Chapter 12 The Decision

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Alexis Once in my room, I fall to my knees and start crying. Again. All I did in the last 12 hours is cry. My heart is aching so bad I want to claw my heart out of my chest. Something broke in me, but I'm not sure what it was just yet. Maybe it was my heart. I cannot stand back on my feet. After a while, Axel comes back to my room with his knuckles dirty from blood. I guess he kept punching Sebastian after my departure. I can't see any wound on Axel, which means Sebastian didn't fight him back. I don't know what Axel did to him, but at this point, I don't care. Axel picks me up and puts me in my bed. My body is shaking, my breathing is frantic, and the pain is unbearable. 'Shhh, Alexis, it's going to be okay. Just breathe. Slowly in and slowly out… Just like that. I'm here with you, sis. Keep breathing. The pain will go away, just hold on for a while.' Axel is trying to calm me down. Thank you, Goddess, for my brother. I don't know what I would do without him. 'Axel, I don't want anybody to know about this.' I tell him pleadingly. 'Are you serious? Dad should definitely know about this. He will be furious with Sebastian for the way he treated you. He will beat the sh*t out of him, maybe he will even kill him.' 'That's exactly why I don't want him to find out about the rejection. They need to work together to prevent more rogue attacks, not fight with each other. They need to be united if they want to succeed. They need to protect their packs… I don't want anybody to find out. I don't want to see their pitiful looks or their disagreement with my decision. That will be the death of me. I don't want to be treated differently just because I wasn't enough for my fated mate.' 'Alexis, you are enough. He is just a f*cking i***t for not realizing it. He will regret it, you will see.' Axel kisses my head and, after a while, I succumb to a dreamless sleep. Thank Goddess I'm not hunted in my dreams, the current suffering is enough. When I wake up, it's almost noon, and I'm surprised nobody was asking me to get the hell out of my bed. Even Bri didn't disturb me, which is unlike her. I guess Axel told them some fabricated story so they didn't bother me and let me be alone. Now I'm realizing the consequences I'm going to face. What's worse, I know now what the worst pain was. I just hope it's not permanent. I need to get away from this pack, from this life. I don't want to incessantly see Sebastian and him working with other Alphas in the rogue situation, having meetings in our pack house every month or so, seems like we are going to constantly see each other. No, thanks. I can't stand to be in the same place as him. I need to transfer to another college as soon as possible. There is no point in wasting my time on lunch. I'm not hungry despite the fact I ate nothing today. I turn on my notebook and start my search for colleges in human towns and cities that offer educational study programs. ------------------------- ‘Mum, Dad, I decided to transfer to another college. I found a great one in Connance. It's a human city less than a two-hour drive from our pack.' I tell my parents after a few weeks of searching and online interviews. I did my best to meet their expectations and my application was finally accepted. I'm not going to lie, I had luck on my side this time. All the Alphas along with the guys left in the meantime. Bri is currently staying with her mother. I think everybody knows something is happening to me, but they are giving me a lot of needed space and are waiting for me to tell them what's wrong. I hardly left my room and didn't talk to my parents or friends much. Axel was the only one allowed into my room. 'Why do you want to transfer to a human college?' My Dad asks me incredulously. 'I want to try something new, to meet different kinds of people, maybe different supernatural beings and to try out a life where I'm on my own, where nobody knows me as your daughter. I think it'll be good for me to step out of my comfort zone.' I try to reason with them. I must admit, their reaction is different from Axel's. 'Alexis, what the f*ck?’ was Axel's reaction. He knew I was trying to come up with an escape plan, but he didn't expect this. 'Ax, I need to get away from Sebastian. You know as well as I do that, as long as I live here, in this pack, I'll have him in my sights every damn month, maybe even more often. I need to forget about him, forget everything. It's just for a while, it's not permanent. Please, can you support my decision? Pretty please?' Axel rolled his eyes, but at the end, he said 'fine'. After a full-hour talk and with Axel on my side, my parents finally agree to my proposal. F*cking finally. It's my ticket away from Sebastian, from this life which is no longer for me. I can't wait to pack my things, hop in my car and drive away. Who knows, maybe I can put my life and heart back together there?
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