Chapter 8 Helping Out

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Natalie's POV I see Will squat down in front of his sweetheart of a dog Duke. Since he is wearing basketball shorts I can see the muscles from under the shorts as he is squatting down. I lean out to the side getting a better angle at his ass in those shorts.. he is squatting and man I just want to grab and touch every last inch.. he looks so good..yum. I hear him command Duke by pointing at me and saying, "Duke protect." The idea that he cares for me makes me smirk but what really makes me smile is the grunt Duke let's out in almost confirmation of his command. It's absolutely adorable the relationship they have, I just love it. The more I find out about this man the more I like and it's making these feelings I have for him harder and harder to hold back. I watch him stand up as he turns and smiles at me, I'm just in awe staring into his stunning baby blue eyes as I realize once again I have been staring probably too long looking like an idiot..again. "I'll see the both of you soon." He waves at me as I'm still staring at him like an i***t in awe. I realize I didn't wave back as I wave last second before he turns and leaves out of my front door. I let out the nervous breathe I didn't know I was holding in as I turn the music up louder than normal so I can hear it no matter what part of the house I'm in. I direct Duke to get onto my couch so I know he won't have any contact with the chemicals I need to use to clean. I would feel awful if he ever got sick because of me. I grab all the cleaning supplies I acquired and go to town cleaning up the place from top to bottom. Luckily the house wasn't too big by any means so I was able to clean it pretty quickly, at least compared to my house back home. Once I put all the cleaning supplies away I bring out all the furnature to start putting them together one after the other. I first bring out the bed frame putting it all together in no time at all, giving me the confidence needed to put together the rest of the IKEA furnature. It's all pretty self explanatory but just takes alot of time, or at least it seems like it's takes forever because it takes me way longer than desired.. But finally I finish it all. I grab the air compact mattress that I bought. I open the case letting the mattress out as it automatically starts to unfold and expand on it's own until it forms into the queen sized mattress that I bought. I grab the sheet set I bought as well covering up my bed and setting it up making it look so nice and comfy. If I hadn't just made the bed I would belly flop on my bed right now because it looks so comfy...Ah F*#k it I think to myself as I belly flop onto my bed, enjoying my new comfort for a moment. I look at my watch and realize It's been over 4 hours.. my eyes go wide in realization. "Man Duke you should have told me I took so long." I say as I pass, petting his head along the way, of the adorable dog sitting in my doorway of my room. He gives me a soft boof as he turns around following me into the kitchen. "Well I have to start dinner now." I say to Duke as he wags his tail following me to the edge of the kitchen as he plops down. I take out all the food supplies I need to make some lasagna, I put it all together and into the oven in no time at all, because I have made this dish a thousand times over. I stir and mix some cheese and garlic biscuits putting them on a pan and slipping them into the oven to cook with the lasagna as well. I continue onto the strawberries I have laid out to make strawberry short cakes for dessert. I start chopping them up as one of my favorite songs comes on really setting the pace and rhythm for my cutting. I finish dicing up the strawberries throwing them into a bowl and adding sugar into the bowl while swaying my hips to the music as I stir almost sensually to the beat as the sing the lyrics to, 'know your worth.' "Something better is waiting at the door, you don't know your worth, find someone you know will put you first....find someone who loves you like your worth...gotta keep your head up." I sing so loudly because this is all I want, so me being a girl this is of course a favorite song of mine and I know every single word. This is my anthem at this point in my life, because of what I'm looking for and before I even know it I'm singing this song louder than ever probably over stirring the strawberries with the fun beat. Will's POV I pull up to my house parking and getting out of my vehicle. I can hear music coming from Natalie's place from the areas where the windows are cracked open. I get out and walk up her stairs to her front porch. I stand at her front door for who knows how long trying to get the courage to knock. I finally do knock and there is no response so I knock again awaiting an answer but I can hear her singing at this point so I'm pretty sure she can't hear me. She did tell me to just come in, so I nervously open the door slowly so I don't startle her. I poke my head around the door as I continue to make my way inside. Duke sees me instantly and wags his tail at me. He walks up as I pet his ears then continuing into the place. Natalie's back is to me and she is dancing all around the kitchen cooking. I watch her body move so swiftly and gracefully across the floor in sync with the music of course. The words in the song are inspirational so I can see why she is putting so much emotion and heart into the music. The angelic sound of her melodic singing fills the room almost surrounding me as the song switches and she starts to sing this next song with just as much passion as the first. She continues swinging her hips in almost an 8 shape which intrigues me because it's more hypnotizing than anything. Her gyrating hips completely put me into a trance that I can't help but step closer to her just wanting to be near her. I inch closer to her wondering if I should turn around but my feet don't have the same feeling as they continue to inch closer on their own once more. When I'm right behind her she flips around spinning in her dance move, so quickly that she runs straight into my chest, and her singing fades from the loud to a soft, but I can make out her words, "just can't get you outta my head." She took the words right out of my mouth. We're are both locked into and intense gaze as she swallows nervously. I grab one of her hands and lightly put my hand to the small of her back. Guiding her to step forward as I push the rest of her body away from mine lightly then I snap her arm and wrist spinning her back into me, she gracefully gives in letting her body do what comes naturally. I made her gasp if not took her breathe away with this one movement. Her face still holding shock on it but I can feel her body melt into mine as we glide across the kitchen floor in each others arms matching each others movements as if we have done this a million times together. I love this, she makes me feel so young because I use to dance all the time when I was younger. My arm wraps tightly around her lower back pulling her closer to me so there is no space between us at this point. Our eyes are locked as I stare deep into her almost gold sparkling eyes. They are breathtaking, there is not a word spoken between us in this moment, but right now I don't think any words are needed.. It's just us two in the comfortable embrace. Her beautiful singing starts to get louder the more comfortable with me she gets, she knows every word of each song as if she has heard them all a million times and maybe she has. The song changes again, this time it's something about the same pace but sounds almost like the same guy. I like his music it's pretty soothing relaxing music. But I think Natalie had influence on my decision with his music as well. He has some great lyrics and something we can all relate to in our own way. I start feeling myself really get lost in the moment with her as I spin her around and pulling her back into me.. She starts singing the lyrics to me and she makes me love this more, "life is never easy when you need it to be tried to knock me down but I get back on my feet." I smile at her as I pull her securely into me and she doesn't even remotely fight it. It feels like she is melting more and more into my body. I take in her sweet scent and it's so relaxing to me. I spin her another time, this motion fills my nostrils with her intoxicating scent, every single time. She gracefully turns then comes back into my strong hold once more. The song ends and changes to an even slower tempo song as we both slow down our dance movements together. I can feel her press herself into me as I tighten my grip around her completely closing the space between us. We are in such close proximity that I can even feel her heart beat increase in my hold.. or maybe that's mine.. We slow down and I can't help but lock into another intense gaze with those golden sparkling orbs. I want to kiss her so bad but my conscience is going nuts and getting the best of me. I shouldn't be doing this no matter how bad I want this. So I decide to take myself out of that moment before I give in and kiss her. So I spin her out only slightly as I dip her down, catching her completely off guard. She gasps at my unexpected dance move and that alone grabs my attention as I stare into her eyes.. those eyes hit directly to my heart strings every single time, taking my breath away. Before I really know what's happening her hand wraps around my head and gently through my hair pulling me to her as she crashes her lips to mine The fireworks ignite between us making me feel a deep sensation inside of me like I have never felt before. I tighten my hold around her, pulling her into me more if that was even possible. I have never felt like this type of chemistry with anyone and I really don't want this moment to end. As much as I think I should deny this invigorating moment I don't know if I can. Her lips are so soft and taste so good. I can feel her grip around my head tighten deepening our kiss. I can feel my blood rushing and my body aching for her and I swear it seems as if she is feeling the same. My conscience starts up again ringing in my ear like an annoying alarm as I reluctantly break away from the most amazing kiss I have ever experienced. I break out of our kiss standing us back up, once I know she is steady, I step back only a little bit, but that movement is enough to get her mind reeling.. her natural blush turns to an even darker one, as she takes a step back looking mortified. "I'm so sorry if I crossed lines with you Will. I just got caught up in the intoxicating moment and I just let my body take over doing what I wanted.. but please don't hate me. I swear I can control myself around you. No matter how amazing that was." She says to me as her face gets redder at her confession. She turns away looking even more embaressed. I feel bad that I even made her feel that way by pulling away. because believe me I didn't want it to end I really didn't. "No I'm not offended at all Natalie.. I could never hate you. You act as if you made me do it and I swear you didn't I'm twice your size.. I'm just confused that's all. I have never had chemistry with anyone like what we share...I have never felt like that especially just for a kiss, it was intoxicating.. I was just shocked and I didnt want to take advantage of you in the situation.. I'm way older than you by at least 10 years Natalie, you really don't want me sweetheart." I say to her trying to explain my actions. She responds without hesitation as she inches closer to me again. "I don't care how much older you are than me.. age is only a number.. I feel the connection between us too and I connect with you on a completely different level then what I ever had with anyone else. I just have a feeling inside of me telling me to not ignore my feelings I feel for you.. But I don't want you to feel like you have to be with me by any means so think about it and let me know either way.. it's ok." The timer from the oven rings, echoing so loudly in the kitchen grabbing her attention. I just keep looking at her in shock, she openly admitted to wanting me, so I guess I didn't read her signals wrong.. but I don't know if I could do this. It's such a big age difference, at least for myself. I have never had a woman this much younger than me peak my interest like she has, it's to the point of even considering a relationship.. I haven't had a relationship in years. I just don't want to hurt her, she seems so sweet and amaxing... but she also said she didn't care about the age difference.. But I don't think she realized the judgment she would have to endure to be with me and I don't want that type of treatment for a sweet girl like her. I don't know how to feel right now but I'll take her advice and think it over for sure. Natalie brings me back to reality as she slips past me with both of her hands full and placing the pans on the kitchen table. She opens a couple beers for us placing those on the table as well.. I'm still in remote shock at everything right now and I think she sees this as she grabs hold of my hand with her soft little one and gently pulling me to the table behind her. I willingly give into her gentle touch and following wherever she would take me. She stays standing as she plates my food setting it down right in front of me. The music fills up the moments of silence. I take my fork, cutting and stabbing a piece of the lasagna. I put it into my mouth and there is just a straight explosion of flavors and it's amazing, I can't help but moan lightly. I hear her giggling across from me as she says, "I told you I was better in the kitchen.. don't judge me off of my first moments here.. I'm not as big of an i***t as I come off as." Without hesitation I respond, " I have not once thought you were an idiot... but before I forget. I did get you something, as a house warming gift." I reach into my pocket pulling out a type of key chain. I hand it to her as I take another bite of my amazing dinner waiting for her reaction. She giggles as she rolls her eyes and smirks before explaining, " Really? A key finder? OK I'll admit it, I probably do need it but in my defense, I knew exactly where my keys were at.. I just couldn't access them. But thank you." I laugh at her reaction as I reach in my pocket again pulling out the second gift I got her saying, "That's why I also got you this.." I hand her a box as she smirks looking at me almost suspiciously. She opens it and bursts out laughing as she says, "you got me a lock picking kit?!" I nod laughing with her. "No no no.. with this kit I would have no reason to come harass you and we can't have that." She says this catching my attention as she winks at me, before she responds with so much enthusiasm, "Thank you for the thoughtfully funny gifts. I feel like I need to break into somewhere now! I need to lock my keys in the house again, just so I can retrieve them myself!" I laugh at her response as I retort, "I'm glad you liked the gifts.. but I do have to say, you are an extremely talented hostess.. The dancing was exhilarating, the food is fantastic and the company was even better.. I'm even slightly suprised at the furnature assembling skills.. This table and that shelve look very stable and well put together.. I don't think you even needed me at all today." She shakes her head at me responding, "Now I wouldn't go that far, but thank you for the compliments.. there's more than meets the eyes when it comes to me I can promise you that much..Thank you I'm just not use to the compliments but I have to say I love it, thank you for being so sweet to me." I smile and nod at her as my mind just reels on what I should do. I like her, she seems fun and down to earth.. But I can't help but wonder if she would be better off with a man around her own age, who she can relate to more than myself. I just don't know why she would want me but I really don't know how to feel about everything. Obviously I want to try but what if it doesn't work.. I don't know if I can handle knowing that I ever hurt her. She doesn't deserve that ever.
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