Chapter 21 Secret Game

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(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Will's POV I leave my sexy little vixen quickly, with a haste to return to this very enticing situation. I open the door to see my daughter and her fiancé with big smiles plastered across their faces as my daughter says, "Hi Daddy I was wondering if you and Nat were busy tonight?!" My mouth drops open in shock, obviously not expecting this drop by visit. "Daddy are you alright? Your face is a little red, you're out of breathe and you look like a deer caught in the headlights.. Oh s**t! Is she in there now? Did I just interrupted something?" She asks all questions so quickly, making my face get heated with the realization that the questions hit the target dead center. Like some kind of magic trick Natalie appears right besides me, out of no where and answers before I can. "Hey Emmy you guessed correctly, I am here already! And yes we were having a really fun time together that's why he looks a little flushed, I figured I would just admit it because I know he won't..I'm sure he doesn't want to talk about this with his daughter.. but you're my new friend so I don't care!" She says smiling up at me as she wraps her arms around my torso and I willingly let her in so she can hug me tight. I wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her closer and kissing her temple softly. "Oh yeah dad get it! Ok well I'm sorry for bothering, we will go. Have a good night." Emarie says turning, as Natalie speaks up again, "Don't worry I swear, come in... and don't stress about your dad, I'll just make it up to him later." her hand trails down my back and to my asscheek grabbing it a little aggressively. I look down at her but she is not looking at me at all.. She is still looking at my daughter pretending like she is not doing anything right now. I see what she is playing at.. But if that's how she is going to play then I can fight fire with fire. Emarie takes her invitation with a pep in her step practically skipping inside the house with Matthew in tow. So I take this chance to pull Natalie into my muscular frame and bending down until my lips are right by her ear whispering into it, "I see exactly what your doing over there Beautiful and you better stop before you get yourself into something you can't get out of." "Mmmm actually that's exactly what I was going for..So you really can't threaten me with a good time handsome." She whispers then turning around on her toes to face me, then pushing herself up, inching her face closer to mine as she puckers her lips and I reciprocate her action. She keeps leaning in, as do I, until she stops right in front of my lips.. My hearts beating wildly, just racing in anticipation for the kiss to come. She licks up my lip lightly as she whispers back, "Just know I will always pick the option to get into something I can't get out of..when it comes to you." She turns around quickly walking to the end of the kitchen as she turns blowing me a kiss and continuing her trek into the frontroom. I have to let a big breathe out, I didn't know I was even holding, as I try to take my mind off of that very sexy, enticing, heart racing moment, so I'm not pitching a tent in front of my daughter. But Natalie knew exactly what she was doing and man was it intoxicating, I wanted more the second she was done. I follow the path to the frontroom and once I enter l walk into an unexpected topic. "So girl to girl does he treat you well?" Emarie asks Natalie curiously. I see Natalie's gaze meet mine as a mischievous smirk appears across her face before answering, "He is everything I ever wanted in a man and so much more.. especially in the bedroom.." She states to Emarie but still locked into our gaze as she wiggles her eyebrows at me. I can feel my face heating up even more because I really don't want to be apart of this girl talk.. I don't care if they want to have girl talk just not around me.. I don't want my daughter knowing anything about my s*x life, I don't think anything could be worse than that conversation.. for myself at least. "Matty was the same way for me he really knew how to touch me.." Emarie replies.. So Ok.. scratch that last thought. This conversation is worse than that last one. I look up instantly as Natalie leans forward and whispering something to Emarie as they both start to giggle. That is until Emarie says, "Wow good for you dad! That's awesome." I groan loudly as I flop down on the couch covering my eyes with my hand hating this conversation more. I feel bouncing besides me on the couch, so I uncover my eyes and see Natalie with a beaming smile upon her gorgeous face. I can't help but smile back. That's just the effect her personality and energy has on me. "Did you guys order dinner?"Emarie asks as I nod in response. "I ordered us some Chinese food.. you guys can order some too my wallet is on the counter in there." I say to Emarie before she responds.."But I don't remember what they have." "Emmy I have their take out menu in the kitchen next to my wallet." I respond as I see her hop up dragging Matthew behind her to the kitchen to order some food since ours will be here any minute. I watch them walk out of the room and from my side I can feel breathe on my neck and by the smell hitting me first, I of course know who it is. "I'm sorry for inviting them in without talking with you baby but they came out of their way to see us and I would never want you to ditch your family for me.. Your daughter should always be more important than me." She says softly into my ear sending chills down my spine. I pull her instantly over and onto my lap, but she doesn't look like she objects at all as she wraps her arms around my neck and scooting in getting more comfortable. I sit up putting our faces inches away. I hear her take in a sharp breathe..knowing I'm having a good effect on her as well. "Don't worry about being the amazing woman you are, I thought it was sweet that you still invited her in and anyways you said you would make it up to me.. but what you should worry about is the fact that you're teasing me and getting me all riled up wanting so much more." I answer her pulling her into me more making sure there is no space between us. "Oooops I had no idea I was giving you something to think about and desire from me." she says sarcastically, pressing her body into mine and rotating her hips her lightly rubbing herself on me making me hold back a small groan. She leans in whispering in my ear, "I'm sorry I just can't help it when it comes to you." Her lips touch my ear as she sucks on it lightly before her lips trail down my neck. Until she stops kissing and I can feel her weight lifting off of me, but I grab her legs plulling her back to me as I hear, "What's going on in here." Emarie asks as Natalie responds without hesitation, "Your father can't keep his hands off of me." She says smirking down at me. "You realize you're on top of me right?" I say smirking right back at her. She feigns shock replying. "Oooops.. how did I get up here?" making me chuckle as she gets off of me sitting back down besides me. Matthew and Emarie can be heard laughing with me. Until we can hear the door bell ringing echoing and gaining all of our attention. I bet that's the food this time... I stand up, walking into the kitchen, grabbing my wallet and pulling cash out as I open the door. It's the delivery guy as he hands me the bags and I in exchange hand him the money. I wave good bye as I shut the door and take the food into the kitchen. I set the food down and into the microwave to keep it warm while we wait for the other food to arrive. I feel my pants and underwear being pulled down quickly. I turn around just in time see her grabbing my member and plunging it deep into her mouth and throat. She is down on her knees grabbing me tight and it feels amazing I can't do anything but grip onto the kitchen island as best as I can trying to not make any sounds and to hold myself up. She keeps sucking harder and faster making it so unbelievably hard to not make sounds. But it feels so good that I will just bite my lip to make sure I don't make a sound so she can do that as long as she wants. She rubs and sucks more aggressively..Until she abruptly stops and standing up before saying with the biggest cheeky grin upon her face. "I decided to take your advice from yesterday and just do that whenever I felt like.. I knew you would appriciate it..since I obviously just got lost coming in here to grab your family drinks." I just watch as she smiles and washes her hands quickly before grabbing sodas and taking them out to the family like she promised. I'm still in shock at what just happened... I put my rock hard member away as best as I can but it's very difficult after that. She is pushing limits and I might have to teach her a sexy lesson if she doesn't stop this. I'm wanting her more and more and it's getting so much harder to hold back. She walks back into the lust filled room I call a kitchen as she says a little loudly, "Hey baby I told Emarie and Matthew that we would just wait for their food to get here before we eat since their food will be here soon." She says this walking up besides me as I turn quickly pinning her to the counter. My hand goes to her waist band and slipping underneath and down to her slit. I slip a couple fingers in and just as suspected she is so wet and wanting this as bad as I do. I cover her mouth to muffle the moan that escapes from her mouth at my unsuspected assault. She braces herself holding onto the counter top as I increase the pace of pushing in then pulling out. I see her chest raising then lowering so quickly but her eyes are closed, just enjoying the moment. I pull my fingers out as I whisper, "I told you to not start something like that, but then there you go turning me on like no other, so I had to return the favor." She is biting her lip staring at me with such lustful shocked eyes..I turn washing my hands, then walking out of the kitchen leaving her alone with her lustful thoughts.. This is alot of fun fighting fire with fire. I sit down onto the couch as I smile at Emarie and she leans forward whispering to me, "Hey sorry for interrupting earlier I wasn't trying to.. I was just hoping to spend more time with you and your lady.. she seems really fun." I smile at her as I see Natalie wandering in with a blushed face as I say, "Yes Emmy, Natty is a lot of fun almost too much fun and it's ok that you interrupted.. I will always make time for you guys and even Natalie insisted on that as well." Emarie smiles at me as Natalie sits down next to me and I wrap my arm around her pulling her close. "So Natalie, are ready to start work Monday?" Emarie asks as Natalie responds in no time at all. "Yea.. little nervous honestly but I need to get some money coming in, I can't just spend all my time at home.. or should I say your father's home, as much as I would like to spend everyday here." She says smirking up at me ending with a wink. I'm sure she wouldn't like the idea since she is such a strong independent woman.. but I could take care of her so she could spend all the time at home with me.. I'm a very well off man and knew how to take care of my money plus the help of being in the military.. Because I would love it if she would spend all the time she could with me..Plus I don't see me getting tired of her anytime soon. "You will be great and I'm sure everyone will love you!" Emarie says as we hear the doorbell ring echoing in the house again. I get up and head into the kitchen to grab my wallet once again as I open the door to see the same delivery guy as before handing him the cash for the exchange of the food once again. I shut the door turning around setting the food down on the counter, as I hear from my sexy little vixen. "I'll be right back I just have to use the restroom." She walks past me not even noticing I'm right there as I sneak behind her following her down the hallway. She is humming to herself playing with her hair, as she turns into the bathroom. I sneak behind her into the bathroom pinning her to the bathroom countertop.. shutting the door behind us. She turns around and smirks up at me as she pulls my face down and starts to aggressively kiss me. My arms instinctively wrap around her pulling her into my frame as they trail up her shirt. She breaks the kiss instantly turning around and pulling her pants down bending over.. I follow suit pulling my pants down.. she grabs my rock hard member putting it at her entrance as I slowly push in then pull out and continue this motion and increasing the pace until we are in full thrusting because we don't have much time at all to play. I grab her hips in my grip thrusting faster than before as we both try to hold back our moans as I feel we are both so close to our climaxes until I just explode inside of her and I feel her clench around my member telling me she hit her peak with me. She flips around kissing me again. "I didn't expect that.. I just came to tease you a little more." I say to her as she smiles up at me responding, "I couldn't take anymore teasing you won.. I just couldn't or maybe wouldn't resist any longer. Now get out there and get the food ready so they don't think we ditched them." She says pulling me into her lips kissing me again as I pull my pants up buttoning them. "God I love you beautiful." I say kissing her another time, I turn then open the door and she pushes me out winking at me before shutting the door behind her. I get out and grab the plates and food bringing it all out to the front room where everyone is at anyways. Natalie joins right behind me with drinks setting the on the tables right by the food. We spend the rest of our meal making small talk and just plain enjoying each others company. The food was great as well but nothing is better than this much wanted family and friend time, I'm so happy Natalie invited them in. Time really does fly by when your having fun, because we have been talking and joking all night and the time has just flown by. Now it's late at night and Natalie has layed down across the couch with her head on my lap as I find myself stroking her long soft dark locks instinctively. I see her eyes close as I continue to play with her hair and talking with Matthew and Emarie. In no time at all, I can see her eyes are still closed and I can hear her breathing evening out which means she has fallen asleep. I continue to play with her hair as I find myself just staring at her relaxed face, just enjoying the stunning features up close. I'm brought out of my thoughts by Emarie saying. "You love her...don't you daddy?" I look up as I smirk and retort, "Now what would make you think that Emmy?" "Well of course by the way you look at her.. I have never seen you even look at mom like that let alone any others besides Nat.. you look at her different than anytime I have ever seen." Emarie explains as the smile on my face gets bigger. "I do love her as crazy as it may sound.. but the good thing and even crazier part is she loves me too." I say to her as her smile gets bigger before she asks, "When did she tell you?" "Today we went out to lunch and even with both of your warnings, we still got caught off guard about all the stares and glares we received being together.. it was almost overwhelming... It made the both of us uncomfortable but I tried to show her I was there for her in the shop so she would know she is not alone. But once we got out I told her I hated her getting looked at like that and that I didn't want that for her so she thought I was breaking up with her...and I won't deny it I was considering it. She got upset at the fact that I might be breaking up with her.. So she ends up explaining about how she thinks she has loved me since the moment she first saw me and that this sucks but she wishes me the best life and walked away from me down the street..and the horrible way I felt inside watching her leave was all the reason I needed in the world to chase after her and confess my strong feelings for her because I couldn't let her walk out of my life.. It's crazy that we have said this but it's how we feel and I don't care about what anyone else thinks." "Awe I love that she still told you how she felt.. but not to try to win you back, but to make sure you knew how she felt as she wished you a good life.. she didn't hold your feelings against you or make you feel bad she just wished the best and that shows how much love and respect she has for you. I'm so happy you found her I wish you both the best of luck.. I think love at first sight is the sweetest thing that you hear of but never experience and to hear about you both feeling that way is so.. romantic.. I love it." She says to me making me smile bigger..I'm happy she doesn't think I'm crazy for this because her opinion is the one I really care for and to know how I feel and to meet my lady and love it all was way more than I was ever expecting. "Well it looks like my significant other is about ready to fall asleep as well and I can't carry him as easily as you can carry her so we will take our leave.. but Thank you for dinner daddy and I'll talk to you later.. have a great rest of your night!" Emarie says as she stands then kisses my forehead. Matthew shakes my hand as they both leave us to have the rest of the little bit of night to ourselves. I look down at the spectacular gem in my grasp and I couldn't feel more lucky. I just hope I can make her as happy as she has made me.The fire I have made should last all night.. I would hate to have to wake her so I slowly but surely situate myself under her. I slowly scoot and let her adjust then scoot again letting her adjust once more.. we do this until my body is fully under hers and she is comfortable laying across the top of my body still asleep. I play with her hair more in my grasp until I too let the much needed sleep consume me.

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