Chapter 3 By the Pond

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Alexis The pond is located in the forest, about 15-minutes' walk from the pack house. The water is deep in the middle, so it's a perfect place for jumping into the water from the nearby waterfall. Not many people come here to swim. Apparently, this is because of a signboard nearby which reads: NO SWIMMING. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. I'm not sure why entry is forbidden here, but I am not the one solving this mystery. The signboard keeps all people away from the pond, which means we have it for ourselves. 'Finally some free time without responsibilities. I'm so glad I don't need to sit with all the Alphas listening to their bickering about practically everything.' Damian exhales loudly while casually swimming in the pond. 'Says the future Alpha of the Howling Wolf Pack.' States Finn, who is reading a book. 'Cos the future Alpha of the Winter Moon Pack behaving like a whinnying baby is better. Oh, I had to get up so early, poor me.' Damian imitates Finn and his complaining about their early departure this morning. It's more than a two-hour drive from their pack to ours, so they had to get up around 5 am and depart around 6 am if they wanted to be here before the 9 am meeting. Alpha Flynn wanted to talk to Dad and Alpha Darius before the meeting like they always do. In the last years, they have included Alpha Sebastian in their group meetings, even including him in our family gatherings and celebrations. He has no family left, except his brother, the former Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack. But for obvious reasons, they aren't in contact. 'Hey Alexis, looking forward to meeting your mate tomorrow?' Damian asks out of the blue when we are sunbathing on the grass after swimming and jumping for a while. 'How do you know I will meet my mate tomorrow? Neither of you met your mates on your birthdays.' 'Because tomorrow you will find out that I am your mate.' Damian says cockily. 'Not a chance, jackass. I am definitely not your mate.' 'You will be so surprised. I cannot wait for you to jump my bones tomorrow and beg me to mark you.' 'Dude, that’s my sister you are talking about.' Axel intervenes. 'In your dreams. I will never beg anyone to mark me or have s*x with me. Hell, I will never beg for anything. And definitely not you, a**hole!' 'You are so going to beg me tomorrow. And I will have my sweet time accepting you for this sh*tty attitude of yours!' 'That’s enough.' Axel looks pissed and throws Damian under the water. 'If I am your mate, which definitely I'm not, why didn’t you tell me before? You are 19, which means you should know for a year now. You've never even hinted at being my mate.' I ask Damian from the shore while Axel is wrestling with him and trying to drown him. 'I'm telling you now.' 'That's some stupid joke you made. But it's not funny. You are like my other brother. That would be weird.' I scrunched my nose in disgust. Don't get me wrong, Damian is a great guy. He is tall, broad-shouldered and f*cking handsome with his piercing blue eyes, black hair and his figure like from a model magazine. The one with well-built men. All werewolf men, with a few exceptions, are well-built. It's because of the hard training we endure and constant running in the woods in our wolf form. All werewolves must train, even the Omegas, although their training is less demanding than the warrior training. Damian is an Alpha, which made him bigger and more attractive than the rest of the men in the pack. But we are all like a family and being mated to Damian or Finn will feel like being mated to Axel despite the fact that we are not blood related. 'I know who you want to be your mate.' Bri winks at me with a taunting smile. I know exactly what she is doing. She is playing with Damian. We both like taunting the boys and getting a reaction from them, which is not that hard with Damian and Axel. Getting a reaction from Finn, on the other hand, is almost impossible. That's why he is just staring at us with a blank expression. 'Who?' Damian barks while getting out of the water. 'Oh, I am not telling you. You know, it's a secret between Alexis and me. You know, the girls talk and sh*t.' Bri smirks. 'What the f*ck, Brionna? Tell me!' Damian calls Bri by her whole name only when he is pissed at her, which is apparently right now. 'Jealous, are we?' Bri is taunting Damian even more. 'I am not jealous of some fictional guy.' 'He is not fictional, he is pretty much real and funny and clever and good-looking… Oh, I can talk about his qualities the whole day.' I say with dreamy eyes and a big smile on my face. Of course he is fictional for now, but Damian doesn't need to know that. Or maybe he's not fictional, because when I think about it, I can see a clear picture of a man I wanted to be my mate. And it's not helping the situation because he's very much like Alpha Sebastian. I cannot tell anybody about my attraction towards him, not even Bri or Axel. It's stupid. He's older than me and I don't think he's interested in me. He's just my Dad's friend, who tries to be polite and friendly with me. That's all, there will be nothing more between us. 'Who is he?' Axel suddenly asks, intrigued. He doesn't realize Bri and I are full of sh*t. What a shame. I always thought my brother knew me better. 'Is it that d*ckhead Jacob?' Damian deadpans. 'Ew, he's even worse of a choice for a mate than you!' I tell Damian while pretending to gag. 'Take that back, now!' Damian demands. 'Or what?'
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