Chapter 20 Get Over It

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Will's POV I glance over next to me.. Natalie is staring out over the calm water as she talks to me..her eyes just sparkle in the light as she shows those so intriguing facial expressions as she explains whatever it is too me..It's sounds awful but I'm not listening to what she is saying at all I'm just in awe at her stunning beauty. I watch as her plump pink lips move as she talks and I can't help but to want to kiss them again. Her lips curve into a smile, getting bigger and bigger as she turns looking up at me. I feel like I'm stuck in a movie in slow motion with the sound on mute.. I watch her just be herself with any of the sounds around her almost muffled but still looking mesmerizing the whole time she is doing it. This seems like the moment is being elongated, but I can't complain at all. I look up from her lips and she is shaking her head while still smiling at me. I'm brought back to reality as I hear her melodious laugh filling my ears. "I bet you have not listened to a word I have said huh handsome?" She says as she brushes away a stray hair, running her hand through my hair beaming over at me.. I lean into her gentle touch as I clear my throat in nervousness and try to explain, "Well I was listening and then I got lost in your eyes and then your lips and.. I'm sorry I.. all of you." I say to her as she smiles even bigger at me then almost shyly looking down them back up before continuing. "Well I'll let you get away with it this time since I was talking nonsense anyways and you're completely adorable so how could I honestly be mad at you." She says to me as I instantly lean in kissing her again. She giggles into my lips and I can't help the almost purr that comes out pf my chest for her. I break our kiss as I smile back down at her. I have never felt as lucky as I do in this moment right now. I don't know what I did to deserve this amazing woman but I'm not going to question it at all. I cannot believe she actually confessed her love for me..Bob was right about the both of us..who knew. She runs her small hand through my beard as we stare into each others eyes for another spellbinding moment. "How about we head back to your place my love? You did promise to warm me up by the fire and I'm starting to get cold now since the sun is getting ready to go down." She says softly to me as I nod vigorously at her, gaining another giggle from her. I jump down off the boulder as I extend my hand to her. She takes my hand without a second to spare as she jumps down with my help. We clean up our little mess we made in the half day we have spent here. Then she puts on her helmet and I check it again making sure it's secure as she smiles at me. I get my helmet on as I swing my leg over my bike, sitting down getting comfortable. I feel her scooting close into me and gripping me tight in her little arms around my waist as I take in her amazing smell that's now surrounding me as she wraps herself comfortably around me.. I do have to say that I really wanted the motorcycle for the speed and rush it would give me..but I never knew how much I would like the idea of her holding me tight pressing her body to mine plus the rush of the ride together, it's intoxicating to say the least. I love it and I'll ride with her anywhere.. now I just want to figure out a longer road trip for us to take just to be like this longer for next time, because I promise there will be a next time. I turn on my bike, as I scoot us to the side of the road, then take off down the highway. I feel tightening in her grip around me, laying her head on my back and I can't help but cover her hand in mine pressing it more into my stomach. We drive for a little bit until we get back to my place and I'm a little sad the ride is done but excited about the night to come. Natalie's POV My whole body is freaking out right now I don't know how I'm even containing my excitement, confusion, sadness, love, and anger.. I have been through all the emotions in a short span of time and I don't know how I haven't broke down from the overwhelming overhaul of emotions today. It went from best morning of my life to worst judgemental afternoon.. To thinking I was getting dumped so I threw all my feelings out there without filter..Then to feeling really alone for a moment.. Then having my man come for me while expressing his love. It's been crazy and I don't know how to feel right now but the one feeling that's stronger than the rest is the love and that's the one I think I will go with. I wrap myself around William, practically melting into his back, holding on tight as we ride in the best comfortable silence I have ever endured. That is until we pull up to our places and I can't help but feel a little sad, I know tonight will be fun..I'll make sure of that, but I just love being wrapped around him in the most comfortable riding I have ever been apart of that I would let him drive me everywhere if I could just be wrapped around him in the process.. I have always wanted my own bike but that would mean I wouldn't get to hug myself like a blanket around Will and that for myself is an instant answer of no. I climb off reluctantly as I take my helmet off and hand it to him as he gestures for me to follow him and of course I do follow him into his slowly opening garage door. We go into the garage which is filled with tools mostly, his Jeep and now motorcycle. We walk through the garage and into the house as he starts to close the garage door. I turn around to the sound of "baroof" over and over again as I see Duke prancing around in circles on the floor. I get down in front of him as I pet his ears and he lays his head down on my knees. "It's crazy how much Duke hates alot of people but somehow adores you. It's just funny you literally made him into a love sick puppy in the span of a week.. never thought I would ever see that happen... I just always thought he hated everyone besides myself, Emmy and Bob but apparently not." William says to me making me smile as I continue to stare down at this puppy melting into my touch. "You think he likes me that much really? I can't see this guy ever being mean or hating anyone. He seems so sweet." I say back to Will as I smile down at Duke who keeps rolling back and forth on top of my lap. "After the first night that you hung out here he was the reason I went to the window every single time I saw you, He was wining at the window because of the love for your singing I think." He says to me as I smirk up at him and squinting my eyes suspiciously before retorting, "Is that the only reason why you were staring down into my window all those times?" He looks back at me as I see I caught him, his eyes are wide like a deer caught in the headlights.. as he clears his throat and says, "I'm saying yes that's my only reason why.. that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It has nothing to do with the my sexy neighbor always walking around half way naked when she was in her room.." I laugh so loud at his response as I slowly start to stand up out of Duke's hold to at least get to a more comfortable spot to sit. I walk in taking off my jacket and flopping down on the comfy couch. I hear my phone ringing in my pocket as I pull it out looking at the screen.. It's showing my mother.. but I'm still pissed at her, so I push the ignore button, sending it to voice-mail. I set my phone down as it starts to ring again and this time it's my brother's number. I pick up the call, "What do you want Matt?" "Nice to talk to you too Nat..Mom is freaking out here without you.. she has been worried sick to the point it's making all of us go crazy just come back home now before I go get you and drag you back." Matt says in the most annoyed sounding voice. "No Matt your not going to sit there and threaten me.. I'm not coming back you're my big brother not my boss and neither is mother.. you guys can't control me anymore.. I'm here and I'm staying here.. I have been happier here in the week, than I have been in years of being there with all of you.. I'm not leaving." I say with so much authority in my voice so hopefully he will just drop it. "God you're intolerable! I don't know how Alex could even remotely stand you. I don't know why he can't just get over you.. You're all he talks about especially with you being gone now.. so I'm just trying to help out my family and my friend but of course you have to be a little cunt about the situation and fight it like usual. I don't know how anyone could want you." Matt says with such malice laced in all his words as I scoff and retort, "Hey jackass I'm your family too.. why don't you take my side for once? Also I don't care that Alex still wants me.. I DONT CARE I don't know why you guys can't just drop the idea of him and I together because it's not going to happen! I think it's pretty plain and simple I think we should end it like we should just by saying we're good and this is not working out.. this wouldn't be a burden if he wouldn't hold on to the thought that will be together again. We are not meant to be at all and he needs to get that through his head so we can just agree to go our seperate ways. I'm trying my best to make this easy for him by leaving and he is the one holding on to us.. I don't have any idea why because when he did have me he just beat me and cheated on me wanting everyone else.. so I don't know why he cares anyways. tell him to get over it." I say to him running my hand through my hair. "I heard you found a man there already like a little ho is that why you want to stay so bad?" Matt asks spitefully as I answer back with just as much spite. "My personal life is none of your f*#king business Matt, it never has been and never will be but yes that's a big reason why I don't want to leave is because I found a man.. a real man.. a man who knows how to treat a women.. but even if I hadn't found him I would still stay here because I'm going to go to school here and I already got a job and place so I'm not going home and there is nothing you can do about it." "We will see about that." Matt says to himself. "What did you just say? what do you mean by that Matt?" I ask confused about his statement but also not liking what I think I heard. "Now that's none of your f*#king business either b***h and just so you know Alex is here with me and heard everything you said." Matt said this as if I should care or something. "Good I hope he heard it! I want him to stop with the idea of me, I'm not his and I never was his, now leave me alone and please don't call me again Matt.. this was very unpleasant and I would prefer to not do it again." I say as I hang up the call. I hear my phone ringing again and guess who it is.. my other brother. I groan as I answer the phone, "Now what do you want Mike? Is my whole family going to call and tell me how stupid I am for this move? Is that why your calling too?" I hear heavy breathing but no response. "Mike? Will you just answer me?.. stop the Erie breathing, you're being creepy what do you want?" "I just want you to come back and be with me." is what I hear on the other end if the call and it's not my brother Mike's voice it's Alex's voice. I groan before I say, "Alex why are you calling me, I told you a long time ago I didn't want to talk to you anymore and I meant it.. so just get over it.. you had me and didn't want me... so guess what? I don't want you anymore.. I'm way over you so get over it and over me.. I'm not coming back." I say back into the phone as I hang up. Both of my hands run through my hair as I let out a breathe I didnt know I was holding in. "You ok baby?" I hear softly from behind me. I groan and get up walking straight into his embrace, hugging him tight, "My family just telling me I need to come back because Alex is still infatuated with me for who knows what reason.. I told him to get over it, I don't know how he hasn't we have been broken up for years, I even told him how I found you and he still asked me to come back and be with him." My phone rings again but I don't know the number this time. So I pick up the call, "Hello?" "My little feisty Nat please just come home, I have changed and I need you back.. I need you, I know you don't need me but I do need you." He tries to say so sweetly but I know the man he really is and I can see straight through his lies after years of practice.. those were also the lies he always used to reel me back in before hurting me again. "I not stupid enough to fall for your lies anymore Alex.. I have fallen for them too many times and I have learned from my mistakes. I don't believe a word you say Alex and I'm done.. I'm happy here and there is nothing you could possibly do to change my mind.. so please for both of our sanity just get over it." I say as I hang up the call and snuggle more into William's hold. "I just don't get it.. I just don't understand why he won't let me go, I don't know what else I could possibly say to him to make him get the picture.. it's not like I'm not being honest with him and leading him on.. I'm literally telling him I'm not interested and to leave me alone and he still calls me I don't get it. It's even to the point that he has my brothers calling me too and my mom just tried to call me so I wonder if it was for the same shit." I say to no one in particular, just mad over the situation. "I know I wouldn't be able to get over least easily..You're something amazing Natty and anyone who has a brain, even a small brain, knows you're worth the hassle.. but yea it sounds like he just can't get over you or maybe doesn't want to. Obsession does crazy things to people... but either way my love, I have called and ordered us some food for dinner tonight so how about you just have a seat over here and I'll start the fireplace for us and I'll rub your back to help you relax and take your mind off of all that family stress.. how do you feel about that?" William says this softly into my ear sending chills up my spine as I nod replying, "That sounds amazing." He humms in my ear as he turns leading me back to the couch as he opens the fireplace and starting the fire before putting the cage back up and around it. I slip my boots off as I pull my legs up onto the couch. Will takes off his boots as well sitting down besides me but then pushing me to turn to the side so he can access my back easier. I take his guidance as I turn and he starts to rub my neck and shoulders. I moan under his amazing relaxing touch as he continues to rub over and over again with his strong hands. I take my long sleeve shirt pulling it off over my head and throwing my hair up to give him way better access.. to whatever he wants at this point. I can feel his thumbs doing circles pressing down on my neck and shoulders and to say it feels amazing is a complete understatement.. I wish he could do this to every single inch of my body.. But with how good he is making me feel I don't think he will get half way through before I have to return the favor. I feel my body going limp under his strong hold because he is relaxing every single muscle in my body. I can't help the light moans coming out of my mouth because of the amazing ways he makes my body feel. I can feel his light breathe on my shoulder before I even feel his soft lips pressing against my skin. I lean my head giving him more access to my exposed neck. He continues to rub my back as he kisses my shoulders earning another moan from me. He starts to kiss my neck and nibble every now and then, with a possessiveness that's somehow a huge turn on for me. I turn around in his hold straddling him as I crash my lips to his and as his hands trail all over my exposed upper body. There is a hunger building between the two of us again as we hear a knocking on the front door.. I figure it's probably our food. I stand up as he quickly stands saying in my ear, "You stay here and I'll be right back for you." I just bite my bottom lip and nod at him in understanding. William has to readjust himself in his pants because of our fun situation that got him riled up.. he answers the door. "Hey Daddy I was wondering if you and Nat were busy tonight?!" I hear his daughter say as I quickly grab my shirt throwing it back on.. So much for our sexy night in front of the fire.. but maybe we can have that later, because I do like his daughter.. so I'll just put my horny needs to the side so we can spend some family time together.
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