Chapter 13 Half a Year Later

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Alexis I can't believe I agreed to attend the annual Alphas’ Ball. It is an event that takes place every year in a different pack. This year's ball is held at the Blue Moon Pack. Here, of all places! In a moment of weakness, I agreed to take part in it along with my family. Now I am driving in my car dreading the moment I step foot in Sebastian's pack. It's been six months since the events of my first shift that led me to reject him. I'm nervous, I sweat like a pig and my foot is tapping. I cannot stop fidgeting in my seat, and I’m drumming my fingers on the steering wheel. Let's face it, I'm a nervous wreck. The only thing holding me together is that Axel will be there with me. He is still the only one who knows what happened before my quick departure. I was talking with him on the phone almost every other day to assure him I was okay. I didn't call Mum or Dad very often despite their numerous efforts to get in touch with me more. Axel and Damian came to visit me a few times, even Fin came with them once. Bri came with her mate, Matt. He is a nice guy, a human. They met at a coffee shop in a town near our pack. Matt runs a small and quite successful outdoor business in the town. They are living together now in his apartment above the shop. It was quite surprising that a Beta's daughter was mated to a human. Bri was nervous revealing the truth about what she was, but he took it pretty great. He told her he felt the connection between them from the first time he lay his eyes on her. I think that's how humans feel the mate bond, like some kind of connection they can't explain, but it's simply there. Matt loves her unconditionally and makes sure she is happy and satisfied. Every week, they go hiking to a secluded area so Bri can shift. I'm so happy for them. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Freya is also coming to the Blue Moon Pack. She didn't want to come at first, but Finn made sure she changed her mind. She turned eighteen a couple of days ago. 'Welcome to the Blue Moon Pack, Alexis Hawthorn.' A warrior stationed at the border greets me while I'm driving through the gates. I'm not surprised he knows my name. I'm Alpha Kieran's daughter. I wave at him and continue to the pack house. This was a bad idea. Oh Goddess, just let the earth swallow me. Nervously, I run my fingers along the tattoo I have on my wrist. It's the only thing that can calm my anxiety. I spot Axel and Damian standing near the entrance to the pack house, waiting. When they see me approaching, they walk to my car. 'Hey sis, didn't expect you so soon.' Axel hugs me. 'Mum told me to come for lunch.' I tell him while Damian is hugging me from behind. 'Are you two waiting for somebody?' I ask them. 'For your, obviously.' Damian answers me. 'It that so? Cos you both seemed surprised to see me.' 'Okay, busted. Axel is waiting for Freya's arrival. Finn texted that they were close. When history asks where I was when Axel got his first f*cking kiss after years of waiting, I'll answer with confidence that I was there. I want to see Axel finally sticking his tongue into a woman's mouth, so I'm just sticking around.' 'Hey, you are talking about my brother! Gross!' I fake gagging. 'Like you don't know how it is to have a man's tongue in your mouth. I saw you at the party in the dormitory when we were visiting. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the only thing in your mouth that night.' 'Shut up, Damian! You are talking about my sister!' Axel intervenes. 'Yeah, you are both using the same phrase. Boring.' We hear a car approaching. Axel stands straighter and sniffs the air. In the next moment, the doors of the car are open, Finn gets out of the driver's seat and Freya gets out of the back seat with two other warriors coming out of the passenger and back seat. 'Mate!' Freya says at the same time as Axel, who is now practically running to a smiling Freya. When he reaches her, he picks her up and hugs her tightly. 'You are my mate? I can't believe it. I never imagined that you would be my mate. Am I dreaming or is this real?' It seems Freya is just as happy as Axel is. 'Did you guys know?' Freya asks us. I just nod while Fin smiles at his sister. I hug Finn and when we look at each other, there's sadness in his eyes. I don't know how, but it feels like my own emotions. I hug him again, more tightly this time. I'm surprised he embraces me with the same strength. We slowly part and then look at each other again. We are happy for our siblings, but at the same time, there is something else that weighs us down. At that moment I know there is something bothering him. And he knows something heavy settled on my heart. I don’t know how we can both tell, but there is this silent understanding passing between us. 'Can we see the kiss now, please? Axel was waiting his whole life for it.' Of course, it's Damian who must spoil the mood. 'Damian, I swear to our Goddess, I'm going to f*cking punch your face and kick your ass so hard...' Alex glares at Damian. When he looks at Freya again, his face softens. 'Language.' Says my Mum, coming to greet us from the pack house. Dad is with her too, and so is Sebastian. I take a risk at look at him for a brief moment, but then quickly avert my gaze. I'm not ready to face him. Mum hugs me tightly and so does Dad. 'Hey, it's only fair that I see your first kiss. You saw mine.' 'And who was your first kiss?' Axel asks with curiosity. 'Your sister.' Damian says smugly. Axel looks at me furiously and then starts walking towards Damian. 'I don't remember kissing you. Have you got a death wish or what?' I tell Damian. 'Oh, come on, it was the best kiss I've ever had. You were like six and I was seven.' 'You know what, that's sad. Your best kiss was when you were at kindergarten.' Finn interjects, not wanting to miss a perfect opportunity to taunt Damian. 'Are you f*cking kidding me? That doesn't count!' I tell him defensively. 'Language.' comes from my Mum again. 'I count it, which means it counts.' He fires back. 'So, who do you count as your first kiss if it's not me?' 'A guy named Aiden.' I tell him quickly before I spot the trap he set for me. ‘With that name, I bet he was awful.' Damian tells me with a smirk. I'm not going to elaborate more, I see Dad's expression pretty clearly. It's the one saying 'I'll murder anybody who touches my daughter'. No, thank you.
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