and that he would never hit you or cheat on you again. So see everything can be perfect just like it use to be but you have to get back here. I'll even pay for your gas to drive back." My mother's says this to me as if it's just a complete matter of fact and a wonderful plan.. but I know it's not. I huff and groan in frustration as my heart begins to race again but not in excitement like before, but in anxiety. I finish unbuttoning my shirt as I throw it on top of my dirty pants that are still on the floor. "Seriously mother? You can't tell me that's why your calling me right now...I already told you I don't care if my art career succeeds or not but I have to make sure I try my hardest to succeed. I don't want your money and I'm not coming home. I don't care what Alex lied to you about, but your stupid for believing anything he says... I'm only going to say this one last time..I don't love Alex and I'm not going to force myself into a life of unhappiness with him just because you think it's what's best for me. I could be happy here do you not even care about that? Does no one care what I want?! Contrary to popular belief I'm not doing this to spite daddy...I'm doing this because this is exactly what I have been wanting for years and I'm finally doing something for myself. I have told you this for so many years and I thought you were listening to me and caring about what I wanted, but apparently not." I spitefully retort this back with so much annoyance laced in every single word so hopefully she gets the picture. "You won't find a good wholesome man out there in the city.. but you could have a kind man and stability here along with your family close by. I just want to make sure you're safe and taken care of Nat." She tries to reply as sweetly as possible. "Well guess what mother, I already found a good man! But you don't even care enough to ask me! He has helped me multiple times already because he is so sweet.. he is very smart. hilarious, and a great dancer. The best part besides his charming personality and stunning good looks is that he doesn't think I'm an i***t, like you guys do. He had done so much already to make me feel good and there is nothing you can do that would make me leave here. I don't have to be home to find a good man.. But I can also promise you that I don't need anyone to take care of me.. I will be just fine on my own whether you like it or not..But finding a man to take care of me is not my priority. I'm here for me and if I get a great man in the process then you should just be happy for me. Because I'm doing what makes ME happy, that's what matters the most... not what makes you happy. This is my life and I will live it the way I want to. so if this is the only reason you have decided to call me then I'm going to hang up and go to bed." I say with more anger wedged between every single word that I'm sure she could feel the tension through the phone. "You can never be happy there Natalie Marie..And just remember I tried to help you before you got hurt but I guess you're just going to have to figure it out the hard way.. Just know I will be here at home with arms open wide for you when you come back with your tail between your legs. Just know that. Oh and the man you have met will never truely want know how difficult you are to love for anyone. But Alexander has always accepted you not matter how difficult you made things with your many flaws.. You're just a small town naive girl who doesn't have an actual career or technically speaking, you don't have anything going for you.. which makes you seem so stupid for going there on your own. He is just being nice to you to get s*x from you because you're gorgeous. You're just falling for his traps of manipulation. Call me when you're coming home and we will talk then.. But until then I guess your on your own, since you won't take my help. I love you Natalie, no matter what you think." She hangs up the call on me as the water works starts letting the tears flow endlessly. Will's POV I walk back and up to my room as I hear Natalie having an argument on the phone and I have heard her aggression directed at her mother so I'm assuming it's her on the other end. I take my shirt off throwing it into the hamper and same with my shorts changing into a new pair. I shouldn't be nosey but I inch closer in hopes to hear what's upsetting her.. maybe I could help. From what I can put together with the information given, her mother is asking her to come back home and marry the guy that she has been completely verbal about not wanting to marry. I lean in a little closer sitting down on the floor by the window so hopefully I won't be seen I can only hear parts of the conversation here and there since she is pacing back and forth past the window. I peak over the window and down to her.. Even furious, she looks sexy as hell pacing back and forth in her bra and thong. She has a tattoo all down her side from the top of her ribs to half way down her thigh. She has a bubble butt and curves for days, it's stunning really. She is aggressively moving around the room that her breasts that are barely being held in by her bra looks as if they might fall out at my sudden movements. She let's her hair down as it bounces lightly covering most of her back.. she is so distracted by the intense conversation that I don't think she has notices she is exposing herself like this. She is listening to her mother as she starts pacing back and forth faster until just for a moment yelling back, "I have already found a good man!" She is muffled but I try to strain my ear to hear her next words about me. "He is so sweet, very smart, hilarious and a great dancer!" She finally stops for a moment almost directly in front of the window as she finishes her thought, " The best part about him besides his charming personality and stunning good looks is that he doesn't think I'm an i***t like you guys do!" She gets my heart racing with her declaration for me to her family without any acknowledgement that I'm even here listening.. Now I feel even worse for listening.. but it is wonderful to hear what she really thinks about me. She starts pacing back and forth again as she stays by the window for a moment.. I hold my breathe to hear what else she will say before she starts pacing again. "I don't have to be home to find a good man and I can promise you I don't need a man to take care of me!"She says this with waver in her voice but I can tell she is trying her hardest to stay strong.. this is probably so hard for her right now. She is so strong though, that she really doesn't need anyone to take care of her they should be proud instead of harassing her. She finishes her stance to her mother as I can tell she is listening to her response. By the tears flowing down her face and Natalie shaking her head it's not good.. this sight infuriates me to no end because I feel this deep need inside of me to protect her from any hurt. I hear her gasp and sniffle as she holds onto the window sill tight as if she needs it for support. She is furious with the ending of the conversation as she chucks her phone across the room to who knows where. She drops to her knees with her hands on her face instantly crying even louder to herself as she starts to really doubt herself.. "Maybe she is right. Who could possibly ever want to love me or care for me. I have always been too hard to love.. She is probably right I am stupid for coming here on my own.. how could anyone care for a small minded weak naive girl like myself?" She just bursts into tears believing her mother's horrible words, just ringing in her ears. I have to say something but if I do she will know I was listening to some of her conversation and maybe even hate me for it. I hate seeing her cry and I have to make her feel better even at my own expense. "No don't let her do this to you Natalie.. I'm sorry for listening in a little bit of your conversation.. but you have to know that she is wrong and you're so strong, stronger than you even know.." This statement gets her attention looking up at me with sad tear filled eyes and shiny cheeks glistening from her tears. She stands up turning to face me..So I decide to continue once I know I have her undivided attention. "You're not too much to care for and definitely not small minded.. and you're the farthest thing from an idiot.. believe me I have met a lot of idiots.. She is an i***t to ever even think any of those things about you, has she never met you before or just blind? I don't know what she said to do this to you, but I don't have to know the details to know she is wrong. You're so smart, talented and don't deserve any this.. You're absolutely amazing and any man would be so lucky to have a strong independent woman like you at his side." I say this so sincerely but with honestly oozing from my words in hopes she will believe me. "You really mean that? You're not just saying this to make me feel better right?" She asks softly as she wipes tears from her eyes. "Natalie one thing you have to learn about me, is that I'm very honest and probably too honest sometimes... but I won't lie to you. you really are amazing in so many ways.. don't let her bring you down. You're not an i***t and I don't ever want to hear you agree with that statement ever again." I say this so sternly to her. "So did you hear everything?" She asks shyly sounding embaressed maybe even mortified. I shake my head being honest with her. " No not everything.. just the end really.. I'm sorry for listening in." "No it's ok Will, you're the only one who has helped me feel better.. so I guess I appriciate you listening in on my f*#ked up life. Thanks for not judging me or even thinking I'm an i***t when you have had plenty of opportunity to think so." She says this up to me me as I smile responding back. "It's never a problem Natalie, now get to bed before your sexy distraction of a body makes it so I can't sleep. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.. good night beautiful." My smile gets bigger when she realizes she is almost naked in front of me. Her face gets beet red as I can't help the deep rumbling laugh that escapes my mouth.. she shakes her head at me as she says, "Thanks Will, your words of confidence in me mean more than you could possibly know.. sweet dreams.. see you tomorrow." I wave as she smiles shutting her curtains. I do the same but I have a problem I now can't get her sexy body out of my mind. I'll be holding onto the internal image for sure because I know what I will be dreaming of tonight.
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