Chapter 14 Meeting the Best Friend

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Natalie's POV I quickly make my way inside my place, slipping my fuzzy slippers off then putting on my knee high leather boots and my hooded leather jacket that has furr on the inside to make sure I stay warm. I think he means he has a motorcycle by his implications and I love motorcycles so I'm so excited. This has been a crazy morning already filled with gifts, kind words, and way more information than expected.. but also lucky enough to get a man..I'm someone's lady, who knew.. Talking with him was great, I love listening to his deep husky voice boom it's so soothing and smooth that I would listen to him talk about everything, and because he is so interesting traveling the world seeing so much dark but also bright beautiful things making him seem so much deeper than any ocean and I just want to dive in. I feel like I probably gave in too soon to dating him but I honestly couldn't resist..his nervous stuttering was so adorable and I loved the way he called me his lady, it made my heart flutter so high for sure. I prance through my house as I get to my front porch, locking the door and securely throwing my phone in one pocket and my keys in the other. I get out front and William is out there with a beautiful motorcycle and two helmets. I practically skip up to him as he smiles at me saying, "I hope you don't mind, I just really wanted to ride my motorcycle today.. if you don't want to we could always take my jeep." I shake my head vigorously as I respond, "No I love motorcycles, I always wanted one and when I had finally convinced my mother to let me get one, because I needed a co-signer at the time.. my cousin got into a bad wreck on his motorcycle landing him in a head to toe full body cast so she refused after that and the only thing we could agree on was my car I have today!" He chuckles at me saying back. "Well we can go for a ride anytime you want Nat, you need only ask.." I smile and nod taking the helmet from him as I practically throw my head and hair back slipping the helmet over my head and hair. Will walks up to me playing with my helmet, pulling each side.. he makes sure my helmet is fitting fine which makes me smile at how concerned he is for me already. "Now hold on tight, and if you get scared at all just tell me and I'll stop no matter where we are." I nod in response as I watch him turn to his motorcycle, flipping his leg over the top of the bike and securing it to the other side, while leaving one foot down on the ground. He looks at me as I take my cue. I step closer putting my hand on his shoulder and throwing my leg over the motorcycle just the same as him. I adjust getting comfortable, scooting up to him so there is almost no space between us on the bike as I securely put my arms around his waist holding as best as I can since I can't latch my hands together because my arms are too short to do so. "Ok I'm ready Will let's see what this baby can do." He chuckles again starting the motorcycle as we slowly get up to speed.. but man when we do get up to speed it's fast.. faster then I expected at least.. so fast that I have to lay my head on his back and just relax enjoying the ride holding him tight as I watch the world pass by. Every now and then I feel his hand trail over mine holding it there for a second then putting his hand back up.. it's the small gestures that I love, things just like that. The weather is perfect but the smell of him and the wilderness just surrounds me and I can't help but close my eyes getting lost, just enjoying this moment. I feel his hand lightly trail over the top of mine once more as if he is almost caressing it. His fingers intertwine between mine as I tighten my fingers almost gripping his hand holding it over mine. He leaves his hand there for a little while luckily for me. I lose track of time just enjoying the moment, as we drive down a dirt driveway and to an old house. Will slows the bike down little by little until we come to a complete stop. I step off of the bike. Will gets off right after me setting his helmet down on the motorcycle seat. He walks up to this man in a wheel chair as they smile and hug. I take the helmet off but the bottom of my hair is a little caught, so I play with my hair for a second untangling it from the helmet. Until I throw my head back and around making sure my hair doesn't get stuck to my face as I stand up. This action flings my hair back and out of my face, as my hair flows then bounces all around almost framing my face. I run my hand through my hair, starting at the top and through the whole length of my hair. I look up see Will and his friend staring at me intently. I set the helmet down next to Will's helmet. I turn slightly, walking towards the gentlemen as I say, "I'm sorry about that, my hair almost got caught up in the helmet I had to shake it out before it got knotted." I explain as his friend Bob says, "Don't you be sorry at all.. that was sexy to watch I would watch you do thay anytime. I'm pretty sure that's the beginning scene to any sexy biker film." I giggle as Will warns him, "Bob.. cool it." "What Will? I can tell your lady she is sexy if she does something enticing like that.. you thought it was just as sexy as I did! So don't you judge!.... you must be the lady that has completely enthralled my friend to no end.. to the point he had to rush back just to see you again the other day.." Bob says as Will elbows him saying again in warning. "Bob don't harass her." Bob smirks at Will then back at me. "Oh Will.. you told me how gorgeous she was but I thought you were over exaggerating..but man I can see you were not, she is absolutely stunning.. I mean look at those eyes I could stare into your big sparkling doe eyes forever..." Bob says again and I can't tell if he is being genuine or just trying to piss Will off. He keeps staring at me making me smile back and giggle shyly.. "Bobby!" Will says elbowing him again as he groans at Will. Bob turns to me saying, "Oops he used my full name that means I'm in trouble.. That must mean he really does like you.. well that and the fact that besides you I have only met one women and that was his ex wife.. and let me tell you.. not as pleasant as you on the eyes." I giggle again extending my hand to him, "I don't know if your just trying to piss Will off or if you mean it but I love the compliments either way.. it's nice to meet you Bob, my name is Natalie." He chuckles and retorts, "Oh I knew exactly who you were Natalie.. I heard all about you, it's safe to say I understand completely what Will was talking about.." "What do you mean?" I ask curiously not really understanding what he is meaning. "He told me of course about your stunning features but he also mentioned that there was something about you that just pulls him to you, almost like a magnet and I'm feeling that too.. it's crazy I'm just drawn to you and it's not just looks.. it weird but I get what he was talking about the other day." Bob says as I glance up smiling at Will who is glaring at Bob.. I hear Will groan to himself at Bob saying all of this about him. "Oh stop throwing a fit Willy, I will stop hitting on your lady, even though I'm totally winning her over completely.. I'm sorry to have to tell you this Natalie, but..Ugh.. I can't be with you.. as much as I know your attracted to me, you're my best friends lady so we can't be together no matter how bad we want to." He says this with a mocking humorous tone making me laugh as I turn to him taking his hand in mine saying, "No Bobby please you can't break my heart already I have only just met you! Oh how am I going to survive the dark lonely days ahead of me without you by my side?" I say dramatically putting one hand palm up to my forehead and taking my hand from his putting it to my chest feigning hurt as Bobby and Will burst out laughing. "Oh I like her.. she is fun.. you got a good one Willy.." Bob says to Will making me smile as Will says back.."Oh I know I told you that already." "You're right you did.. well too make sure I don't take up too much of your time with this lovely sight for sore eyes.. Can you just help me out with my dish washer and my bed please." Bob asks still smiling at me. "What did you do to your bed Bob?" Will asks him curiously. "Oh one of the feet broke as I was getting some from that girl I told you about the other day.. she is a good one too but she doesn't look at me the way Natalie looks at you that's for sure." He says smirking at me as Will looks up at me curiously making me blush almost instantly as I look away. Will pushes Bob's wheel chair up the ramp and into his house as I follow close behind. "Ok.. well I'll head upstairs and fix the bed first and I'll fix your dish washer second, I'll be back.. but Natalie if he harasses you too much you can yell at me and I'll be there in no time at all or you can just push him out the door either way.. your choice." I smile at him and nod as he walks to the couch taking his jacket off then his t-shirt stacking them onto the couch. The tank he has on looks amazing it's black, tight and makes his muscles look even bigger. I see scars on his arms here and there, but I bet I would see more of them with his shirt off. The intrigue hits me as I find myself just staring at his muscular body walking up the stairs. "So I'm sure you haven't heard too much about how he got those scars.." I look at him as I retort instantly, "Actually he told me about the baby." I say to him as his eyes go wide. "Really? Man he must not like you but be in love with you, to tell you about that..besides the therapist he was required to go to. I think you and I are the only other ones that know about it.. Did he tell you about my wounds?" I shake my head in response at him as he continues to explain. "A grenade went off remotely close to me, that it sent me flying..I landed on a huge chunk of tarnished metal that went straight through my leg.. it was so big that I was stuck there.. I was attached to the blown up car that the metal was sticking out of. I heard the other men giving orders to keep moving, leaving me behind, on the radio I still had attached to me.. but William demanded they help me. But they said no thinking I was a lost cause and a waste of energy because of the straight chaos going on around us.. they figured I was going to die from the blood loss anyways or just keep getting caught in the crossfire and if not those then at least slowing them down being a liability for them all. But William didn't take that for an answer and definitely didn't listen to the command. He came to me alone, picking me up into his arms and pulling with all his might and little bit of strength he had left because we were still in the middle of our fight with shots and bombs still exploding around us.. I just remember screaming in so much pain as William pulled and pulled until he somehow got enough strength to pull me completely off of the metal chunk and carried me until we got back to our comrades. I would have died if it wasn't for him that day.. him and only him.. I know the nurses helped and all but if he wouldn't have stayed and helped me when literally no one else would.. then I wouldn't be here today.. he is a great man and that's a complete understatement.. Amazing men like him deserve happiness too.. I promise he will be difficult at times and not listen to you at other times, but in his mind he will always have something else that's priority over it all. Whether you can see what it is or not... you might not agree with his intentions but I swear in his mind he has good intentions whether you can see what they are or not. I know he was having a hard time with the age difference between you two and he felt so bad the other night after you called him out saying he was ashamed of you.. We have called each other countless times when we can't sleep to help talk each other through those harder than other nights..he called me and told me about it late that night because he couldn't sleep..he hated so much that he made you feel bad because he cares for you but he was just trying to take that bullet for you because he wanted what's best for you and not himself.. he told me about how awful he felt inside because of the mind blowing connection he has with you that he has never had or ever felt before.. he talked for hours just about you and how amazing you are.. but he knew after that moment that he hurt you that he had f*#ked up bad and I think that hurt him worse than any wound he had received out on the battlefield." My mouth is open in almost a shock.. until I squeeze my response out, "But I feel what is best for me is to be happy.. I have had alot of bad in my life and I just want someone who will make me smile everyday.. not just by jokes or the basic things that make you smile but just by being there..He has made me smile and feel good everyday from the moment of meeting him.. he makes me feel things I have never felt before either..and the difference between us is that I would do anything to keep those feelings and he thinks another man can give that to me but he is the only one..and I can feel that deep inside of me, literally from the moment I met him.. I just want him.. only him, which really shocks me because I haven't been interested in a man in years, but nothing and I mean nothing could pry him from my mind. I'm just as stubborn as he is and believe me, mark my words Bob, I'm getting my happy ending." I say to him as he chuckles and says, "I can tell that and I love it.. you put him in his place girl he needs someone like you to keep him on his toes.. I just want you to know that he might not be the best when it comes to his feelings but that he has good intentions whether you see them or not." "I can see that.. I have seen that since the first moment with him.. that's why I'm fighting for him even if I have to fight him to have him. I told myself from the beginning, if there was even a inkling of a sign that he liked me I was going for him.. I'm not stupid and I'm not letting an amazing man like him slip through my fingers..the only thing I don't want is to force him.. I don't want to have to force someone to be with me." I try to explain as he smiles up at me shaking his head before saying, "You can't force the willing.. he wants you be with you or you wouldn't be here.. I just hope he can keep this up." "Me too..God me too. Thank you Bob for telling me all this I really appreciate it, I'm sure that wasn't easy for you." I say staring down at him as he smiles up at me again responding. "It's always easy for me to talk about it but I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to do it.. I think he feels like he has to be here for me but I do the same just wanting to be there for him too that's why I had to talk to you about him.. he is a good man and needs a good woman by his side." "Do you think he will ever get past the age difference thing? I got over it real quick even though I have never dated a man that's older than me, so I don't know if he ever will." I ask curiously as he nods then looking like he has to choose his words wisely. "I don't think the thought itself, will ever fully leave his mind and I think that's impossible to ask because that's a difference that will never change no matter how long you both are together..but I know he will get past the awkwardness of it in no time at all because he wants to be with you so he will make it work." I nod at him as we see William making his way down the stairs as he tells Bob, "Ok Bob your bed is fixed so stop getting wild and crazy on there." Bob chuckles at this statement as he retorts back, "I will not stop getting wild and crazy on there.. come on Natalie let's go make sure he did a good job.. you know for research purposes only." Will steps between Bob and I, turning to me as I feel his hand go to my waist gently. He looks down at me saying, "You say the word Nat and I'll kick his ass. I have done it before and I'll do it again in a split second if he is bothering you." I smile at him as I shake my head, "No he is just proving a point and it worked. He is nice actually and had informed me on so many things.. so we have been having a good time talking.. but only talking Bob nothing else between us." I say to him as Bob chuckles turning and rolling his wheel chair into the kitchen. "It's really cute of you to be so protective of me.. I love it." I say smirking up at him as I glide my fingers gently over the little bit of the exposed chest hair. I hear him breathe in a sharp breathe as his hand tightens on my waist. Our faces inch closer together until we are only centimeters away he leans in and so do I.. until we hear, "Will, can you help me with my dish washer before you take your lady right here right now.. I wouldn't mind seeing that and all but I really need to get some dishes done." He says making me giggle. I put my hand up to Will's cheek and running it down his strong jawline and through his soft beard, whispering, "To be continued." He let's out the breathe he was holding in as he nods turning around. He instantly flips back around to me, pulling me into him and crashing his lips to mine giving me that electrifying feeling once more as he breaks the kiss whispering back, "Now.. to be continued.." I giggle again biting my bottom lip as he turns and leaves into the other room to help with the dish washer I'm assuming. I take a second to myself to clear my head and calm down because I want more than just that kiss.. but man what would he think of me wanting that? I just barely got him to date me I don't know how he would feel jumping into bed with me especially since he has had a hard time with the age difference.. But I'll win him over, I already got him to date me and kiss me so it's only a matter of time.. but with all this s****l tension building between us I don't know how much longer I can hold myself back.. he is turning me on without even meaning too.. this is harder than I ever thought for sure.
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