Chapter 4 The Missing Bracelet

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Sebastian 'Leave me alone, Damian, or I swear I will punch your stupid face again.' I hear Alexis yelling at Damian while all the 'kids' are entering the pack house. We have just finished our discussion about the rogue attacks and our recent findings and are heading outside for some fresh air. It turned out my brother Seth is the one responsible for the attacks in the last three years. I can't believe that all this time he was the one who planned all these attacks which cost us the lives of our warriors and other pack members. He wants revenge for the lost duel for the Alpha position, I am sure of it. He is mostly attacking my pack as well as the Blood Moon Pack and the Howling Wolf Pack, because they were involved with my training that led to his defeat. Alpha Kieran and Alpha Darius were the ones who trained me for two years to become a better fighter, so I could have a chance in the duel with my brother. Seth defeated our father, because he wanted to be the Alpha sooner than planned. My father was not a good Alpha, he was a tyrant. Not that my brother was any different from him. That’s why I ran away from my brother and my pack the day before my 18th birthday, so I could challenge Seth and bring better life conditions for my pack members. Kieran and Dorian hadn’t hesitated for one bit. Both of them even helped me with my first shift, guiding me through it. I’d moved to the Howling Wolf Pack for my training not long after, with Kieran coming every few days to the Howling Wolf Pack to help with my fighting skills. Now, when we know it’s Seth behind the rogue attacks, we know the face of our enemy that was hidden for so long. We can track his whereabouts and his movements, so we can seize him down and be done with this 'f*cked up situation', like Kieran called it, once and for all. 'F*ck, what did he do now?' Darius scratches his neck. 'How do you know it was Damian?' One of the Alphas asks. Darius looks at him like it's obvious. I can't help but chuckle. Damian is a lot, I can say. Sometimes I envy his carefree demeanor, like he doesn't give a sh*t about the world. I know those five are close, but I don't like Damian anywhere near Alexis. He's always flirting with her. He is a magnet for she-wolves. I don't think she sees him romantically, but it still pisses me off. 'What happened? Why are you angry, Alexis, and why is Damian's face covered in blood?' Kieran asks not only Alexis, but the whole group. If I can guess, Damian pissed Alexis and got his ass, or rather face, kicked or punched a few times. 'Dad, you need to call Robin, he's the only one with the diving equipment. Ask him to go dive in the pond and find my bracelet with all my charms. I lost it because of that f*cker Damian!' Alexis says with anger. 'Language, Alexis, you are a woman, not a sailor. Wait a minute, you mean the pond with the sign that says no swimming in the pond?' Kieran asks her with raised brows, staring at her with an unamused expression. 'That's not the point. You know what that bracelet means to me. I will do anything if you can find it. Call Robin, please.' Alexis is staring at her father with puppy dog eyes. These eyes of hers work on him every time she uses them. Kieran loves his family like crazy and is doing his best, but sometimes he is so caught up in work that he neglects them for a while. But he always makes it up to them afterward. 'Why is Damian at fault and why is his face bloody like sh*t?' Yeah, talk about cursing like a sailor. 'He was trying to drown me because I didn't want to tell him who my mate was.' Alexis tells him and her answer left me curious. Can she sense her mate already? She is not of age yet, which means it's impossible for her to know who her mate is. But maybe she can feel something, some kind of pull, or maybe even an attraction. I am not sure how these things work with she-wolves with Alpha blood. I can tell she has been staring more at me in the last few weeks, sometimes looking for my presence. I have even been visiting their pack more in the last few weeks, looking forward to every interaction with Alexis. I knew she was my mate from the day she turned 16, but I didn't tell anybody. I was there for her birthday like any other celebration they had. Kieran and Amber always invited me to their parties. I’d seen her for the first time when she was 13, but it had only been for a brief moment. I am not sure if she remembers. I don't know how to tell Kieran that his precious princess is my mate. I'm surprised he isn't suspicious of me yet. Or maybe he is and is keeping it to himself. I'm not sure. He's a good friend and even better mentor. Hell, I don't even know how Alexis will react once she finds out. And she will find out very soon, tomorrow, to be precise. 'You know who your mate is?' Kieran asks incredulously. 'Dad, you are not listening! My favorite bracelet is…' Alexis started, but before she could say some more, she is interrupted by Kieran. 'Alexis, Robin is not in the pack right now. He's on a mission and will come back next week.' 'I hate you, Damian.' And before anyone could say anything, she punches him in the face, apparently not for the first time today. I'm impressed. Her technique is flawless. She storms in the direction of her room with the rest of the group right behind her. She is like a tornado, coming into your life out of nowhere, sucking you into her world, and you are left in the whirlwind of her emotions, which she displays for everyone to see. I like her passion, her wild nature. When she does something, she does it with everything in her. When she loves you, she loves with her whole heart. 'Why is there a sign saying swimming is forbidden in the pond? As far as I know, there is nothing wrong with the pond or the water in it. We were swimming in it when we were younger.' Flynn says, unaffected by what happened just a second ago. 'So that they don't cause trouble around the pack. It’s just a trick to hold them back from doing stupid sh*t. They think they are badasses for violating rules, but the truth is, there's nothing wrong with the water in the pond or the pond itself, and they can swim or jump or dive or do whatever they want there, because it's safe to do so.' Kieran answers him and all the Alphas start laughing. I must admit, it's a genius idea.
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